
Snap a photo, make that online photography class worth something. These punny snaps will have you putting a filter on your latest masterpiece in no time.

Hideout WIN

Brother Nature FTW cave city historic Image photography shade town - 5353050112
Created by moomoocow488

Mother Nature FTW: Pretty Okay View, I Guess

galaxy Image mother nature ftw night photography stars view - 5352075264

"Unique" is Never a Word You Want to See in this Context

advertisement creepy Parenting Fail pedobear photo shoot photography sign - 5351680000

Beer Save WIN

alcohol beer Image kayak photography river save - 5351240192

Light Painting Scene WIN

art Image light photography pretty colors time lapse - 5336377344
Via Colossal

Easiest Way To Get Drunk Girls To Make Out

camera drinking drunk gender issues Image photography woo girls - 5328059392

Fight Scene WIN

beach explosion Image photography - 5336734208

The Arch WIN

fog Image morning photography urban - 5336333312
Via Bits and Pieces

Photography Street Art WIN

art building camera huge Image photography Street Art wall art - 5304607232
Via Web Urbanist

Wedding Photo WIN

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ball birds eye view camera gadget panorama photography Tech toy Video - 27427329

Panorama Ball Camera WIN

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Bed Photography WIN

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Mother Nature FTW: Two-Tone

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Toy Photography WIN

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Via Geeks are Sexy

Spirit Photography WIN

ghosts Hall of Fame Image old photography scam spooky vintage - 5299973888
Via I Heart Chaos

You'll Go Far With that Business

argument business camera Parenting Fail photography punishment - 5296637184

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