

Snap a photo, make that online photography class worth something. These punny snaps will have you putting a filter on your latest masterpiece in no time.

Switcheroo WIN

clever cool field Image perspective photography sky - 5424669952

3D Drawings WIN

3d art drawing illusion Image pencil photography sketch - 5424018176
Via Flavorwire

Brother Nature FTW: Beer Reflection WIN

alcohol beer Brother Nature FTW drink Image photography reflection - 5420916992

Brother Nature FTW: Nice View WIN

Brother Nature FTW city Image photography restaurant urban view - 5416238336

Bubble Burst WIN

bubble Image nature photography quick soap - 5411876352

Just Look Casual FAIL

casual failboat g rated Image photography pose - 5395638528
See all captions

Layered Image WIN

art camera Image mechanical photography projector typewriter - 5395976192
Via Dooby Brain

Mother Nature FTW: Double Rainbow in London

double rainbow Image London mother nature ftw photography rainbow - 5360550912

Sphere of the Suns WIN

beach clever Image perspective photography sun - 5395165696

Web Tree WIN

creepy Image photography spider tree web weird - 5386920448
Via I Have Seen the Whole Of The Internet

Perspective Coin WIN

art coin currency Image money perspective photography - 5387422976

Imprint Table WIN

art coffee table design Image imprint photography table - 5369079808
Via Jay Watson Design

Play Dough Explosion WIN

art bullet explosion Image photography - 5387146240
Via The Suite World

Airlift WIN

Brother Nature FTW dinosaur helicopter Image photography - 5382806528

Water Punch WIN

Image perspective photography punch water - 5379781120
Via Neatorama

Bubble Photography WIN

art bubble Image photography pretty colors water - 5369181952
Via Colossal

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