
Snap a photo, make that online photography class worth something. These punny snaps will have you putting a filter on your latest masterpiece in no time.

chimpanzee photography chimps lol Photo silly funny animals - 107413761

Chimp Refuses To Comply With Photoshoot

Husband falls asleep in car and the background gets changed with photoshop | Sharea Overman Awakening Inspiration and Support Professional Photographers 22h R hope this is allowed husband fell asleep. Can y'all photoshop things window so can show him he missed while he are on road and my asleep??

Community Photoshops In The Many Things Sleeping Husband Missed

Tumblr thread about chinese guy smiling in old timey photo | black and white vintage photograph AMERICAN MUSEUM& NATURAL HISTORY Man eating rice, China, 1901-1904 comradeonion this is an extremely important picture 24-sa3t Ive never seen someone 1904 having fun omg

Tumblr Thread: Dude Actually Having Fun In an Old Picture

Awkward and funny glamour shots and family photos | kid in a karate uniform posing with a light edited in his hand | mother and two kids superimposed over a large side profile photo of the father

Awkward and Amazing Glamour Shots

Strange, stupid and weird band photos | Childs Play photo of four men in pink bell bottom overalls | two guys in TURDS OF MISERY shirts standing on either side of a man in a denim jacket

Weird and Awkward Band Photos

Photos that have funny or strange perspectives | group of people sitting and standing in a circle, one of them facing away from the camera and sitting on two logs of wood that make it seem as if he has a large butt

Perfectly Timed and Well-Angled Photos

Photographers share the weirdest requests that they've received from Instagram influencers | posted by Amuro_Ray_Gunner Had an influencer try set up shoot with mentioned my price she shocked because she under assumption going pay her some reason.

Instagram Influencers' Most Outrageous Photoshoot Requests

stock photography, stock images, wtf

28 Absolutely Wild Stock Images That Some Lunatic Asked For

strange places stock photos ended up

19 Stock Photo Models Share the Strangest Places Their Images Ended Up

Optical Illusions skewed perspective

25 Real-Life Optical Illusions to Strain Your Eyes Until They Explode

photography history interesting wars Video world war II - 512518

Man Finds And Develops 31 Rolls Of Never-Before-Seen Photos From WWII

cool funny perspective

17 Perspective Shattering Images That Will Have Your Brain Running in Circles

crazy Music photography woman conversation ridiculous texting illegal rude - 5515269

Woman Gets Hit With Harsh Texts From Record Label After They Steal Her Pics

photographer takes photos of people with and without clothes doing everyday tasks

Photographer Takes Photos of Everyday People Doing Tasks With and Without Clothes and Her Reason is Heartwarming

photography - 1853189

30 Photos That Couldn't Have Been Taken With More Perfect Timing

pics taken at the right moment

45 Pictures With the Most Perfect Timing Imaginable