

They must be MY leaves on MY curb? As you wish.

'I spoke with my neighbors and acquired the rights to their leaves': Guy leaves gargantuan mountain of leaves after leaf collection company leafs through their rulebook then leaves his leaves and leaves

There's a whole lotta left leaves going on in this thread, and we're left wondering why a company whose entire existence and sole purpose is collecting leaves is so bad at doing so. You wouldn't expect a leaf collection company to operate like city parking enforcement agencies — which are, without exception, the most useless organizations on the planet. Well, expectations aside, this leaf collection cartel is hilariously particular about what leaves they will collect and where. Any leaves that…
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pro revenge neighbors neighborhood mother revenge neighborhood-drama bad neighbors petty revenge Bad Neighbor - 18448133

'I definitely put a dent in [their marriage]': Single mother catfishes condescending righteous neighbors in ultimate act of retribution

Whatever belief, culture, lifestyle, or background you come from or follow, there's a unifying ideal that we should all abide by: Treat others with respect. You never know what someone else has had to endure, what they've managed to make it through, or what trials and tribulations they face or have faced. This is why that whole “not judging” thing is so prevalent and important in belief structures ("Do not judge, or you too will be judged") — who are you to think yourself worthy of passing judg…
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Entitled Child destroys property and threatens to evict my family

Update: Entitled Children Threaten to Kick Neighbors Out of Their Apartment

Ah, the entitlement never ends!
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ask reddit karens neighbors drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people neighbor - 18412037

'He showed up at my house threatening to burn it down': 20+ Insane neighbors who took neighborly disputes to another level

The existence of other people can be — well — kind of a downer. Nothing spoils the enjoyment of the pleasant dawning sun, with a hot cup of coffee in hand and pleasant birdsong in the air, like being reminded that other people exist. Barking dogs, honking cars, or yelling neighbors puncture tranquil morning thoughts and pull you right back into a bleak and bitter reality of continuance. But a barking dog, honking car, or occasional dispute is far from the worst thing one can experience when liv…
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AITA for not being in an HOA

'I've been getting HOA letters about fees': Guy refuses to join HOA and incurs their wrath

It's often said that you should never make a deal with the devil — and the same goes for HOAs. If an HOA ever comes knocking, asking if you want to participate in a duel for a golden fiddle, you would do well to politely decline… before closing — and locking — your front door.
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Neighbor took delivery of a package that our business purchased, used the contents, and now wants us to pay for the scraps. Dafuq?

Viral Thread: Neighbor steals guy's package and uses the contents, writes guy a note asking him to pay for the leftovers

This insane neighbor seriously wants this guy to pay for the remnants of his own property.
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Neighbor tells another neighbor to call the city… they did. | "Well apparently they got into a shouting match with one of the other neighbors over it with the offending neighbor telling the other neighbor if they don’t like it call the city."

'They got into a shouting match': Neighbor blocks sidewalk with SUV and tells other neighbor to report them if they don't like it... The predictable happens

Maybe, just maybe, if you're breaking a rule (or law) and you get into a dispute with someone over you breaking said rule/law… Maybe, it would be best not to dare that person to report you to whatever authority holds jurisdiction over said thing? Just saying… because we keep seeing stories like this and I just don't know what outcome these people are expecting in these circumstances.
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pro revenge neighbors drama neighborhood revenge petty revenge neighbor property-dispute property - 17292805

Entitled Neighbors Are Taking Over Your Driveways, Here Are Three Top Stories

What is it with neighbors driveways?
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HOA doesn't tip and gets neighborhood banned from pizza ordering

HOA Doesn't Tip On Massive Pizza Order, Gets Whole Neighborhood Blacklisted

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aita neighbors lifing woman gym neighborhood fitness neighbor - 16397061

Creepy Neighbor Peers Through Woman's Windows, Says She Can't Walk Around Her House Topless

Maybe just keep your eyes to yourself?
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aita neighbors neighborhood - 15245061

Guy Sets His Dogs Loose on Criminal Neighbor Kids After They Break Into His House

Guy uses his dogs to scare underaged criminal neighbors after they won't stop breaking into his property
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aita neighbors scammer drama neighborhood neighbor-drama parenting Bad Neighbor Reddit Parenting Fail neighbor - 16371205

Scummy Scammer Neighbor Has Kids Shovel Woman's Driveway Without Asking, Demands Payment

This mom is teaching a master class in grifting.
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12 reddit text images neighbor signed up to donate to satanic cult | thumbnail background grey "We had lived here about a year when I started getting lots of flat tires. I found nails sprinkled amongst the rocks of my driveway. Someone keyed my car and wrote a slur in the paint."

Neighborhood Family Targeted By Local Racist, Family Donates To Satanic Cult In His Name

Petty revenge served on a platter
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A collection of tweets about people's most ridiculous neighbors on NextDoor.

People's Most Nightmarish, Entitled, And Bizarre Neighbors

NextDoor is a troubling goldmine.
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thread of neighbor dog walking debacle form reddit | thumbnail "Being short on time and being physically challenged are two entirely different things. I can kind of see asking the first time, but when you said no, she should have left it alone. 6 Reply 1 1.3k 3 + dogwalker-aita OP · 1d I don't fault her for asking the first time, i'd probably ask too if I was in her shoes - but yea, she really should have just taken the no. she's always trying to come up with different excuses as to"

Man Walks Elderly Neighbor's Dog As A Favor, Younger Neighbor Aggressively Salty

A neighborhood debacle
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neighbors want guy to build house for their property values

Neighbors Demand Dude Build A House To Increase Their Property Value

Good old neighbors.
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