
reddit story

Hospital employee outs new coworker's laziness when he doesn't dispose of an overflowing bin of medical waste over the weekend: ‘I decided to set a trap’

‘I decided to set a trap’: Hospital employee outs new hire's laziness when he doesn't dispose of an overflowing bin of medical waste over the weekend

More like smelly revenge
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family drama aita kids reddit story family feud argument family sister reddit thread Reddit Family - 39002373

Guy calls his sister out for wanting to have more children when she is in financial duress, family says he is being insensitive: 'I think it's irresponsible to have more children when you can't support the ones you already have'

Let’s get real for a minute. It’s a tough world out there. Icecaps are melting while Florida gets snow for the first time, maybe ever. Eggs cost more than meat. The Chiefs could win another Super Bowl. As the Black Eyed Peas highlighted in their masterful piece “Where Is The Love?” off their 2003 album ‘Elephunk,’ it feels like people aren’t there for each other these days when we really need them to be. Taking all that into consideration, it could give someone pause about bringing a new baby o…
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aita ex boyfriend reddit story relationships cheating breakup reddit thread Reddit relationship drama Relationships - 38977797

25-year-old boyfriend's close relationship with a coworker makes woman uncomfortable, breaks up with him because of it: 'I didn’t want to be with someone who made me feel that way'

There are going to be moments in your relationship where your commitment is tested. Maybe you suddenly have to go long-distance. Maybe you learn something about your partner that would typically be a deal breaker. If your love is strong enough, these obstacles are simply obstacles, and you and your partner can move around them. One of the trickiest situations to encounter in a relationship is the person in your partner’s life that “you don’t have to worry about.” Maybe it’s your partner’s best…
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‘So we're all a family, huh?’: Employee calls out company president for revised holiday PTO policy, is let go from the company 2 weeks later

‘So we're all a family, huh?’: Employee calls out company president for revised holiday PTO policy, is let go from the company 2 weeks later

Maybe they should provide company-wide DNA test kits to make sure they're all family!
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friendship drama aita ex girlfriend friends reddit story cheating argument reddit thread Reddit Relationships - 38977541

Fed-up woman starts shutting down friend who won't stop talking about his ex-girlfriend: ‘Almost every conversation I have with him gets brought back around to him talking about his ex’

If anyone here is a big SATC fan, we all know that Carrie just can’t get over Big. Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda are as supportive as they can be, but at a certain point, it gets to be too much, and they tell her they can’t help her anymore. It’s such a relatable conversation because we all have that one friend who just can’t get over an ex. After we’ve tried to comfort them when they were sad, give them the advice we could when they needed it, and even talk about how evil the ex is to bolst…
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Tenant stops paying rent after finding out roommate broke into her room while she was away, later she returns to the apartment, only to find it trashed: ‘No apology, no accountability, no nothing’

Tenant stops paying rent after finding out roommate broke into her room while she was away, later she returns to the apartment, only to find it trashed: ‘No apology, no accountability, no nothing’

Newton's third law of motion teaches us that every action has an equal and opposite reaction . But, as some of us learned the hard way, in some cases the reaction is much worse than the action, and all we can do is find a way to deal with it. When we take a surprising action opposite other people, whether it is family, colleagues, or friends, we usually know what to expect from the opposite reaction. When a woman tells her husband she's pregnant, she expects excitement, when an employee tells t…
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family drama aita musicals tradition reddit story motherdaughter family reddit thread daughter Reddit Family - 39102981

Boyfriend gets offended when woman tells him he can't come to watch a play with her and her 12-year-old daughter: ‘We can all do something together another time, but this is our “girls’ day”'

When you’re a girl growing up, there’s no day more special than a mother-daughter Girl’s Day Out. Maybe you go get mani-pedis, maybe you go on a shopping spree, or maybe you just spend a chill day running errands. No matter what, this mother-daughter bonding experience is second to none, and I, for one, wouldn’t miss it for the world. One mother had a very special tradition with her daughter for their Girl’s Day Out: twice a year, they go to London’s West End to see a musical. A perfect way to…
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family drama aita kids reddit story divorce ex husband Reddit custody Family - 38914309

Woman's husband has affair with her best friend, woman won't them take her kids in the divorce: 'They lost all their rights for me to feel something for them when they betrayed me

When you find yourself in times of trouble, something that people will say to comfort you is that “it could always be worse.” At first, it’s incredibly unhelpful and, frankly, a little invalidating. After a while, though, when you really think about it, you realize there’s a lot to be grateful for. Maybe it’s the people in your support system or the roof over your head. Maybe it’s something small like getting yourself your favorite dessert or getting to wear your favorite pants. At the end of t…
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family drama aita sister-in-law money problems reddit story finances family reddit thread Reddit money Family - 38975237

Woman sees her family’s savings are not yielding as much as they should, finds out husband has been sending money to his sister without telling her: ‘If he wants to keep throwing money at his sister’s lifestyle, he can do it without me’

There’s always one person in our lives who we can never trust with money and always seems to need it. You go out to dinner with them and cover the bill because they insist on paying you back, but you know that money will never get back to you. Even when they ask to borrow money, promising it’s just a loan, you fork over the cash, knowing you’ll never see it again. The invention of money-sharing apps has made it a little bit easier to hold these people accountable, but they can still swindle the…
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aita marriage kids reddit story married life relationships reddit thread Reddit relationship drama children Relationships - 38999813

'I made it 100% clear that I want kids and I want to start a family': Wife continually avoids "kids" conversation, husband says she's leading him on

When you are choosing the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, there are many beliefs that have to align between the two of you for it to work. Maybe it’s family dynamics. Maybe it’s traditional values. Maybe it’s the way you act when you go to the airport. The bottom line is that opposites may attract, but you have to agree on the important things for a relationship to work. For a lot of these conversations, it depends on the couple and what is most important to them to decide…
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Downstairs neighbor micromanages tenant's noise levels, so the tenant starts doing their laundry at 6 A.M. as a morning wake-up call: ‘They can do nothing about it’

Downstairs neighbor micromanages tenant's noise levels, so the tenant starts doing their laundry at 6 A.M. as a morning wake-up call: ‘They can do nothing about it’

If you're not careful, your lies might become reality.
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friendship aita drama job work friends reddit story Reddit dramatic Relationships - 38913797

Man goes to dinner party and everyone makes fun of him for his job as a podiatrist: 'I don't take kindly to my dream job, and a critical and noble medical field, being disrespected.'

There are a few professions that hold a higher honor in society than others. Doctors, lawyers, first responders. Being the President. Typically, people in these vocations have to sign an oath, vowing to protect the people they have chosen to help. On the other hand, there are a few professions that are joked about more than others. Becoming a clown, for example. Or consulting. Whatever you do for work, whether you’re following your dreams or just paying the bills, people are bound to have somet…
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family drama aita mother bad parenting grandma reddit story family reddit thread daughter Reddit Family - 39000325

Grandmother keeps endangering daughter's child, child's mother cuts her out of her life: 'I am the only one in her immediate family who will tell her the truth about her behavior'

Being a grandparent sounds like a really sweet gig. You’ve done all the hard work of raising your kids; they’ve grown up to have kids of their own, and now you can come hang out and have a bunch of fun. You also get to say stuff like “back in my day” and “when I was your age,” which will be sure to annoy your grandkids. Most importantly, you get to spoil them, and then they will be all the more excited to see you the next time you come around. A very important part of being a grandparent is res…
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New neighbor fills resident's recycle bin with bags full of trash, resident takes them out and puts them right at neighbor's front door: ‘Not a great way to start a neighbor relationship’

New neighbor fills resident's recycle bin with bags full of trash, resident takes them out and puts them right at neighbor's front door: ‘Not a great way to start a neighbor relationship’

Every time a new resident joins the neighborhood, all its residents have one thought going through their minds – 'Please let these new people be nice and reasonable so that we can all have a moment of peace in this neighborhood'. Usually, accepting a new member to a neighborhood community goes one or two ways–either you love them and get along great, or you cannot stand them and are simply counting the days until one of you leaves. Landing on the first option feels like winning the lottery beca…
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Boss asks employee to train their replacement before firing them, company begs employee to come back when the new hire doesn't work out: ‘Nah, I’m good now’

Boss asks employee to train their replacement before firing them, company begs employee to come back when the new hire doesn't work out: ‘Nah, I’m good now’

Boss messed around and found out.
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family drama aita gifts reddit story family feud sister in law wedding family reddit thread Reddit dead parents Family - 39003397

Aunt gives niece a generous wedding gift, brother and sister-in-law demand she take it back when niece offends them: 'They told me it should bother me and I should want better for my extended family'

Gift-giving can be one of the greatest joys in life. When you know exactly what the other person wants, when you know your gift would mean a lot to them in this moment of your life, it can be so rewarding to be able to give someone that special something. Heck, it’s so universally known that they’ve even made gift-giving one of the five languages of love! There are times, however, when gift-giving can be nauseating. If you have no idea what to get someone, if there are people meddling in your g…
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