

funny sewage pump truck jokes

The Wonderful Musings Of Sewer Tank Trucks

They aren't the best, but they're a solid number 2.
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Guy rents an airbnb and the plumbing backs up horribly, forcing everyone to leave | r/tifu Posted by DicksOut4Paul TIFU by trusting some rando on Airbnb L Shit River 2K19 have thousand words explain all transpired with Our Dear Friend Paul August 3rd August 4th, 2019. Let spin tale tale Shit River.

Airbnb Turns Into House of Stinky Nightmares

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boyfriend poop FAIL awesome relationships girlfriend lol cheating story trust funny - 8492293

Woman Has to Prove She's Not Cheating Because of What Her BF Found in Toilet

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boyfriend panics over socks

Panicked Guy Interrogates Girlfriend over Stinky Sock Mystery

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revenge on crazy neighbor

Student Gets Sweet Dog Poop Themed Revenge on Insane Neighbor

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embarrassing childhood moments

21 Embarrassing Childhood Moments People Cringe About to This Day

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wholesome end to a tragic childhood memory

Guy's Dark Story About Childhood Tragedy Takes Weirdly Wholesome Twist

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Person tells cringe story about terrible bathroom incident when they're on the plane.

This Person's Cringe Story About Horrific Bathroom Incident on Plane Will Make You Laugh Till You Cry

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Video of woman who has been taking craps on people's lawns is featured on news channel.

Woman Jogger Known As "Mad Pooper" Is Taking Dumps All Over Colorado Springs

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Shitty Situation

poop gross struggle parenting - 9061260032
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Guy with terrible case of Hemorrhoids sends his wife angry string of texts that almost sound like tortured poetry.

Dude Struggling With Horrific Case of Hemorrhoids Sends Angry Texts That Are Almost Tortured Poetry

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Dad shares Facebook post of his daughter's room covered in poop after she had messy accident everywhere.

Disgusted Dad Shares Horrid Facebook Post of His Daughter's DEFCON 1 Poop Explosion

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dogs poop cringe Video - 86062849

Careless Woman Let's Dog Poop In Front of Wrong Homeowner's House, Dude Makes Her Pick It Up Barehanded

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tifu rubgy player does major f*ck up

Rugby Player Finds Himself In Unbelievably Shitty Situation During Scrimmage, Is Probably Traumatized For Life

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hilarious poop gross stories - 1834501

11 People Share Their Most Hilarious and Harrowing Stories About Pooping Their Pants

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Comedian Finds Something Special in Her Airplane Blanket, and, Yup, It's Human Shit

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