
Bad Neighbor neighbors neighborhood neighbor revenge petty revenge malicious compliance neighborhood-drama malicious-compliance-reddit neighborhood-stories bad-neighbor-stories - 20475653

'I put his on vacation hold': Neighborhood trash battle results in unexpected vacation

hoa neighbors gardening neighborhood garden homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories hoa-karen Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 20502533

'[His] neighbor decided to take it upon herself to report [him.]': Karen and HOA team up to take on guy who just wants to garden, he gets the last laugh

amitheahole aita neighbors neighborhood judgement neighborhood-drama bad neighbors verdict Bad Neighbor neighbor parking-drama parking - 20445189

'I called the cops': Neighbor repeatedly blocks new parents' driveway, gets towed, blames them

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'They had to move': Woman gets her neighbors evicted following their excessive complaints

pro revenge neighbors neighbor-stories neighborhood revenge nuclear revenge neighborhood-drama bad neighbors petty revenge Bad Neighbor neighbor - 20322053

'What price do you put on peace of mind?': Trashy neighbor throws garbage over fence, guy buys the house they're renting just to evict them

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'I will fill your car with snow': Guy gets ice-cold revenge on a parking spot stealer during actual blizzard

neighbors drama neighbor-stories neighborhood neighborhood-drama Bad Neighbor entitled people neighbor - 20109317

'Your heat is too low': Guy's upstairs neighbor demands he turn up his thermostat to heat her apartment.

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'They were trying to scam us': Neighbor mows woman's lawn without asking, demands payment

karens neighbors drama neighbor-stories karen-neighbor neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor neighbor - 1947399

'I put an end to [it]': Guy solves neighbor's loud arguing with genius solution

hoa neighbors Legal Woes marriage neighborhood ex neighborhood-drama marriage-drama cheater Bad Neighbor home owner - 19949317

'What the HOA did was blatant fraud': Ex-wife vindictively signs dude's house up to neighborhood HOA, he sues them both

parking-drama karens neighbors entitled parents neighbor-stories neighborhood neighborhood-drama karens in the wild entitled Bad Neighbor karen parents entitled people - 19884805

'I live here!': Karen parks in family's driveway and tries to pretend it's her house

karens neighbors gardening neighbor-stories neighborhood garden neighborhood-drama petty revenge gardens Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 19846661

'Karens keep stealing from my garden': Garden grabbing karens get served when guy uproots the entire thing

karens neighbors school drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 19541509

'IT'S NOT A SIDEWALK': Neighborhood Karen makes wild group post about school kids walking on school property adjacent to her property

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Update: Landowner returns after 3 years to tell the story of how they defeated a backstabbing HOA and land developer

karens facebook-drama entitled parents drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama karens in the wild story entitled Bad Neighbor karen Valentines day - 19119621

Karen tries to get "excluding" adults only Valentine's Day neighborhood event cancelled because her kids can't come

You want to make things fair? I'll show you fair.

'You want to make things fair? I'll show you fair': Neighbor demands half of bake sale earnings despite paying for none of the costs