petty revenge

bidding-war-story auction house auction-stories petty revenge outsmarted-bidder bidding wars vintage-toy-collector Reddit auctioneer-stories - 21053957

'Should've seen the look on [his] face when he realized I outsmarted him;' Vintage toy collector devises tag-team plan to defeat leeching bidder

'I told you that your expectations were unrealistic': IT consultant fired after refusing to work OT on ridiculous project, gains leverage when negotiating exit terms

'I told you that your expectations were unrealistic': IT consultant fired after refusing to work OT on ridiculous project, gains leverage when negotiating exit terms

roommates roommate psycho rules bad fridge food eating eat stolen thief stealing-food rage revenge petty-revenge petty reddit call-center call work harassment prank prank-call

'I spent 2 hours making his life miserable': Dude gets revenge on his roommate for eating his food; terrorizes him at work at the call center with hours of silly prank dials

'Send us a check': Landlord refuses to take $0.02 payment in cash, tenant maliciously complies

'Send us a check': Landlord refuses to take $0.02 payment in cash, tenant maliciously complies

'All that just to spite [a jerk]:' "Really rich guy" buys apartment complex and fires manager who was rude to him

'All that just to spite [a jerk]:' Really rich guy buys apartment complex and fires the manager who was rude to him

‘You don't get a room': Karen guest denied service after refusing to follow front desk clerk's orders

‘You don't get a room': Karen guest denied service after refusing to follow front desk clerk's orders

'Let me remind you of the advice you gave me': Top-selling employee gets even with boss

'Let me remind you of the advice you gave me': Top-selling employee throws boss's cold-hearted advice back in his face

'You can't order me around anymore': Tenant gets even with property manager after getting elected as board member for housing organization, property manager quits

'You can't order me around anymore': Tenant gets even with property manager after getting elected as board member for housing organization, property manager quits

‘Sir, this is what you wanted': Physics teacher gets schooled by students after he demands they plot graph, despite not knowing the range of values upfront

‘Sir, this is what you wanted': Physics teacher gets schooled by students after he demands they plot graph, despite not knowing the range of values upfront

laundry liar stealing petty revenge theft thief laundromat - 20982021

'I was shocked he would do this': Man gets laundry surprise from local laundromat owner he stole from

'I’M SICK OF THIS AIRPORT HIRING THESE IDIOTS!': Irate Kevin makes a scene at airport security, staff makes sure he misses his flight

'I’M SICK OF THIS AIRPORT HIRING THESE IDIOTS!': Irate Kevin makes a scene at airport security, staff makes sure he misses his flight

pro revenge dota2 drama revenge gamers petty revenge video game friendship-drama stories video games - 20984069

'Reinstall your game': Gamer gets even with trolling teammate by deleting his game files

‘I don't work for you anymore': IT manager quits, then cuts off entire company's internet service, leading to company 3 day shutdown

‘I don't work for you anymore': IT manager quits, then cuts off entire company's internet service, leading to company 3 day shutdown

'I own the land': Landowner gets even with horse racetrack who refuses them same deal given to her grandfather, racetrack ends up paying hundreds of dollars in compensation

'I own the land': Landowner gets even with horse racetrack who refuses them same deal given to her grandfather, racetrack ends up paying hundreds of dollars in compensation

pro revenge engineers boss workplace-stories workplace-story manager job revenge tales-from-the-workplace revenge-stories petty revenge company engineer - 20983813

'I wanted revenge': Contractor engineer charges company $9000 to press a button after they try to cheat him

Update: 'How I dealt with a one-sided friendship': Woman devises a plan so her friend will reply to her text messages

Update: 'How I dealt with a one-sided friendship': Woman plans birthday revenge so her friend will reply to her text messages