parenting fail

family dynamics teens family drama stepmother aita AITAH infant kids teenagers blended family siblings stepchild moms family feud parenting family reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Family - 39580165

Jealous stepmother throws out all of 18-year-old's mother's things, teen rescues them from the trash sparking confrontation: 'She tried to get the police involved and accused me of stealing'

family family drama Family feud siblings stepmother stepchild blended family family dynamics aita AITAH teens

Stepmother threatens to rescind college fund after 17-year-old refuses to share a room with his 8-year-old stepbrother during Christmas vacation: 'My stepmother told me if I didn't apologize I could forget my dad helping me pay for college'

family family feud parenting Parenting Fail parents stepdad rent house money chores Reddit reddit thread reddit story entitled parents entitled people karma

Update: 27-year-old daughter charges her live-in stepdad $400 rent and gives him 8:30 PM curfew after he tries to control her and her household: ‘It was final’

childcare aita kids moms parenting cute kids reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS

Mom takes daughter home after the 9-year-old is singled out and made to bowl against grown adult man at kid's birthday party: ‘Her friends asked her why she was leaving and she said she didn’t want to bowl with the male stranger’

family family drama Family feud siblings blended family family dynamics aita AITAH Babies teens infant kids teenagers moms parenting pregnant parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children

17-year-old leaves to stay with grandparents after parents announce pregnancy with 7th child, parents threaten to sue them: ' They're threatening to sue them now'

Family feud siblings stepchild blended family family dynamics aita AITAH teens kids teenagers parenting reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children dad Bad Dad

Dad demands $40k of 19-year-old's inheritance and savings after abandoning him as a child: 'I haven't lived with my father in 5 years'

family family drama parenting Parenting Fail parents renting Reddit entitled people entitled parents stepdad feud mom dad daughter entitlement aita

27-year-old daughter starts charging her live-in stepdad $400 rent after he tries to dictate what she wears and who can visit her home: ‘He can't tell me what to do in my house’

19-year-old brother wins $50,000 gambling but won't pay brother back $2,000, brother cuts him and defensive parents off: 'This is about respect'

19-year-old brother wins $50,000 gambling but won't pay brother back $2,000, brother cuts him and defensive parents off: 'This is about respect'

'Get outta the way': Entitled customer gets roasted at state fair for yelling at little kid over taking pictures of a butter sculpture

'Get outta the way': Entitled customer gets roasted at state fair for yelling at little kid over taking pictures of a butter sculpture

family family drama Family feud siblings blended family family dynamics aita AITAH teens kids teenagers moms parenting reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children

17-year-old says he's no longer babysitting his 38-year-old sister's 7-year-old and 5-year-old children: 'I never really had a say in this decision '

family drama siblings family feud family Family family dynamics teens stepmother aita AITAH kids teenagers moms parenting reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children - 39065861

16-year-old moves out of family home after finding herself the scapegoat and being blamed by her 15-year-old for a school-wide cheating scandal: 'My stepmother told me if I didn't apologize I could forget my dad helping me pay for college'

AITA for telling my adoptive parents I feel anger towards them?

19-year-old discovers that she was adopted and becomes angry with her adopted parents, sparking an argument with her mother: 'I told them it’s best I should leave'

60-year-old Mom forbids daughter from cutting her hair her whole childhood, daughter gets even by chopping it all off: 'I honestly felt like Rapunzel'

60-year-old Mom forbids daughter from cutting her hair her whole childhood, daughter gets even by chopping it all off: 'I honestly felt like Rapunzel'

family family drama Family feud family dynamics aita AITAH teens infant kids teenagers moms parenting pregnant reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children

Woman steals mother's porcelain doll from her 10-year-old niece wonders if she's wrong after rest are destroyed in a fire years after

Retail worker forced to deal with entitled mom and her 4 screaming children: '[She] let them loose to play tag/Marco Polo in the aisles'

Retail worker forced to deal with entitled mom and her 4 screaming children: '[She] let them loose to play tag/Marco Polo in the aisles'

Step-father steals money from 13-year-old's piggy bank, kid gets even by "borrowing" $200: 'I hid it in my sock drawer'

Step-father steals money from 13-year-old's piggy bank, kid gets even by "borrowing" $200: 'I hid it in my sock drawer'