parenting fails

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16-year old pressured by parents to give them his savings to support his younger siblings: 'My parents are bad with money'

wedding wedding drama weddings kids parenting childcare aita moms dad raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS

Friend brings her 4-year-old to a child-free wedding and lets him run wild, accusing bride of being a hypocrite for bringing her own child: 'It ruined the whole first part of my wedding'

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8-year-old daughter wants snowglobe for Christmas, mom says no, dad gives it to her anyways and it breaks instantly: '[My] daughter dropped it'

19-year-old son refuses to leave school in order to fund 21-year-old sister's college education, who blew through parents' $20K gift in 3 months: ‘I immediately refused’

19-year-old son refuses to leave school in order to fund 21-year-old sister's college education, who blew through parents' $20K gift in 3 months: ‘I immediately refused’

childcare aita kids moms parenting dad cute kids reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS

Dad lets 7-year-old daughter stay up late to teach her the importance of sleep, sparking disagreement with his wife: 'I thought the mission was a success but my wife questioned my parenting technique'

'My mom walks away from me while still talking': 20 of the Most Annoying Parenting Habits

'My mom walks away from me while still talking': 20 of the Most Annoying Parenting Habits

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"Selfish" dad takes 6-year-old daughter's favorite cereal, starting an argument between her parents in front of her: 'He's had at least 1/3 of the entire box over those two bowls'

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Daughter refuses to share hefty work bonus with financially incompetent parents, teaching them a lesson on financial literacy: ‘Now they want me to bail them out’

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'She has a temper [...] I hate her': 16-year-old girl refuses to tutor her terrible 15-year old sister despite parents' threats of punishment

teens aita kids teenagers moms parenting dad pregnant reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS

Mom and stepdad force teen daughter to drive younger siblings around on her own dime, refusing to compensate her for gas or pay her for her time: 'I'm just working on the weekend for money to drive my younger sibling[s]'

family family drama Family feud wedding drama brother siblings sibling rivalry childcare teens aita kids teenagers moms parenting dad reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS stepparent stepmother

16-year-old stepdaughter causes a stink about going to Disney with the family, stepmother leaves her behind: 'If someone else likes something, she finds ways to criticize it'

childcare teens aita kids teenagers moms parenting dad reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS reddit story etiquette

Parents object to 16-year-old getting a job after they repeatedly refuse to pay for the care of his 3 younger siblings, aged 12, 10, and 7 years old: 'I reminded them that they get what they pay for'

childcare Babies teens aita kids teenagers moms parenting reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS - 37492485

Aunt demands 13-year-old niece's $500 backpack, one of 50 that she owns, starting rift in the family: '[She] thinks I'm being selfish'

30+ Amusing Parenting Tips for Folks Who Are at Their Wit’s End

30+ Amusing Parenting Tips for Folks Who Are at Their Wit’s End

parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS stepmother stepparent coparenting

Step-mother won't drive 12 and 13-year-old step-daughters to dance class 50 minutes away, painting her as the villain, she wonders if she's wrong: 'Their mom's negativity changed how they treat me'

teens aita kids teenagers moms parenting reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS family family drama Family feud brother

42-year-old mother upset that 18-year-old daughter won't be her "emotional support" at family gatherings: '[She] said I’m being selfish'

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