

This Isn't My Raincoat!

bike box cardboard rain - 6200129792
Created by teriana

For a Shower of Beats

drum drumming drums rain umbrella - 6158565376

Caught Sleeping FAIL

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Rain WIN

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Warped Home Improvement Ideas

Gravity home improvement rain wtf - 5822962944
Created by Unknown

Way to Jinx it WIN

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Via birdslikeme

Moving Day FAIL

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Created by Unknown

Dating Dispatches: Scientists(?) Find Best Day, Time, Temperature, And Weather For Sexy Times

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Via The Daily Beast

Flood Warning FAIL

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Created by GlaikitGowk

Acid Rain? Maybe an Acceptable Request. Otherwise...

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Via Reddit

The Drops Will Fall Gently Both Outside My Window and Onto My Pillow

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Rain Protection WIN

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Musical Drain WIN

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Via Neatorama
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Mother Nature FTW: Toronto Storm

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Gutter FAIL

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See all captions Created by Freedle

Port a Party FAIL

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