
'I became the HOA president': Resident gets even with neighbors who block his parking spot by joining HOA; becomes president, fines them

'I became the HOA president': Resident gets even with neighbors who block his parking spot by joining HOA; becomes president, fines them

‘Next time, say please': Couple posts neighbors' sawhorses on Craigslist as ‘free’ after parking debacle

‘Next time, say please': Couple posts neighbors' sawhorses on Craigslist as ‘free’ after parking debacle

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'What price do you put on peace of mind?': Trashy neighbor throws garbage over fence, guy buys the house they're renting just to evict them

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'I will fill your car with snow': Guy gets ice-cold revenge on a parking spot stealer during actual blizzard

arly update: Since my previous post, I've received a second note stuck to my window. I'm not sure what to make of it as it's more or less the same style of letter,

Update! 'You are being given a warning': Woman receives passive aggressive note from neighbor demanding removal of decorative fake plants

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Insane Neighbor Insists Homeowners Pay Their Child's Medical Bills After Their Child Hurts Themselves in Homeowners' Driveway

WIBTA For planting prickly bushes in my front yard to keep the neighbours kids from my property?

Update: 'I asked them to stop it so I can work': Renter encounters doorbell-ringing neighbor children and their driveway-hogging parents

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'You must within 2 days minimum': Neighbor's demand that woman remove fake plants from her porch goes viral

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'Your heat is too low': Guy's upstairs neighbor demands he turn up his thermostat to heat her apartment.

'Screw your HOA': Anarchist teens outsmart their neighborhood's contemptuous rules, mocking them by maliciously complying to their technicalities

'Screw your HOA': Anarchist teens outsmart their neighborhood's contemptuous rules, mocking them by maliciously complying to their technicalities

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'They were trying to scam us': Neighbor mows woman's lawn without asking, demands payment

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'I put an end to [it]': Guy solves neighbor's loud arguing with genius solution

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'They owned a funeral home, but I buried them with pettiness': Funeral homeowners attempt to outmaneuver neighborly opponent in regards to 8 foot tall fence, 5 years of petty revenge ensue

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'HOAs are a scourge to society': HOA enforces ridiculous trash rule, neighborhood bands together for some trashy compliance

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'What the HOA did was blatant fraud': Ex-wife vindictively signs dude's house up to neighborhood HOA, he sues them both

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'I live here!': Karen parks in family's driveway and tries to pretend it's her house