
Be nice to your neighbors, you never want to end up in a feud. From Hatfield and McCoy's to Karen and Kyle and every other lovely person you could meet, it's best to make cookies, not war.

Tumblr story of neighbor steve and his life being neighbors in suburbia with an eldritch abomination

Tumblr Thread: Neighbor Steve and The Abominations

Man tells his entitled neighbor off for stealing rain water that he collected.

Man Tells Neighbor Off For Stealing Rain Water He Collected

Dude shuts down entitled neighbor over free high speed internet.

Entitled Neighbor Expects Free High Speed Internet, Gets Rejected

Neighbors insist on being total waking nightmares so a parking lot drama ensues.

Neighbors Insist On Being Waking Nightmares, Parking Fiasco Ensues

Loud neighbors insist on depriving family of good restful sleep, so kids take revenge | r/pettyrevenge u/wolfmutt want deprive our whole culdesac sleep years with loud music middle night? Let us be alarm clock morning bad at titles, excuse Since were but smol babs, our neighbors, their kids and their friends have had this lovely habit either driving into or straight tearing into neighborhood with no regard safety and well-being themselves or rest us and blasting pop and rap music their

Loud Neighbors Deprive Family Of Sleep, Kids Take Revenge

Some noisy neighbors get properly silenced.

Noisy Neighbors Get Silenced

Man rejects entitled neighbor's ridiculous request about his lawn.

Man Rejects Entitled Neighbor's Ridiculous Request

Music neighbors accordion awesome Video win - 106469377

Guy's Neighbor Serenades Neighborhood With Crazy Accordion Skills

Passive aggressive notes between neighbors

Passive Aggressive Notes from Angry Neighbors

Nasty neighbors won't be considerate of neighbor over a heater situation, so a pro revenge takes place. | r/ProRevenge Join u/VloekenenVentileren 2h 1 2 1 e2 S 1 1 Don't wanna turn down heating unit make sure start day freezing cold. So this story takes place only few weeks ago live on first floor cornerbuilding and ground floor this building is general commercial unit had been vacant about year changed december 2020. At point national post service rented out building as temporary place where me

Neighbors Won't Turn Down Heating Unit, They Pay The Price

A loud neighbor thinks that sound waves only move side-to-side, learns otherwise, and pro revenge ensues.

Loud Neighbor Thinks Sound Waves Go Side-To-Side, Pro Revenge Ensues

Woman blocks sidewalk with her car and then asks the neighbors to call the cops. | Woman blocks her sidewalk with car, asks us call police. M My neighbor blocked sidewalk with her car during last two snowstorms. This meant (1) so she claims, she didn't have shovel path her car her house and instead able step directly on her shoveled sidewalk (which she pays someone shovel) and could then walk her front door and (2) she didn't need shovel sidewalk her car blocked

Woman Blocks Sidewalk With Car, Asks Neighbors To Call Police

Guy calls out entitled neighbors' for using him to fix their houses up. | AITA cursing out neighbor and refusing be neighborhood handyman? Not hole quite recently few months ago be exact, moved house suburbs large town. Pretty much second started moving load people started introducing themselves just figured this great as seemed neighborly as out my neighborhood is pretty much 50% well off single moms, 40% elderly people and remaining 10% are families. Being solo guy my late 20's do feel bit out

Entitled Neighbors Treat Man Like Free Handyman, Man Puts Neighbors In Check

Wholesome fairy twitter thread | kelly victoria @saysthefox think everyone could use lighthearted/happy story right now so here goes: At beginning pandemic went through some painful personal stuff and would often go out at night long walks because no one around and couldn't sleep anyway. One night walking down my street and noticed someone had set up few little objects tree planter and upon closer inspection realized fairy garden with little note about 4 year old girl who felt lonely quarantine

Twitter Thread: Neighbor Creates Mind-Blowingly Wholesome Fairy Experience

Woman's tired of neighbor's screaming children, wants to blast music. | ?1231B2 AITA telling my neighbour will just blast music over her kids yelling Not hole f26) moved into new house purchased. My new neighbour two days later came over say hello and asked if had kids said no and she pretty much said (not word word oh hope don't mind all noise mine make, they can get very loud She has 3 kids, which guessing are all under 6 and l've already heard them haven't finished unpacking yet but where use

Woman's Tired Of Neighbor's Screaming Children, Wants To Blast Music

An entitled neighbor threatens a family and their dogs, and ends up getting evicted | r/ProRevenge post by Pikatira Entitled Neighbor threaten dogs and break. Years ago, my mother and had just moved new dog friendly apartment complex had 2 dogs, one bichon shih tzu and other is terrier poodle mix. Because them were excited community dog park right next our building. Also note, our who building filled with dog owners, each with dogs ranging small huge. Our apartment on first floor back building

Entitled Neighbor Threatens Family's Dogs, Gets Evicted