
reddit story

Resident throws their waste on neighbor's property, then refuses to move it for weeks, neighbor cleverly blocks her driveway with it in response: ‘Hopefully she moves it before it snows and freezes'

Resident throws their waste on neighbor's property, then refuses to move it for weeks, neighbor cleverly blocks her driveway with it in response: ‘Hopefully she moves it before it snows and freezes'

There are a lot of encouraging and motivational catchphrases that we all know and try to enforce in our everyday lives. ‘Be true to yourself’, ‘Just do it’, and ‘Seize the day’, to name a few. We all know how hard it is to follow some of these inspirational life lessons, to a point where it usually seems impossible. Sometimes, we actually manage to fake it 'till we make it and find ourselves doing exactly what these phrases encourage us to do, and that is a wonderful feeling. Other times, we le…
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Employee gets into a ‘shouting match’ with arrogant customer after they let their kid fool around with heavy products, saves child from a potential injury: ‘What if he was still under there?!’

Employee gets into a ‘shouting match’ with arrogant customer after they let their kid fool around with heavy products, saves child from potential injury: ‘What if he was still under there?!’

"I won’t feel bad about keeping a young kid from getting very hurt."
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‘Rules are rules? Fine’: Insurance rep refuses to fix customer's broken phone, claiming it's against their rules, customer cleverly finds a way to get a new phone instead

‘Rules are rules? Fine’: Insurance rep refuses to fix customer's broken phone, claiming it's against their rules, customer cleverly finds a way to get a new phone instead

While rules are definitely important and indispensable, surely we can all think of one or two that make absolutely no sense. It could be rules set at your place of work, school, city, or even country, but at the end of the day, those rules are made by other people, and sometimes people make mistakes. What can you do when you stumble upon a pointless rule like that? Most of the time the answer to that would be nothing, unless you are as resilient and quick-thinking as the person who wrote this R…
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 ‘It's messed up': Employee gets pressured by family to call in sick instead of working on Christmas Eve, she refuses to risk her job in favor of a family dinner

‘It's messed up': Employee gets pressured by family to call in sick instead of working on Christmas Eve, she refuses to risk her job in favor of a family dinner

Although nobody likes to work on Christmas, some of us find ourselves landing jobs that require us to work during the holidays. It's not fun, but that's having a job in a nutshell, and there is not much we can do about it. If we value our job, we have to accept that sometimes we make sacrifices for it, including working on Christmas. The employee in this Reddit story (OP, original poster) was hired as a seasonal worker, so she knew from the start she would be required to work during the holiday…
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Drive-thru customer refuses to ‘pay it forward’ by paying for the order of the customer behind them, gets called selfish as a respond: ‘I smiled and drove off with my free coffee’

Drive-thru customer refuses to ‘pay it forward’ by paying for the order of the customer behind them, gets called selfish as a respond: ‘I smiled and drove off with my free coffee’

Nobody is quite sure when this drive-thru ‘pay it forward’ trend has become popular, but by now, we are no strangers to it. If you are, well, here is a quick explanation. It all starts with one person who wants to do something small to make a stranger happy. They decide to do that by going to a drive-thru and asking the barista to charge them for the order of the car behind them, so they get their order for free. A small gesture, that usually doesn't cost that much, to make someone else a littl…
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Mom refuses to host Christmas dinner and only invites select family members, the rest of the family finds out, then demands to be invited as well: 'You host, then'

Mom refuses to host Christmas dinner and only invites select family members, the rest of the family finds out, then demands to be invited as well: 'You host, then'

Every year, as we approach Christmas Eve, the biggest question that hovers above our heads is – Where are we going to spend the holiday? If you're lucky, you get to choose between a few options. It can be different family members who decided to host, it can be a group of friends, or if you are brave enough, you might choose to host yourself. If you have no options, it can only mean one thing – No one you know wishes to undertake the mission of hosting a Christmas dinner themselves, and honestly…
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Passenger overhears taxi driver gossip about her on the phone in another language, she gets payback after revealing she got every word: 'You shouldn't make comments like that'

Passenger overhears taxi driver gossip about her on the phone in another language, she gets payback after revealing she got every word: 'You shouldn't make comments like that'

Anyone who can speak a second language will tell you how beneficial it is to have that ability. While there are many ways one can take advantage of speaking another language, one benefit triumphs them all – being able to talk freely about whatever you want in public and having no one understand you. When I was 19, I got to spend a year abroad with 3 of my best friends. We all speak a fairly uncommon language other than English, so we'd use that language as our main source of communication among…
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Woman calls tow truck on entitled neighbor after they continue to park in her driveway, woman's MIL claims she's taken things too far: ‘She’s absolutely livid’ (UPDATE)

Woman calls tow truck on entitled neighbor after they continue to park in her driveway, her MIL claims she's taken things too far: ‘She’s absolutely livid’ (UPDATE)

"I'd put up tow zone signs and put the tow truck driver on retainer."
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Mother cuts off contact with her children after moving in with new husband, 23-year-old daughter is left alone with young siblings: 'She picked a man over her children'

Mother cuts off contact with her children after moving in with new husband, 23-year-old daughter is left alone with young siblings: 'She picked a man over her children'

When talking to new parents, one of the biggest changes they would mention about becoming a parent is how they are no longer only living for their own sake. Having a kid means that your existence and purpose in life do not revolve around you anymore, but it revolves around this completely separate human being. This creates a firm distinction between good and bad parents – Good parents see this change as beautiful and meaningful, and bad parents teach themselves to resent their kids for it. It s…
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‘Wow, even your neighbors walk all over you’: Two-faced neighbor repeatedly parks in woman's driveway, woman's MIL snaps her out of being neighbor's doormat

‘Wow, even your neighbors walk all over you’: Two-faced neighbor repeatedly parks in woman's driveway, so her MIL inspires her to stop being the neighbor's doormat

"This was the last time she was parking in my driveway, period."
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Boss demands employee sell their sports car and buy a new truck for the company, employee firmly refuses, gets fired as a result: 'It's like asking me to sell my child'

Boss demands employee sell their sports car and buy a new truck for the company, employee firmly refuses, gets fired as a result: 'It's like asking me to sell my child'

Any job that even slightly requires employees to have a car in order to do the job, should physically provide a car for said employees. If you cannot do the job without one, there is no reason why the responsibility of getting a car should be on you. However, because companies today are cheap and will do anything to avoid spending more money, they will never offer that option to employees without being prompted. If there's nothing to stop them, they will even go as far as making employee spend…
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‘He just didn’t want to be happy’: Impatient customer berates grocery store staff because they aren't checking him out quick enough, cashier ‘bit[es] back’

‘He just didn’t want to be happy’: Impatient customers berate grocery store staff because they aren't checking them out quick enough, cashier bites back

"Wow, that is Olympic gold level petty revenge."
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19-year-old son refuses to leave school in order to fund 21-year-old sister's college education, who blew through parents' $20K gift in 3 months: ‘I immediately refused’

19-year-old son refuses to leave school in order to fund 21-year-old sister's college education, who blew through parents' $20K gift in 3 months: ‘I immediately refused’

"My parents tore into me about how I was ‘only going to community college,’ and how I ‘didn’t go to high school anyway.’"
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Toxic boss changes company PTO policy only after employee turns in their resignation notice: ‘I only have 1.5 days according to them’

Toxic boss changes company PTO policy only after employee turns in their resignation notice: ‘I only have 1.5 days according to them’

A perfect time for a lengthy Glassdoor review.
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‘All of the staff is non-human to them’: Employee quits job working for billionaire boss, then reveals to friends and family what it feels like to work for the rich

‘All of the staff is non-human to them’: Employee quits job working for billionaire boss, then reveals to friends and family what it feels like to work for the rich

If you've ever seen even one episode of the show Succession, you must have wondered if rich people really do act this way, and if they truly are so detached from the reality of the plain old regular life. To be fair, I am sure some nice billionaires don't allow their money to go up to their heads, but most probably do get numb to other people, and to everyday problems their money easily solves for them. But can we really blame them for it? Well, yes, we surely can. Rich people who completely fo…
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Resident loses it at entitled driver after they block his private garage with their car and prevent him from leaving, tow truck gets called to the site: ‘This absolute buffoon blocked me’

Resident loses it at entitled driver after they block his private garage with their car and prevent him from leaving, tow truck gets called to the site: ‘This absolute buffoon blocked me’

The world is filled with laws, in all shapes and forms. We have legal and state laws, civil laws, we have laws in science, common laws, laws of philosophy, and so on… However, there is one law that we all know firsthand, as we all had to deal with it at one point or another – Murphy's Law. Murphy's Law, by law, is always there when you least expect it, and you are never happy to encounter it. It is annoying, makes your life much harder, and is totally unavoidable by nature. Here at FailBlog, Mu…
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