
reddit story

'You fire one of us, you fire all of us': Senior staff member fired for arriving late, coworkers band together to rehire the underappreciated worker

'You fire one of us, you fire all of us': Senior staff member fired for arriving late, coworkers band together to rehire the underappreciated worker

Since the job market is the one place where it is perfectly acceptable to look out for your best interests, it can prove to be a horrible place for the faint of heart. Your family's health and welfare should come first. Because of this, you will be taken aback by the story that follows, as workplace loyalty is rare and hard to come by. The Original Poster (OP) works as a mechanic. Having worked for the same company for a few years, he was largely satisfied. That all changed, though, when one of…
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‘Not gonna happen’: Nosy resident attempts to stop neighbor from building a fence to keep them out of their business, leading to a property dispute

‘Not gonna happen’: Nosy resident attempts to stop neighbor from building a fence to keep them out of their business, leading to a property dispute

When you're a kid, and you are watching a Hallmark movie or just a show that displays the Perfect American Family, you end up assuming that your neighbors are going to become your best friends. In those movies, they always greet each other good morning, their kids end up becoming best friends (and then more often than not - end up getting married), and it always seems like having neighbors is the best experience ever. Is it actually like that in real life? Absolutely not. You are lucky if your…
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 'I couldn't care less about what you have to say': Restaurant owner refuses to accept customers' complaints about service, leading to the restaurant shutting down

'I couldn't care less about what you have to say': Restaurant owner refuses to accept customers' complaints about service, leading to the restaurant shutting down

Any business owner who wants to be respected should learn how to accept criticism. If they are unable to listen to what their customers have to say, they will probably not get far. It is unbelievable that many people tend to completely forget that a business is a two-way street and that the business needs the customer just as much as the customer needs the business. The restaurant owner that is shown in this Reddit post was completely out of line when handling customers. It seems that the owner…
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‘They refused to admit their mistake’: Hotel guests' reservation gets canceled due to failed credit card transaction, they demand front desk clerk give them a discounted room

‘They refused to admit their mistake’: Hotel guests' reservation gets canceled due to failed credit card transaction, they demand front desk clerk give them a discounted room

Are you the type of people who book a hotel room at whatever website has the lowest rate, or do you always book it from the hotel's official website? Even though it is appealing to pay less, there could be a lot of issues with booking through a third-party website. For example, if the booking somehow falls through, the actual hotel can't do much to help, and they would most likely tell you to contact the 3rd-party's customer service, which can be a lot of pain. Another example is what happened…
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'You need me more than I need you...': Undervalued employee refuses to back down after company goes after him for quitting, despite earning them $1.5 million

'You need me more than I need you...': Undervalued employee refuses to back down after company goes after him for quitting, despite earning them $1.5 million

People will stop at nothing to climb the corporate ladder and achieve success in the competitive field of business. Having said that, how would you react if an individual in a position of power attempted to coerce you into following their instructions? Would you let your fear overcome you, or would you outsmart their sly tactics and advance toward your goal? The story below is an account of a hard-working individual. The Original Poster (OP) has spent a considerable amount of time employed by t…
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'You should have thought about it sooner': Nanny arrives at new job and immediately gets sick, boss refuses to give her a day off

'You should have thought about it sooner': Nanny arrives at new job and immediately gets sick, boss refuses to give her a day off

Being a full-time nanny can either be the best job of your life or the worst, it all depends on the family that you are working for. If the parents are chill and supportive, you can have the best time with their kids and actually become part of the family. But, if the parents are harsh and inconsiderate, the job can easily become a burden and a frustrating experience, even regardless of how the kids themselves behave. Unfortunately, the family in this Reddit story resembles the latter. OP (orig…
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‘With one click I lost everything’: Boss assigns employee with complicated task unrelated to his field, employee makes mistake that costs him his job

‘With one click I lost everything’: Boss assigns employee with complicated task unrelated to his field, employee makes mistake that costs him his job

People make mistakes, that is not news to anyone here. People make mistakes in relationships, friendships, with family, at school, and yes, at work as well. You can't expect people to be completely perfect, and if you do, well, that is another mistake to throw in the mix. The employee in this Reddit story has made a grave mistake on the job, and he owns up to it, even if it wasn't 100% his fault. The boss asked him to help with a task that was unrelated to OP's (original poster) job description…
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'Last warning...': Aisle passenger disrespects man's personal space the entire flight and keeps closing the window to bother him, man settles the score once they land

'Last warning...': Aisle passenger disrespects man's personal space the entire flight and keeps closing the window to bother him, man settles the score once they land

It's crucial to learn flight etiquette before boarding an airplane. Proper flight etiquette comprises three distinct components, namely aisle and window manners, light on/off timing, and toilet passage. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated passenger. In order to enjoy the short cross-country flight, the Original Poster (OP) specifically reserved a window seat. But the aisle passenger continued to close the window shades, going against the wishes of OP and, in a way, depriving hi…
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‘Too little, too late’: Employee quits job after HR cuts 30% of his pay, management begs employee to stay claiming they didn't know about the pay cut

‘Too little, too late’: Employee quits job after HR cuts 30% of his pay, management begs employee to stay claiming they didn't know about the pay cut

Some employers have an incredibly hard time grasping the idea that their actions have consequences, even when it concerns their trusty employees. As an employer, you might think you can put your employees through basically anything without them doing anything about it, but thankfully, that is often not the case. Much like the story of this employee on Reddit. The employee, OP (original poster), had been working incredibly hard to get his company to achieve all its targets and succeed in its fie…
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‘Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me’: After blaming an inexperienced design engineer, sales rep gets hit with karma and loses his job

‘Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me’: After blaming an inexperienced design engineer, sales rep gets hit with karma and loses his job

The business environment is competitive. Individuals often prioritize their own advancement over the well-being of those around them when climbing the corporate ladder. They are dedicated to achieving their objective and will do whatever it takes to get there. That being said, how would you react if you found out that someone on your crew attempted to sabotage you in order to protect themselves? The story that follows is that of an inexperienced design engineer who is picking up the rules of th…
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‘This would bankrupt me’: Company demands employee pay back their entire yearly salary after they find out about their second job

‘This would bankrupt me’: Company demands employee pay back their entire yearly salary after they find out about their second job

Many companies have unexplained issues with the concept of their employees working a second job. While it is understandable that a company would want to make sure that their employees won't also work for a competitor, when a company forbids an employee from working another job altogether, that is a major red flag. A place of work should not dictate what an employee does on their time off, no matter what. The employee in this Reddit story had to deal with a lot of red flags regarding their job.…
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‘Suit yourselves…’: Hotel refuses to waive cancellation fee for guest during popular eclipse event, resulting in hotel's major money loss

‘Suit yourselves…’: Hotel refuses to waive cancellation fee for guest during popular eclipse event, resulting in hotel's major money loss

Although, understandably, some policies can't be changed or eased, there should always be room for consideration. Sometimes, even though on paper the policy makes total sense, certain cases prove that there can be exceptions from time to time. Much like the case in this Reddit story. OP (original poster), booked a hotel room a year in advance for next week, which happens to have a solar eclipse event that is highly anticipated. Because of that, when OP booked their room, the room was practicall…
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‘They fired me without even telling me’: Woman gets fired while on maternity leave, finds out about it from coworker who has been informed she quit

It can be alarming to think that some employers have no issue with firing employees while they are on maternity leave. Even though most countries have laws against exactly that, unfortunately, it still happens to a lot of employees. Which is exactly what happened to the woman in this Reddit story (OP, original poster). A few months after going on maternity leave, she contacts her boss to talk about her return to her job, with accommodation to her now being a new mother. Her boss probably didn't…
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'If you say so...': Employee settles score with CEO who demands workers follow alarm protocol, leading to an amusing car chase with the authorities

'If you say so...': Employee settles score with CEO who demands workers follow alarm protocol, leading to an amusing car chase with the authorities

When you first start working in the business sector, you might believe that you have to invest more time and energy into the company as a whole in order to please your supervisors. The same supervisors that, ideally, will offer you increases in pay and promotions when they become available. This seems like a fantastic idea in theory: you overinvest in the company, demonstrating on a daily basis how important your work is to you, in the hopes that your superior will ultimately understand who bel…
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‘Sorry, I can't check you in’: Front desk clerk refuses to give demanding guest a room after they booked a reservation that went against hotel's credit card policy

‘Sorry, I can't check you in’: Front desk clerk refuses to give demanding guest a room after they booked a reservation that went against hotel's credit card policy

Some people think that if they will just ignore a problem, it will go away on its own. And as much as we all would have loved it if that was the case, it is often not, which means that if you want something to be sorted, you should probably do it yourself. The guest in this Reddit story thought that all his problems would be sorted by themselves, and then had to deal with the consequences when it turned out that they didn't just go away. The story was written by a hotel clerk, who was approache…
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Overworked IT worker is denied overtime pay, he collects data to file a lawsuit against the company demanding compensation for all employees: 'Never mess with the IT guy’

Overworked IT worker is denied overtime pay, he collects data to file a lawsuit against the company demanding compensation for all employees: 'Never mess with the IT guy’

It is unbelievable how companies treat IT employees, even though they know these employees pretty much carry the entire company on their shoulders. They have access to almost every important detail, and you would be surprised at how easy it would be for them to cause chaos for the entire company. The only thing they are asking in return for their hard work is to be appreciated and compensated. And still, you constantly hear of IT employees who are overworked and underpaid. Much like the employe…
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