

Lawyer refuses to update business cards, random guy keeps receiving his client's calls: 'That's when I had a great thought of how to get my petty revenge'

Lawyer refuses to update business cards, random guy keeps receiving his client's calls: 'That's when I had a great thought of how to get my petty revenge'

In decades past, getting constant phone calls was a real nuisance. I mean, it's still kind of an issue today, but at least now our iPhones tell us who's calling and if there's a likelihood the call is spammy. We now know exactly who's calling us, and the newest feature is that you can read a transcription of the voicemail someone is leaving you in real time! This is very cool and useful tech, and it would've dazzled people in the 1990s who were used to getting bombarded with phone calls . These…
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'My first "influencer" call was the funniest thing ever': Hotel receptionist encounters micro influencer with over inflated ego, he requests "deals"

'My first "influencer" call was the funniest thing ever': Hotel receptionist encounters micro influencer with over inflated ego, he requests "deals"

This hotel receptionist was completely bemused by an aspiring influencer's request. As the job of “influencer” becomes a highly sought after career choice, more and more people are throwing their hats in the ring. It often starts with passion: an artist showing off their works in progress, or a cat-lover highlighting their pet's hijinks, or a parent giving child-raising tips. But some people just do it for the clout. They only care about having the eyes of as many people as possible on them at…
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Petty revenge reddit phone company bill collect outstanding funny money-grubbing payback deserved tedious story relatable interesting lol humor

Phone company tries to money-grub a customer over a few cents, then he matches their energy and earns $9 in technicality fees: 'More like 'penny' revenge'

Sometimes the only response to a person's pettiness is to match their energy.
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'I gave her a big sweet smile': Grandma demands a refund because she filled up the memory on her 3 month phone, manager tells her to ‘get out’

'I gave her a big sweet smile': Grandma demands a refund because she filled up the memory on her 3 month phone, manager tells her to ‘get out’

One elderly customer got up on the wrong side of the bed the day they went to pay a retail employee a visit to complain. The grandma was livid that her phone wasn't working anymore, and it was only 3 months old, so she wanted a refund, thank you very much. The employee informed her that there were no refunds after 3 months, but the grandma didn't accept that as an answer. So, after making a scene, the employee took a look at the phone. They quickly discovered that it was just full — the grandma…
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'Go home, mom': Family bands together to get even with grandma who used her spare key to enter their home without permission

'Go home, mom': Family bands together to get even with grandma who used her spare key to enter their home without permission

Another day, another family drama. One person, who we'll call OP, shared an entertaining story about their upstairs neighbors who got even with a family member of theirs who took it one step too far. OP lived in an apartment complex with two-story buildings and shared outdoor stairwells. Their upstairs neighbors were seemingly calm, chill people to whom they said hello once in a while. One day, OP's peaceful reading session was shattered by a commotion - shouts, running, pure family hysteria. E…
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'You have decided to fire me? Miss your wedding dinner tasting then!': Phone kiosk worker makes their final day of work as annoying as possible for boss

'You have decided to fire me? Miss your wedding dinner tasting then!': Phone kiosk worker makes their final day of work as annoying as possible for boss

This worker noticed a tiny mistake in their work schedule , but since it was their last day, there was no way they were going to tell the boss about it. Whether you've given your two weeks' notice to your job, or you've been let go by your company , those last few days or hours of work are special. You only have a few more hours where you'll be around your coworkers and bosses. You'd better make it count! This phone kiosk employee, u/Likawaii, knows that firsthand. The worker shared that not on…
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'I won't have someone gaslight me': Customer gets snippy with retail manager, manager tells him to "call customer service yourself"

'I won't have someone gaslight me': Customer gets snippy with retail manager, manager tells him to "call customer service yourself"

Another day in retail work, another entitled customer . That's the way of the world for the brave souls who work at retail shops, including u/CmdrGrayson, an assistant manager at a clothing store. There are customers who treat retail workers like people. Maybe they've worked in retail themselves, and know how grueling that job can be. But other customers do not care about the thoughts or feelings of the workers at all. They're happy to belittle them or mock them for no reason at all. It makes y…
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'I can give as good as I get...': Man confronts Karen and demands that she stop handing out his number to random people, Karen refuses to comply, leading to a full-blown virtual dispute

'I can give as good as I get...': Man confronts Karen and demands that she stop handing out his number to random people, Karen refuses to comply, leading to a full-blown virtual dispute

People frequently switch their phone numbers. They might change it because of an impending move, work-related concerns, or any number of other good reasons. The problem arises, though, when that person continues to give out their old phone number even though they aren't the legitimate owner. The story that follows introduces us to a frustrated individual who has been pushed to the brink of hopelessness. The Original Poster (OP) purchased a new phone number two years ago. Ever since he activated…
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'Oopsie, hung up on ya': Guy gets back at relentless debt collectors, infuriates them until they stop calling

'Oopsie, hung up on ya': Guy gets back at relentless debt collectors, infuriates them until they stop calling

Sometimes, the only way to get back at people who won't stop reaching out to you is by giving them a taste of their own medicine. Today, we're not talking about annoying relatives, friends, or coworkers. We are talking about receiving an endless number of calls from debt collectors who are clearly looking for someone else. In this instance, we have a Redditor who recently purchased a new phone and who has been getting nonstop calls 24/7. It's not the kind of thing you can easily ignore after a…
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‘I can’t do my job like this': Teacher shares declining interest in job due to students phone usage, leading to discussion about teaching

‘I can’t do my job like this': Teacher shares declining interest in job due to students phone usage, leading to discussion about teaching

I can't begin to imagine what it's like to teach nowadays. I witness kids' behavior in public and it already infuriates me. I can't fathom what it's like to teach them. Here, let me tell you a story. One day, I was ordering a hamburger at a place, and in the line before me was a tired, worn-out dad, and his obnoxious child with their eyes glued to the phone. The dad had to repeat, 'What would you like to eat' about ten times before the kid stopped ignoring him and mumble-replied. Then the kid b…
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‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

Sometimes you punch in a number on your phone to call someone, and a total stranger ends up on the other line. You called the wrong number, no big deal. Then you do it again, and again… and again. Until the person on the other side is wondering why it's so hard to call the RIGHT number. It's a fair question. This woman was contacted via text 5 times over the span of a year and a half, and it was always the same person inquiring about the same thing… A horse. The woman, OP, had no idea what they…
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prank prank-call phone phone-number blocked call caller contact horse horses horse-prank reddit petty petty-revenge

'We're about to take [your horse] out back... Old Yeller style': Guy pranks a wrong number after being pestered for months for updates on the stranger's horse

Believe it or not, caller ID was invented in the 80's, but it still took several decades to figure out how to completely block an incoming call. Imagine all the tedious hardships that would have been avoided if blocking a phone number had been a thing sooner? There certainly wouldn't be as many horror movies dedicated to villains in masks hiding behind an unknown number.
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work workplace coworker workers employee employees boss manager supervisor working job business company piercer tattoos shop phone customer-service new-hire

'They think they're too good to do a menial job': New hire gets belittled for her inexperience then retaliates by making tenured specialists do their own dirty work

So you think this job is beneath you?
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cell cellphones phone phones store retail retail-story manager boss quitting quit resign resignation toxic workplace work job employee business company reddit

Cellphone store manager uno-reverses a toxic boss, quitting immediately after receiving an empty threat: ‘Never turned back and never felt better’

It may seem trite to some, but there's a certain point in every employee's life when their fragile work/life balance begins to crumble around them and it starts becoming clear that happiness is more important than money. Whether you're a seasoned C-level at a company or a lowly intern, some jobs just simply aren't worth the emotional damage every day. Sure, we all want to put food on the table, but at what cost? Some of us just need a win… Like the guy in our next story…
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customer service workplace-stories call center jobs job phone call call lies work customers phone lying tales-from-call-centers workplace - 23314437

'[I] called someone out for their lie': Couple calls agency with bogus claim, call center rep shuts down their lies

This woman told a whopper of a lie, but she wasn't expecting to be called out . Customers learn their behaviors by reinforcement. While it might seem obvious to you to be pleasant to the person on the other end of a phone call , not everyone acts that way. Some folks have been conditioned to believe that the louder and more demanding they act towards customer service reps, the faster their problem will be solved. In reality, as call center workers will tell you, this is almost never the case. M…
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 work workplace employee worker employees boss manager working bank bank-teller blocked reddit customer-service customer rude entitled payback revenge petty malicious compliance rudeness blocked

'Enjoy not being able to use your money': Savage bank teller gets revenge on an unruly customer by following procedure to the T and blocking his account after being accosted over the phone

Anonymity gives people a false sense of superiority. From behind the screen of their computer or when talking to someone on the phone, insolent customers can feel their audacity levels ramp up to the maximum, spewing rudeness, entitlement, and general inhumanity at whomever stands in their way. Unfortunately for many customer service reps, call center workers, and online banking troubleshooters, their entire career is spent talking maniacs down from the seat of their high horse...
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