
'[The] customer thought we were moving her stuff too slow': Movers refund customer to avoid her reviews

'[The] customer thought we were moving her stuff too slow': Movers refund entitled customer to avoid her negative reviews

'The install guy had to call me three times': Internet provider refuses to cancel customer's service, customer makes them drive to the middle of nowhere to prove they can't install satellite internet

'The install guy had to call me three times': Internet provider refuses to cancel customer's service, customer makes them drive to the middle of nowhere to prove they can't install satellite internet

‘I reported him to HOA until he moved': Resident devises 4-month plan to get back at pesky neighbor; after getting fined by HOA, neighbor moves out

‘I reported him to HOA until he moved': Resident devises 4-month plan to get back at pesky neighbor; after getting fined by HOA, neighbor moves out

'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

'The lady of the house simply will not permit it': Movers tasked with impractical sofa bed delivery, use their own contract to avoid carrying it up stairs

'The lady of the house simply will not permit it': Movers tasked with impractical sofa bed delivery, use their own contract to avoid carrying it up stairs

'They say it's lowering property values': Homeowners share their worst HOA horror stories

'They say it's lowering property values': Homeowners share their worst HOA horror stories

‘I made sure it fit their diet… on the outside': Vegetarian roommates eat flatmate's food, flatmate plants meat in pizza crust

‘I made sure it fit their diet… on the outside': Vegetarian roommates eat flatmate's food, flatmate plants meat in pizza crust

'I took a picture, called my leasing office, and reported it to them': Neighbors disagree over trash bags in the hallway

'I took a picture, called my leasing office, and reported it to them': Neighbors disagree over trash bags in the hallway

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'You told me to sort this out myself, this is me sorting this out': Construction boss forced to move one ton of sand after he refuses to update his phone number

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'Landlord is ignoring my notice to vacate': Woman deals with landlord who doesn't want to lose her

Company policy outranks a written contract? Okay, we'll stick to policy then.

'We just wanted them to honor the contract': Couple moving for work discover they won't be fully repaid, HR director steps in to enforce policy

Update: 'I moved out and took everything': Group makes their roommate to move out, roommate leaves the house empty

Update: 'I moved out and took everything': Group forces their roommate to move out, roommate leaves the house barren

The lady of the house insists

'I'm afraid that's no longer my problem, ma'am': Movers maliciously comply with rich Karen's impossible delivery demands

guys try to move pottery onto vehicle and end up dropping it

Guys Try To Move Pottery, Lose Battle

Twitter users share a collection of their most helpful packing tips for someone who's about to move.

A Move Prompts Twitter Users To Share Their Best Packing Tips

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If You've Ever Had a Dog, This is Easily the Best Story You'll Read All Day