
Be nice to your neighbors, you never want to end up in a feud. From Hatfield and McCoy's to Karen and Kyle and every other lovely person you could meet, it's best to make cookies, not war.

terrible neighbor tries to steal guy's driveway

Nightmare Neighbor Tries to Claim Guy's Driveway and Screws Himself Out of His Own

A belligerent neighbor damages a family's car, refuses to own up, and then it backfires terribly.

Belligerent Neighbor Damages Family's Car, Refuses To Own Up, Backfires Terribly

funny story of homeowner who runs for HOA board on campaign to do nothing and wins

Resident Runs For HOA Board on Platform of "Doing The Bare Minimum," Wins

petty revenge stories people got on bad naighbors

Petty Things People Did To Combat Nasty Neighbors

Woman tells her neighbors to stop talking in their garden, and then proceeds to get called out.

Woman Tells Neighbors To Stop Talking In Their Garden, Gets Called Out

Entitled neighbor demands nutless baklava for allergic wife, gets upset when it doesn't happen

Irrational Neighbor Demands Nutless Baklava

Parent lets their daughter exclude a lazy neighbor from her yard business.

Parent Lets Daughter Exclude Lazy Neighbor From Yard Business

Neighbors complain about basketball hoop, so dad designs car with basketball hoop for neighborhood

Dad Designs Masterful Basketball Hoop Loophole

A woman reports her nightmare neighbors, and then they end up getting a $500 fine.

Woman Reports Nightmare Neighbors, Righteous Fine Ensues

neighbors borrow and break chairs, internet weighs in on repayment

Neighbors Borrow Chairs Without Asking, Break Them

An entitled neighbor expects tree removal so that he can have a better view.

Entitled Neighbor Expects Tree Removal For Better View

Man continually violates the HOA rules, gets fined, tells them to leave him alone.

Man Continually Violates HOA Rules, Asks If He's In The Wrong

People describe the pettiest things that their neighbors ever did to them.

Pettiest Things People's Neighbors Did To Them

A nasty neighbor keeps wasting the cops' time with petty concerns, so the neighbor ends up losing half of their garden.

Neighbor Keeps Wasting Cops' Time Over Petty Matters, Loses Half Of Garden

Music neighbors FAIL annoying revenge ridiculous loud Video - 106824449

Guy's Neighbor Payback Prank Is Merciless

An HOA member gets a guy's car towed, so he repeatedly returns the favor.

HOA Member Gets Neighbor's Car Towed, Neighbor Returns The Favor