

'People should get paid for interviews': People Share Most Entertaining Unpopular Opinions

'People should get paid for interviews': People Share Most Entertaining Unpopular Opinions

You aren't going to agree with everything everyone says all the time, and not only is that a fact, but it's also okay. We don't need to have the same opinions, although my mother would disagree. Just yesterday I was at a friend's birthday party. Amidst the laughter and clinking glasses, I found myself inadvertently eavesdropping on conversation brewing in corners. People said all kinds of things that made me inwardly gag, and the more I listened, the more I disagreed. Some nodded in agreement w…
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Top 31 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

Top 31 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

When you hit the hornet's nest with a bat...
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wtf confusing architecture funny pics funny memes cars buildings wtf is this clothes funny pictures confusing perspective Cats perspective weird vehicles - 21576197

'For five seconds, I thought this was a T-Rex': 20+ Peculiar photos with confusing perspectives

Photography can be so much fun for amateurs and professionals alike. These days, almost everybody has an iPhone, meaning you have a super high-quality camera in your pocket all the time. It's never been easier to capture snapshots of the world we see around us. These people below caught some really cool photos, whether intentional or not. They're the kind of pictures that make you pause for a moment and stare at it as you try and figure out what in the world is going on! The best of these photo…
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20+ Photos that will leave you scratching your head

20+ Photos that will leave you scratching your head

You have to take a closer look at these photos to get the full picture.
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funny things that looks like other things

Double Take-Inducing Images of Things That Look Like Other Stuff

Well hello there, uh, oh.
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double take perspective photos

Mind-Jarring Images of Confusing Double-Takery

What's that now?
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funny strange perspective images

Double Take Inducing Photos Of Peculiar Perspective

What's that now?
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wtf lookalike strange Double Take perspective weird - 16396037

Freaky Double Take Moments That Made Our Eyes Figuratively Bleed

The eyes have it.
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eye tricking confusing double take moments

Freaky Double Take Moments That Had Our Eyes Thoroughly Tricked

What's going on there?
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Double-take images caused by strange perspective | man looking as if his head is sticking out from a green bag on top of a container | mugs hanging on a wall looking blurry

Real-Life Illusions of Double-Takery

Eyes are kind of easy to trick.
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funny and weird confusing perspective moments

Double Take Moments of Warped Perspective

Ah! Oh.
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double take weird perspective moments

Double Take Inducing Moments Of Skewed Perspective

Take that, eyes.
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interesting and weird double take images | peacock standing in front of a large shrub that resembles its tail | cat yawning with its head upside down

Double Take Images of Weird Perspective

What's going on there?
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double take optical illusions | front of a truck with the fence behind it looking like the cargo its hauling | man working out in socks that makes his legs look like a chicken's

Perspective-Confuzzling Images of Double Takery

What's goin on there?
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Faces in things | concrete pole with a smiley face drawn on it and a metal chain tied around it | weird apple with a human facial features

Inanimate Objects With A Whole Lot of Personality

Hello Mr. Post.
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Confusing images to make people double-take | pack of giraffes inside a safari jeep | Upon further inspection, her paws are not really orange spotted cat sitting on top of an orange cat

Double-Take-Causing Images of Skewed Perspective

Work out those eyes.
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