
karma boss manager happy-ending work interview job hired salary raise promotion victor retribution toxic workplace employee worker

'Karma for the old manager': Hardworking employee earns her dream job over her ex-boss, gets a 60% pay raise and a happy ending

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'I'm watching my future former director going nuts': Boss has dawning realization at employee's imminent departure

‘You can’t publish that': Karen flies off the handle when newspaper publishes her name in print, demands newspaper remove it, boss hangs up on her

‘You can’t publish that': Karen flies off the handle when newspaper publishes her name in print, demands newspaper remove it, boss hangs up on her

Micromanager resigns after employee writes anonymous reviews about him

'I lost my patience': Micromanaging boss forced to resign after employee writes anonymous reviews about him

'I told my manager, "You need me, I don't need you"': Cashier refuses to sign papers during meeting with bosses

'I told my manager, "You need me, I don't need you"': Cashier refuses to sign papers during meeting with bosses

Top 28 Karen Customer Memes for Employees Quitting The Day After Tomorrow

Top 28 Karen Customer Memes for Employees Quitting The Day After Tomorrow

'I didn't get any donations': Manager collects money on behalf of a grieving mother, then keeps all the cash for himself

'I didn't get any donations': Manager collects money on behalf of a grieving mother, then keeps all the cash for himself

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'My manager collected donations for me but kept it all': Boss collects donations from coworkers under the guise of helping with a personal tragedy, dips with all the money

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'They had their chance': Post-resignation, boss begs his employee to stay longer to train his replacement, gets denied

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'[My manager] didn't get done until midnight': Boss tries to micromanage a seasoned employee, then gets pwned when the boss's boss comes along

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'Forget it, you're fired!': Dude gets fired from a store where he didn't even work

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'That would be to expensive': Boss boasts about his standing desk but won't let anyone else have one

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'They tried to write me up': Boss reprimands worker for being twenty-two seconds late, worker phones boss every time they leave home

'I'm not paying that': Employee gets even with company's client following their refusal to reimburse expense report 1% over allocated budget, client loses $700

'I'm not paying that': Employee gets even with company's client following their refusal to reimburse expense report 1% over allocated budget, client loses $700

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'Everyone laughed... he was very angry': Employee maliciously complies with company's 'black footwear' policy by showing up to work in rubber diving flippers

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15+ Relatable Work From Home Memes for Pajamafied Employees With Who Can't Survive Another Zoom Call