petty revenge

neighbors scammer tales-from-the-neighborhood scammer-scammed revenge homeowner nuclear revenge neighborhood-stories petty revenge Neighborhood Story porch pirate - 20728837

'Two weeks worth of dirty kitty litter': Woman gets revenge by leaving bait package for a "porch pirate"

'I gave my ex-fiancé Back the ring': Woman welds a cube around engagement ring after discovering her fiancé was cheating

'I gave my ex-fiancé back the ring': Welder destroys engagement ring after discovering her fiancé was cheating

‘My boss said I overtipped servers, so I tripled the cost of my work trips’: Employee costs company thousands of dollars after boss's reprisal over corporate tipping policy

‘My boss said I over tipped servers, so I tripled the cost of my work trips’: Employee costs company thousands of dollars after boss's reprisal over corporate tipping policy

'As a naturally petty person, I obviously did not let it slide': Woman goes into detective mode to expose annoying bully in her Facebook group, satisfaction achieved

'As a naturally petty person, I obviously did not let it slide': Woman goes into detective mode to expose annoying bully in her Facebook group, satisfaction achieved

‘You can’t publish that': Karen flies off the handle when newspaper publishes her name in print, demands newspaper remove it, boss hangs up on her

‘You can’t publish that': Karen flies off the handle when newspaper publishes her name in print, demands newspaper remove it, boss hangs up on her

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'With a sledgehammer': Supply Officer says broken copier is fine, enlisted makes sure it's truly broken

Top Petty Stories of the Week (June 2, 2023)

Top Petty Stories of the Week (June 2, 2023)

‘My boss ate my lunch’: Employees get even with boss who eats their lunches, boss pays hundreds of dollars to eat leftovers

‘My boss ate my lunch’: Employees get even with boss who eats their lunches, boss pays hundreds of dollars to eat leftovers

'[She] showed me the texts': Dude gets petty to prank a fake friend

'[She] showed me the texts': Dude gets petty revenge 5 years in the making on a fake friend

'You have to pay us back; we found a way': Tenants modify landlord's coin-op laundry following landlord's refusal to reimburse them for $650 HVAC repair, landlord loses hundreds of dollars

'You have to pay us back; we found a way': Tenants modify landlord's coin-op laundry following landlord's refusal to reimburse them for $650 HVAC repair, landlord loses hundreds of dollars

‘My company skimmed by bonus; I stopped generating revenue’: Employee's quiet quitting leads to 80% drop in revenue

‘My company skimmed by bonus; I stopped generating revenue’: Employee's quiet quitting leads to 80% drop in revenue

Don't want to wait your turn? Now you wait ten minutes.

'Now you wait ten minutes': Guy gets cut off by smug driver, cue petty revenge

'Kate never did show up': College professor finds absentee student who insists she's showing up to class

'Kate never did show up': College professor faces off with absentee student who insists she's showing up to class

'Overstay your welcome?': Roommate's boyfriend keeps hogging the bathroom in the morning, cue petty revenge

'Overstay your welcome?': Roommate's boyfriend keeps hogging the bathroom in the morning, cue petty revenge

'You can't fire me; you should fire her instead': Employee gets boss fired during HR disciplinary hearing designated for himself

'You can't fire me; you should fire her instead': Employee gets boss fired during HR disciplinary hearing designated for himself

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'His jaw was on the floor': Small business owner scams guy out of $400, loses $15,000