

American things that are weird to non-americans | TitanicBeta 19.4k points 1 day ago Not putting final price on tag not sure whether 's still like this, but few years ago one never knew whether 1.00 item McDonald's or Burger King is actually $1.00 or maybe $1.08.

American Things that Non-Americans Think are Weird

Ah, good ol' month/day/year.
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interesting and weird optical illusions caused by perspective | Person - Why does her shadow look like rotisserie chicken? pen | chair looks like its floating against the wall optical illusion

Double-Take-Causing Illusions of Warped Perspective

It's easy for things to look like other things.
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Optical illusions caused by strange perspective | man in red shirt pretending to play a piano drawn in the sand on a beach | man in yellow shirt riding a motorcycle with a mirror strapped to his back

Intriguing Illusions of Strange Perspective

Double-take away!
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Funny and weird perspective double-take images | cake inside a plastic package that looks like a dog trapped inside | image of greenery growing under a rock that could be either the view of a forest from a cliff above or algae in a shallow pond

Intriguing Images of Double-Takery

Perspective can be a strange mistress.
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A collection of rare and unusual things that people don't see everyday | bald bearded man in a red shirt holding a mug next to a lego replica of himself |  So work at @tacobell, today having very rough day. Then this guy pulls up. Thank random citizen making my day much better. guy wearing a helmet made of watermelon

Things People Don't See Everyday

Unusual sights are fun sights.
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Real life optical illusions to cause double-takes | person lying down on train tracks and looking into a tunnel with the angle making it seem as if they're hanging above a hole in the ground | stain on the pavement that looks like the shadow of a floating trash can

Eye-Defying Photos of Strange Perspective

Confuzzle those eyes up a bit.
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Photos that have funny or strange perspectives | group of people sitting and standing in a circle, one of them facing away from the camera and sitting on two logs of wood that make it seem as if he has a large butt

Perfectly Timed and Well-Angled Photos

Photography is an art.
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Optical illusions caused by strange weird perspective double take eye trick | shiba inu dog sitting in the passenger seat of a car appearing extremely buff and leaning its massive bicep on the window. wedding photo groom in white shirt holding up a bride with a long veil that appears to be coming out of her butt.

Strange Photos of Deceptive Perspective

Double-take away!
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Optical illusions made by perspective | calico cat walking on sand and a spot on her coat that looks like a hole through her body. plastic cup on wet ground that looks like it spilled a dry spot out

Double-Take Inducing Photos of Intriguing Perspective

Brains are dumb.
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Real life optical illusions made by strange perspective | young girl holding a bag of popcorn that looks exactly like the dry grass she's standing on making her look like she has abnormally thin legs. cat sitting across a person's arm while they're using the computer making it appear as if the person's hand is going through the cat's body

Confusing Images of Abundant Double-Takery

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Optical illusions made from images of confusing perspective.

Eye-Confounding Images of Weird Perspective

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Images that use perspective to confuse the eye.

Eye-Confusing Images of Strange Perspective

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Real life optical illusions and photos of confusing perspective.

Double-Take Inducing Photos of Strange Perspective

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Photos of confusing perspective.

Images of Skewed Perspective Worthy of a Double-Take

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Images of real life optical illusions that are confusing to the eye, cause double takes.

Eye-Defying Photos of Weird Perspective

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Images of confusing perspective that result in optical illusions.

27 Double-Take-Worthy Images of Strange Perspective

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