
old people

'She chooses to double down on the craziness': Nurse helps 90-year-olds load a box onto their car, gets confronted by customer

'She chooses to double down on the craziness': Nurse helps 90-year-olds load a box onto their car, gets confronted by angry customer

This nurse tried to do a good deed , only to get scolded. What would society ever do without doctors and nurses? They have one of the hardest professions. Shifts are long, like u/BookwyrmsRN's 14-hour day. The work can be thankless at times, and all those long shifts can impact a medical professional's daily life. This nurse had just gotten done a 14-hour shift and was understandably exhausted, and they had yet another shift in just 9 hours. Even with all of that exhaustion weighing on them, th…
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old old-people old-lady lady grandma karen entitled bus disabled justice revenge put in their place deserved reddit mortified funny awesome story

'You ain't no thug': Hoodlum Karen gets mortified by a 4'11" granny after trying to intimidate a disabled person

If you're caught acting like a hoodlum in public, someone's grandma is probably watching from afar, reaching for the chancla of justice to come down on any wayward ruffian.
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‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

Even though most people would go back to being kids in a heartbeat, becoming adults also has a lot of benefits. Especially being able to call your own shots, and do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it, without having to answer to anyone. When I was a kid, the one thing I was so excited about adulthood was owning a car and not having to take the bus anymore. Now as an adult, even though I do have a car, I still find myself taking the bus to work, and I completely understand why yo…
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'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

Did you know that the kids these days are referring to the 90s as the “late 1900s"? If that sentence made you want to check your scalp for gray hairs, you're not alone. Aging happens to every living being, and there's nothing we can do about it. We're just along for the ride as trends change and lingo transforms. It's like that saying about how the past is a foreign country. We had less tech back then, and everything was different. In school, our teachers assured us that we'd need to know how t…
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'When you rather be in bed than be at a party': 20+ signs that you're becoming old

'When you rather be in bed than be at a party': 20+ signs that you're becoming old

There is a definitive moment in everyone's adult lives when all of a sudden, you don't have the bandwidth to do what you used to do. This could be something as literal and physical as needing to hire movers the next time you're changing apartment because you just don't have the strength and energy to carry everything yourself and potentially create even worse back problems than you already have. This could also be something as seemingly minor as putting a hard stop to your “going out” plans so…
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'She... ran straight through the building': 90-year-old drives car into hair salon while fleeing a hit and run

'She... ran straight through the building': 90-year-old drives car into hair salon while fleeing a hit and run

No one is going to have a better “bad haircut story” than this dude. Imagine: you go to get a haircut, and as you're sitting in the chair, a car races into the establishment, crashing just feet away from you! The dude in the video doesn't have to wonder, because it happened to him while this hairdresser was giving him a trim. As you can check out in this wild video below, a 90-year-old woman the driver behind the chaos. She reportedly hit a different car while leaving a fast food restaurant. Th…
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'Either you're with me, or against me': Micromanager gets fired after she won't let staff workers hire temps

'Either you're with me, or against me': Micromanager gets fired after she refuses to let staff workers hire temps

As a new boss, this person assumed she already knew everything there was to know about her new role . Unfortunately for her, the employees at this place knew exactly what would happen if she didn't do her job correctly. This OP shared their story of the time they worked in an elder care facility . They write that when they first began the job, they had a great boss who seemed to really care about the patients, ensuring that they were well cared for and had plenty of activities to fill their day…
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'You’re new here, I’ve been here 10 years': Grandpa warns neighbor that he's building on a nature preserve, neighbor tells him to 'mind his own business'

Your neighbors can look out for you, but only if you actually get to know them. If you're the neighborhood's cranky dude who just wants to keep to himself, that's fine, but you can't expect your neighbors to have your back if you don't have theirs. Some places, neighbors grow so close that they're almost family. It's a great feeling to be surrounded by friends, and they can watch your pets and water your plants while you're on vacation. You might even start a cycle of borrowing a cup of sugar a…
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'He would invite all his neighbours... except for Mildred': Entire neighborhood excludes nosy neighbor from BBQ after she continually reports everyone

'He would invite all his neighbours... except for Mildred': Entire neighborhood excludes nosy neighbor from BBQ after she continually reports everyone

Nosy neighbor Mildred has a lot of time on her hands, and she knows exactly how she wants to spend her days. As u/kathjoy shared to r/pettyrevenge, their friend has a majorly nosy neighbor , Mildred, who couldn't be any more uptight. “Her hobby was reporting her neighbours to the police, HMRC (UK equivalent of the IRS), immigration, and of course the VOA,” the OP writes. And what was Mildred so upset about? One neighbor got a new car, so she reported that. Another time, she thought a child didn…
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'They rearrange the grocery store': 25+ Things that get way more annoying the older you get

'They rearrange the grocery store': 25+ Things that get way more annoying the older you get

Growing older brings wisdom, but for these folks, it's also come with some irritations as well. Nothing ever stays the same. When you're a kid, you get used to life as it is, and then you grow up, and it's a whirlwind of new technology, meeting new people who go in and out of your life, careers, travel, and much more. It feels like you were a teenager just yesterday, but suddenly there are wrinkles under your eyes, and your knees are aching, and you have never heard of the slang these kids are…
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Boomer Bummer: Funniest Memes About the Greatest Generation Who Will Always Need Help Attaching a PDF to an Email

Boomer Bummer: Funniest Memes About the Greatest Generation Who Will Always Need Help Attaching a PDF to an Email

Millennials are just so entitled
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Geriatric French Rock Climber Has Spent Decades as a Risk-Taking Renagade, Free Soloing Deadly Rock Faces and Skyscrapers Wearing Nothing But Leather Pants and Nerves of Steel

Geriatric French Rock Climber Has Spent Decades as a Risk-Taking Renagade, Free Soloing Deadly Rock Faces and Skyscrapers Wearing Nothing But Leather Pants and Nerves of Steel

Known as the “French Spiderman”, Alain Robert has achieved legendary status as he continues to risk his life climbing insanely difficult faces. Serving up athletes half his age with style and ease, Alain has revamped his notoriety online by sharing his flashy fearlessness. Even though he only has about 10 stringy white hairs on his head, this Frenchman cannot be stopped. Also, instead of climbing in any sort of athletic gear or with any safety harnesses, Alain choses to climb in snake print ves…
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‘He Messed Up Big Time!’ : Entitled Senior Engineer Lashes Out at Employees A Mere Months Before Retirement, Cue Malicious Compliance

‘He Messed Up Big Time!’ : Entitled Senior Engineer Lashes Out at Employees A Mere Months Before Retirement, Cue Malicious Compliance

The minute you are afraid to engage with someone at work because you feel that they will respond in a reactive way, you have a problem. Although working in a comfortable environment where you aren't belittled seems like something very basic, not everyone has that pleasure. Some people's coworkers, especially ones that are working at a company for a long time, feel like they get a free pass to be an AH. Lord knows why… We tend to make fun of HR a lot, for a number of reasons, but when they actua…
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funny old people facebook and technology fails

25 Times Old People Tried Their Best With Technology

They're getting there.
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cameraman gets food poisoning at old folks home and ends up filming self

News Cameraman Gets Food Poisoning at Old Folks Home, Films More Than He Bargained For

It's a rough job.
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signs people were old

Signs People Knew They Were Getting Old

Try to stand up without making a noise.
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