
'This makes zero sense': Woman's plane travel plans baffle her family

'This makes zero sense': Woman's plane travel luggage hack baffles her family

'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

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'Karens at the airport': Flight gets delayed till 3:45am, five Karens throw tantrums

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'Well played, Petty Crocker': Passenger keeps getting up mid-flight and pulling on back of person's seat every time, cue petty revenge

AITA for telling a 6'8 giant to upgrade his seating?

Extremely tall guy fights with another passenger on the plane over available leg room

tole my seat eh? Well now we are gonna' get real cozy. I (43m) flew Southwest recently and spaced on checking in early so I ended up way in the back of the plane. It was only an hour flight so I wasn't too distraught about it

Entitled Dude Steals Guy's Plane Seat, Guy Sits on Top of Him

airline won't pay employee ten dollars to be proper ground lead, loses thousands

Management Won't Pay 10 bucks For Ground Crew, Loses Airline Thousands

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Pilot Pulled From Plane Crash Seconds Before It's Hit By Train

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The Scary Moment A Plane Stalls Just As Skydivers Are About To Jump

Twitter thread story of dad's abandoned plane in India

Twitter Thread: Dude Tells The Tale of The Abandoned Plane At An Indian Airport

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Giant Spider Falls On Pilot During Landing

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Literal Flying Car Makes First Inter-City Flight

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Crazy Headwind Has Plane Landing Like A Helicopter

story of overworked flight attendant who played a plane crash movie on an airplane

Overworked Flight Attendant Told To Play "Interesting" Movie, Plays Disaster Film

Jet almost lands on carrier, comes within feet of landing but then goes back into sky

Pilot Attempts Landing, Nopes Back Into Sky

Plane makes amazing emergency landing on highway

Plane Makes Emergency Landing On Highway