
old people

funny moments people realized they were old | jellybellymom More fell down at work and no one laughed. Instead three people came running over make sure ok.

The Moment People Realized They Were Old

It can strike at any time.
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Funny moments where people didn't understand technology | IIIIIIIIIIII 6.3k points 23 hours ago There are few people here at work who will take picture at job site, print picture, scan picture their email copier, and then forward email recipient.

Ridiculous Moments of Tech Illiteracy

"What do you mean I can't print a video?"
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Old people making mistakes online and with technology | facebook Ceramic pig no real Not real pig is ceramic pig pics of a black and white pig figurine | Honey Do Service, Inc Get FREE estimate NOW! One call does all. No job too big, no job too small. Professional Insured 1yr-Warranty Proudly serving and surrounding areas. GET FREE ESTIMATE NOW Honey Do Service, Inc Home Improvement Patricia If Jesus comes tomorrow then ok will reschedule

Old People Doing Their Best with The Technology

Being technologically literate has a steep learning curve.
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Old people social media fails | PLEASE, could someone explain this picture am seeing everywhere and don't get screaming upset blonde woman and white cat with plate broccoli

Old People On Social Media Doing Their Best

They're trying.
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Funny amazon reviews for a geriatric nursing training doll | amazon listing of a hospital training mannequin made to look like an elderly woman with very saggy breasts, a three star review that reads feel like they were little judgmental with woman's chest.

A Few Silly Reviews for a Realistic Geriatric Nursing Mannequin

That is one okay boomer.
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Various baby boomers share the issues they had as kids that they blamed on their older generation.

Baby Boomers Issues That They Blamed On Their Older Generation

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Woman's Facebook post about old ladies who don't know how to use the internet to make their Facebook profile photos goes viral.

Old Ladies Who Don't Understand How Facebook Bios Work

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tumblr, grandpa, grandma, funny, animals, ridiculous

Tumblr User Creates List Of All The Odd Animals His Grandpa Brought Home

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old lawn annoying yard grass petty old people lawnmower story funny stupid - 8887045

Guy Uses Imperfect Lawn to Drive Mean Neighbor Insane

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funny old people on facebook

12 Awkward Moments from Old People Facebook

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funny old person changing their name to dwayne johnson on facebook

15 Times Old People Failed Hard At Facebook

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viral videos mean restaurant old people ridiculous ignorant racist burger king fast food - 98348545

Burger King Manager Kicks Out Two Racist Ladies When They Tell Him To Go Back To Mexico

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grandma writing to advice columnist regarding vegan granddaughter

Grandma Harshly Called Out After Reporting Daughter-In-Law To CPS For Raising Baby Vegan

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old people t-shirt fails

Old People Wearing Filthy And Inappropriate Shirts

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Hilarious Twitter idiotic cat

Absolutely Hilarious Twitter Thread About Incorrigible Cat And Epic Old Dude

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old man funeral obituary old people ridiculous funny - 8076037

An Epic Obituary For A Hard Living Old Man Is Filled With Comedy Gems

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