
UPDATE: Karen tows couple's cars from their own driveway, okays her relative's use of their driveway over Christmas period

UPDATE: Karen tows couple's cars from their own driveway, okays her relative's use of their driveway over Christmas period

AITA for letting my dog poop in someone else's yard?

Update! 'I'm the a**hole': Dog owner lets pet "go" in neighbor's yard, wonders if they're wrong, internet sets them straight

Created a point-of-interest on Google Maps to piss off wealthy Karen neighbors

Guy pettily trolls rich neighbor Karen who is mad about a new road joining her neighborhood to a 'poor' one

HOA gets hilariously trolled after emailing a petty violation email to the wrong person

Woman is mistakenly emailed an HOA violation for a property 600 miles away, trolls them with epic pettiness

It is a really bad idea to make a government employee angry | Both of the police units showed up and I let them know what was going on. They were both appropriately agitated to have to waste their time and let not nice guy know that I was within in my authority to proceed with the investigation.

'He stated berating me': Jerk neighbor breaks code, gets served bureaucratic justice by disgruntled government employee

They must be MY leaves on MY curb? As you wish.

'I spoke with my neighbors and acquired the rights to their leaves': Guy leaves gargantuan mountain of leaves after leaf collection company leafs through their rulebook then leaves his leaves and leaves

pro revenge neighbors neighborhood mother revenge neighborhood-drama bad neighbors petty revenge Bad Neighbor - 18448133

'I definitely put a dent in [their marriage]': Single mother catfishes condescending righteous neighbors in ultimate act of retribution

ask reddit karens neighbors drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people neighbor - 18412037

'He showed up at my house threatening to burn it down': 20+ Insane neighbors who took neighborly disputes to another level

Karen neighbour made plans for her guests to use my driveway over Christmas | I came home to find a note of Karen neighbour, hand posted into my letter box. It wasn’t in an envelope.

'She tried to tow my car out of my own driveway': Karen arranges for her guests to park in dude's driveway, tells him to park on the street

AITA for not paying for my neighbors child's medical bills? | We bought our new house last year. When we first viewed the house, we noticed bikes and children's toys in the driveway and on the side yard. At our final walkthrough before we signed the final documents and got the keys, we noticed kids in the driveway coloring with sidewalk chalk and riding scooters and bikes. We introduced ourselves to the kids and asked where they lived, they pointed at the house next door.

'The neighbor came out screaming at me': Insane neighbor insists guy pays children's medical bills after kids play in his driveway despite repeated warnings

Karen Sends Passive Aggressive Note to Neighbor Demanding Removal of Skeleton Decorations, Prompts the Rest of the Neighborhood to Request More Skeletons

Karen Sends Passive Aggressive Note to Neighbor Demanding Removal of Skeleton Decorations, Prompts the Rest of the Neighborhood to Request More Skeletons