
new job

‘I don’t work for you': Candidate declines job offer only to have company call him the next day and demand he show up for shift, refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer

‘I don’t work for you': Candidate declines job offer only to have company call him the next day and demand he show up for shift, refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer

Some people really can't take ‘no’ for an answer, and that was the case for this person who declined a job offer, only to be called multiple times by the same person who was shouting at them to turn up for their shift. But let's backtrack for a second. The person in question is called OP — OP had a second interview for a marketing position at a new firm, and the interview went well, leading to a trial shift. It became very clear that the job wasn't actually marketing at all… instead, it was doo…
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'Don't pretend like you're busy': Furious boss places employee on work schedule after they quit because they didn't find a replacement

'Don't pretend like you're busy': Furious boss places employee on work schedule after they quit because they didn't find a replacement

You step into your boss's office, your heart hammering in your chest. This is gonna be good. Breathe in, breathe out. They'll take it well, you're sure. You say the words, watch your boss's face fall, and realize that they did not, in fact, take it well. Quite the opposite. Oh well, if they take it personally, it's their problem, you think. But then they give you the cold shoulder, act strange, and make it weird for both of you. To each their own… but why? This employee gave their two-week noti…
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‘I kid you not…’: Guy stumbles upon job posting for a position he was rejected for, concocts a plan with the recruiter and lands a 2nd interview with the same manager

‘I kid you not…’: Guy stumbles upon job posting for a position he was rejected for, concocts a plan with the recruiter and lands a 2nd interview with the same manager

"When you show up for your second interview make sure to wear an enormous obviously fake mustache."
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‘You insulted my career’: Employee with 20 years of work experience gets offered minimum wage at job interview, he accepts, only to never show up on the first day

‘You insulted my career’: Employee with 20 years of work experience gets offered minimum wage at job interview, he accepts, only to never show up on the first day

Let us discuss the concept of minimum wage. In case you didn't know, the minimum hourly wage was initially set according to the current cost of living and was meant to set the minimal bar that ensures employees would be able to afford the most basic human needs. As years went by, and costs of living grew more and more expensive, we have reached a point in which the minimum wage no longer accomplishes the one thing it was made to do. To read a story in which an employee with 20 years of experien…
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20+ Potential Employee Memes That Will Have You Laughing At the Job Fair

20+ Potential Employee Memes That Will Have You Laughing At the Job Fair

Is there a company hiring for “bog witch" or can nobody live out their dreams anymore?
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‘Your condolences don’t pay my rent': Job candidate left floored after hiring manager retracts job offer 1 week before starting date due to company ‘budget changes’

‘Your condolences don’t pay my rent': Job candidate left floored after hiring manager retracts job offer 1 week before starting date due to company ‘budget changes’

When you get a signed job offer, the last you would expect is that the company would retract it. After all, once you've signed, you put in your two week notice and get busy preparing for your new job. You say goodbye to your boss and coworkers and fully expect to begin on the date that was approved by your hiring manager. If things go wrong, you're going to have a problem… you have bills to pay. You can't just not work. One job candidate found themselves absolutely floored after their hiring ma…
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‘Let’s save our time and end this interview': Job candidate walks out of interview after being grilled by interviewer who undermined their experience for the job and demanded they up their game

‘Let’s save our time and end this interview': Job candidate walks out of interview after being grilled by interviewer who undermined their experience for the job and demanded they up their game

Job interviews are such a grueling process, that it's hard not to get discouraged. Companies expect a lot from candidates nowadays and will put you through 8 interviews with different hiring managers and department heads, then give you multiple tests to evaluate your skills, and finally, reject you via an email or worse, fail to let you know about the next steps. In other words, it's exhausting, infuriating, and it doesn't give you much incentive to keep job searching, even though most of the t…
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‘I don’t work 80 hours a week when I’m paid for 40’: Boss demands new hire work overtime for free, stating employee isn't committed enough to their team

‘I don’t work 80 hours a week when I’m paid for 40’: Boss demands new hire work overtime for free, stating employee isn't committed enough to their team

Congrats, you got a new job! You go over the contract, notice the 40-hour work week, say ‘Cool’ to yourself, sign, and move on. A month later you begin training, and everything is falling into place… except for one thing. Deadlines. The company expects you to work way more than 40 hours a week… but you're only getting paid for 40. Basically, the managers don't know how to manage their time very well, leading to a big workload. Then they work overtime to complete the projects they've been given.…
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'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

At 5:30 am, one person was enjoying some sleep on their weekend, when they heard a ‘ding’ from their phone. Who on earth would text at this hour? Well, lots of people, if it were an emergency. But it wasn't… it was a recruiter, and they were offering the person a job. This job sounded enticing indeed, as it was part-time, and it was $250 per hour. Or… was it? I can smell a scam from a mile away, and anyone who texts me that isn't on my contact list raises my immediate suspicion. Who are you, ho…
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‘A classic case of copy paste gone wrong’: Candidate receives a hilarious rejection email, followed by an apology after HR realizes they messed up

‘A classic case of copy paste gone wrong’: Candidate receives a hilarious rejection email, followed by an apology after HR realizes they messed up

The interviewing process for a new job is so tedious. Nowadays you have to go through 5 interviews, 3 assignments and need a warm recommendation from the president. Seriously, things have gotten out of hand. Why is it so hard to get a job? The market is absolutely bonkers, jobs aren't paying well enough to keep up with inflation, and recruiters ghost you after ‘being with you every step of the way’ for 2 months. It's exhausting, disappointing, and discourages you from ever finding a job. This c…
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20+ Employees Share Their Most Ridiculous 'First Day' Stories and Interview Nightmares From Their Job Hunting Era

20+ Employees Share Their Most Ridiculous First Day Stories and Interview Nightmares From Their Job-Hunting Era

As if the job market isn't daunting enough, you're most likely also going to experience some pretty absurd interviews and downright bananas first days…
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CEO revokes new employees' job contract, costs himself millions: 'He had a "bad feeling" about me'

CEO revokes new employees' job contract, costs himself millions: 'He had a "bad feeling" about me'

This CEO just made a huge mistake . Better still, he has no idea what he's done, or how colossal his mistake has become. When you finally get a job with a nice salary , it can transform your life overnight. You can pay off your debts, stop worrying about making rent, and have a little extra to treat yourself with. It makes it feel like all those years of working unpaid internships or minimum-wage jobs have finally paid off. This worker found a startup company that was willing to double their cu…
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'What kitchen utensil would you be?': 25+ of the Worst Job Interview Questions

'What kitchen utensil would you be?': 25+ of the Worst Job Interview Questions

Imagine getting asked what kind of tree you think you would be while interviewing for a welder position?…
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'They lost': Engineering firm removes employee from project to punish them, replacing them with inexperienced project manager who runs project into the ground

'They lost': Engineering firm removes employee from project to punish them, replacing them with inexperienced project manager who runs project into the ground

To cut a long story short, this employee's VP removed them from a project in order to punish them, and what ended up happening was that as a result, the firm lost big time. But wait, it gets better. The employee actually quit, began working for the firm's competitor, and salvaged the project once the firm crumbled! Yeah, that's a lot of information to take in, so let's start at the beginning. The employee in question was working as a junior project manager for an engineering firm. They were goo…
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‘She refused to pay me back': Woman demands roommate pay entire rent after losing her job, then proceeds to eat all of their frozen dinners

‘She refused to pay me back': Woman demands roommate pay entire rent after losing her job, then proceeds to eat all of their frozen dinners

What would you do if your roommate was a leech, sucking you dry of money and food? I think a lot of people might run of the rails, but some people are less comfortable with conflict. Myself included. I shudder when I think back to my ‘roommate’ days… Thankfully I have since grown a spine. You need some nerve to force someone to pay your half of the rent, and even more nerve to eat all of their dinner, and refuse to pay them back. But this woman was a bold freeloader, and her parents obviously d…
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'Fine, do your job then': HR puts a stop to employee's office tradition of bringing in bagels from family-owned business due to ‘HR policy’

'Fine, do your job then': HR puts a stop to employee's office tradition of bringing in bagels from family-owned business due to ‘HR policy’

HR is infamous for its strange and often frustratingly rigid ways. Their job is to serve the company, which is fair, as that's what they're getting paid to do. On the other hand, they can overlook employee's complaints in the process, or enforce petty rules that nobody really cares about. For instance, what's wrong with an employee giving their coworkers bagels? Apparently, this HR lady did not appreciate being 'one-upped', although it's hard to understand how exactly she felt inferior in the s…
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