

boss bad-bosses bad-boss hardworking employee employees underpaid overworked reddit antiwork manager gas-station convenience-store store part-time schedule shifts working paycheck pay second-job

'He's lucky I didn't quit on the spot': Hardworking employee gets a second job to make ends meet; get chastised by his first boss when he's no longer available 24/7

Bosses don't always appreciate the hard work we do. In this case, one employee was painfully reminded of that truth after they got burned by the strict scheduling. As one of the unlucky part-time employees, OP was doomed to be scheduled for only 10 hours per week at the gas station. Originally, that seemed fine because they were also going to school, but as the money dwindled and the bills piled up, OP had no choice but to seek out more hours.
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Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye

'Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye': Boss gives hardworking employee's salary to new worker, employees band together to tank the company

“Red flags start appearing from the very first minute I arrive,” this employee wrote in one jaw-dropping workplace story.
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'I just rage quit my waitressing job': Server finds out her boss was stealing her tips, quits on the spot and seeks legal action

'I just rage quit my waitressing job': Server finds out her boss was stealing her tips, quits on the spot and seeks legal action

Most people start a career as a waiter or waitress because of the money. It's no secret that servers make bank, but it's definitely not because of their minimum wage hourly rate, it's because the tipping culture in America says it's acceptable (if not encouraged) to tip 25%+ to the server on top of a restaurant receipt. So for servers who aren't making tips, why would you suffer the long hours, picky customers, and weekend enslavement? Exactly. You wouldn't.
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‘You Cut My Paycheck, Watch What Happens’ : Company Misses Yearly $925 Million Target, Corporate Furloughs Employees to Cut Expenses, Leading To Malicious Compliance

‘You Cut My Paycheck, Watch What Happens’ : Company Misses Yearly $925 Million Target, Corporate Furloughs Employees to Cut Expenses, Leading To Malicious Compliance

Companies are out here making millions in profits (but not enough millions) and still manage to screech like a toddler who is upset about the color of a lollipop. So, what to do when you're sitting up on your high horse in corporate, and your company is going to miss their annual target of nearly one billion dollars by exactly $75 mil? Who is gonna pay for your third beach house in the Maldives? Action must be taken to prevent the lack of said beach house! One man shared his experience via Redd…
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'PAY ME THE MONEY YOU OWE': Employee gets $1,100 in cash after weeks of neglect on payday, boss pays 4x what she initially owed

When your rich boss ghosts you on payday, there are a lot of bigger issues going on. Either your boss is negligent and simply doesn't care about their business (you know, the hobbyist type), or money simply isn't a factor to them– they don't imagine that being paid is the primary reason folks stay employed. We're not out here working for free, people!
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employee boss salary paycheck pay-pay pay check money resignation revenge petty-revenge pro-revenge nuclear-revenge ghosts ghost ghosting presentation meeting quit quitting

'So I started planning my exit': Employee ghosts his boss after he repeatedly 'forgets' to pay him, sends him a resignation letter instead of showing up for an important meeting

People have jobs so that we get paid. Work is certainly not a hobby and a paycheck is a standard expectation from your boss every two weeks– it's honestly the bare minimum requirement that we ask of them. In this case, a diligent employee was fuming after months of reminding his boss to write him his salary checks– he used this fury to fuel a fiery resignation.
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'He doesn't work for free, neither do I': Ex-boss talks about former employee behind her back, asks her to work for free

'He doesn't work for free, neither do I': Ex-boss talks about former employee behind her back, lies to her, then demands she work for free

You can definitely be friends with your boss , but when he starts asking for free labor, that's where this employee had to draw the line. This woman writes about her former boss as if he's a great guy, but he sounds like a major pain! U/ShirtSeparate3578 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole about an ongoing issue she's having with her former boss. As she tells it, she was at this job for a decade before leaving — she had to depart since her boss denied her a raise . But she stayed in contact with her boss,…
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‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

Working tediously in an environment where you are appreciated is not enough to create a sense of fulfillment. Your salary plays a big part in that picture. So imagine your boss begins deducting money from it. When the numbers start adding up you confront them, only to be told by a flustered peachy face that you're chatting up the wrong address, and should actually be talking to accounting. Funnily enough, it is impossible to contact the accountant. That's when things begin to get fishy. As the…
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'[They're] cutting my salary by $8k': Chef stunned that management is cutting pay by $200 per week to fix restaurant's plumbing

'[They're] cutting my salary by $8k': Chef stunned that management is slicing paycheck by $200 per week to fix restaurant's plumbing

Should you ever stay in a job that tries to cut your pay ? This chef is unsure what to do, and they're rightfully stunned by the situation their workplace has put them in. In a post titled “ Advice wanted ,” this person explained that they're a Philadelphia-based chef working at small Irish pub. And, they wrote, the owners have been hiring the cheapest plumber they can find. Now, the owners have realized the pub isn't up to code in any way, and to cut costs, they're bringing the problem to thei…
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New employee cashes several wrong paychecks, is dismayed when her 'paycheck [is] ripped from her hands'

Who is responsible when writing a paycheck goes wrong ? This person, u/Fair_Blueberry_4706, told a story of a woman she knows. They met through an online community, and the OP was surprised to see “Kevina” asking for donations. Why? She was apparently paid several paychecks that weren't hers . Instead of returning it to her employer, this Kevina decided to take advantage of the situation. Apparently, she also didn't consider what would happen if her newfound paychecks got taken from her. So now…
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21 Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

21 Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

It seems like there are barely any workplaces with adequately staffed teams of employees at this point. Everyone is wondering, ‘Huh, why don’t we have more workers?' when the answer is simple: People don't get paid enough to deal with rowdy, delinquent customers. Bank accounts all over are sitting on the same number, or recede slowly into negative zeros. People want to be compensated properly, but that obviously ain't happening in this economy. It can be jarring to deal with such negativity on…
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‘You Want Me to Work More Hours for Less Money?!’ : Employee Get’s $2 Pay Cut as Part of ‘Promotion’ ; She Quits, Writes Up Complaint for HR, Instigating a Multi Meeting Series of Discussions, Leading To Petty Revenge

‘You Want Me to Work More Hours for Less Money?!’ : Employee Get’s $2 Pay Cut as Part of ‘Promotion’ ; She Quits, Writes Up Complaint for HR, Instigating a Multi Meeting Series of Discussions, Leading To Petty Revenge

Getting promoted usually involves some kind of a raise, but in this case, it did not. A woman took to Reddit, shaming her ex-boss, who gave her extra responsibilities, which included working longer hours — for a $2 pay cut. Does it make sense? Of course not. But companies are greedy, what else is new…At the time, the employee didn't question it, because she needed the money. So even though she would technically receive less, she would still be working longer hours, therefore resulting in a bigg…
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20+ Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

20+ Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

Each workplace comes with its own unique issues, especially nowadays. You might find yourself to be a part of an understaffed team, with an awful boss, in a toxic environment… the possibilities are endless. You work and work and work… and your bank account stays on the same number. Proper compensation for said work? In your dreams. It's frustrating to deal with such negativity on a daily basis, and the one thing that makes it better (aside from memes) is your coworkers. Well, some of them at le…
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20+ Weekly Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

20+ Weekly Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

Not many people today can say that they love their job. Maybe a handful, at most. Toxic environments, terrible bosses, and irritating coworkers are at large, and it only takes one word to get your eyes rolling and your foot halfway out through the door — and that word is 'work'. Don't get me wrong, I like to work. It's better than sitting at home anyway. I just don't like the conditions or expectations that come with it. I salute those of you who work in customer service, for that is truly the…
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20+ Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

20+ Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

Every workplace (especially nowadays) comes with its own issues. You can find yourself as a part of an understaffed team, in a toxic environment, with an awful boss… the possibilities are endless. The one sure thing is you never get proper compensation for it. If you call in sick, you're gonna feel the wrath of the invisible grimace your boss is making on the other side of the phone (Assuming you're not a texter). Apparently, you're not allowed to feel unwell, because you don't have enough cowo…
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Knock money off my paycheck for grammar mistakes? Let me point out all the mistakes on my bosses work.

'I received a decrease in my pay': Employee gets pay docked for grammar mistakes, gets revenge on boss

Getting your pay docked because you didn't talk good?! Cue malicious compliance!
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