parenting fails

‘Mom, you need to shower’: 15+ times young kids embarrassed their parents in public

‘Mom, you need to shower’: 15+ times young kids embarrassed their parents in public

Bad Neighbor etiquette neighbors neighborhood Parenting FAILS neighbor parenting bad neighbors entitled parents terrible neighbors reddit story homeowner aita reddit thread hoa neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories - 35762949

Neighborhood kids banned from family treehouse after they leave a mess and mom refuses to step in: '[Their mom] started telling everyone I ruined her kids' summer'

'She's pretty insistent on Karen': Husband refuses to let wife name their daughter 'Karen,' cue marriage drama

'She's pretty insistent on Karen': Husband refuses to let wife name their daughter 'Karen,' cue marriage drama

17-year-old purposely 'forgets' passport to get out of babysitting duties for family Disneyland trip: '[I] grabbed my passport. I put it in my sock'

17-year-old purposely 'forgets' passport to get out of babysitting duties for family Disneyland trip: '[I] grabbed my passport. I put it in my sock'

18-year-old files report against parents for opening multiple credit cards in his name: 'It turns out I owe over $15,000'

18-year-old files report against parents for opening multiple credit cards in his name: 'It turns out I owe over $15,000'

Top Dad Jokes of the Week: Father's Day Edition (June 9, 2024)

Top Dad Jokes of the Week to Prepare for Father's Day (June 9, 2024)

'Privacy isn't necessary': Top Mildly Infuriating Parenting Moments of the Week (May 16, 2024)

'Privacy isn't necessary': Top Mildly Infuriating Parenting Moments of the Week (May 16, 2024)

ask reddit childhood bad parenting parenting childhood stories stories funny Parenting Fail funny parenting Parenting FAILS - 25929989

20+ Perplexed people share the strangest house rules they've had to follow: 'No Pringles, they catch fire too easily'

'I'll keep it safe for you...': Irresponsible woman tries getting her hands on the $20,000 her daughter won in a lawsuit

'I'll keep it safe for you...': Irresponsible woman tries getting her hands on the $20,000 her daughter won in a lawsuit

'I'm going to sue you all and get all you people fired': Furious Karen erupts at movie theater works after they kicked her disruptive kids out

'I'm going to sue you all and get all you people fired': Furious Karen erupts at movie theater works after they kicked her disruptive kids out

‘[Don’t] even look in my general direction’: Entitled sister-in-law enforces petty rules after couple moves in, malicious compliance ensues

‘[Don’t] even look in my general direction’: Entitled sister-in-law enforces petty rules after couple moves in, malicious compliance ensues

Top Dad Jokes of the Month (January 25, 2024)

Top Dad Jokes of the Month (January 25, 2024)

reddit stories christmas aita internet bad parenting parenting santa santa claus Parenting Fail Parenting FAILS - 23160325

'Santa is a huge part of Christmas!': Parent criticized for telling 6-year-old daughter that santa isn't real

'Below is my list for Christmas': Choosing beggars pretend to be a kid in Santa Wish List letter to nonprofit, asking for pricey, luxurious gifts

'Below is my list for Christmas': Choosing beggars pretend to be a kid in Santa Wish List letter to nonprofit, asking for pricey, luxurious gifts

'Your adult children don't talk to you and you don't know why': 20+ signs of a trashy parent

'Your adult children don't talk to you and you don't know why': 20+ signs of a trashy parent

dads funny dads fatherhood dad jokes parenting dad reddit thread Reddit Parenting Fail Father Parenting FAILS - 22891269

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (November 4, 2023)