

Come in for my shift? You just suspended me.

'You just suspended me!': Employee quits when blundering manager suspends them and then expects them to show up for a shift

Giving someone a punishment that prohibits them from doing something and then subsequently expecting them to still do that thing is downright insane. The entire point of suspending an employee from the workplace is that they have committed or exhibited some type of behavior that the employer has deemed unacceptable for the workplace. Hence, it's a way of having them temporarily not be there to either cool off or so the employer can figure out the next steps. Expecting the employee to show up wh…
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"Would you just do your f-ing job?"

'Just do your f-ing job': Worker revolts against terrible boss by doing just their job, as requested

Going above and beyond at work is generally considered to be the best way of furthering yourself professionally. It might feel a little weird to be essentially doing work that's out of your pay grade for free, but it cannot be said how important doing that work is to learn more advanced skills, grow, gain confidence, and pump up that CV. So, in a healthy workplace with competent leaders, this can be a win-win for everyone: the work gets done, and the employee benefits with growth. The same can…
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boss antiwork toxic-workplace manager managers workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment retail - 18723589

'How is [it] legal?': Unhinged management tries to tell pregnant worker that she must wait for relief before going into labor

One day in the not-so-distant future, we will all have been replaced by robots and AI… Then there will be a golden age of no one having to do any work at all before the robots rise up and kill us — or harvest us to use as batteries. Some managers, however, seem to think that we're already at that point and expect their workers never to have any medical events; never need any food, breaks, or hydration; and to show up to work on a whim and to do as they're told, whenever they're told. The point…
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Was caught with a coffee cup at work, the next day everyone’s “water privileges” were revoked.

'No, absolutely not': Boss losses their cool when employees abuse 'water privilege''

The audacity of some people to want to remain adequately hydrated. Don't they know? The first rule of the cashier's code is that you must remain thirsty at all times. We're talking parched here — not even an ounce of spit remaining that could accidentally flick onto a customer's face. After a cashier betrayed this sacred code, their boss was forced to instate a ban on all water sipping due to abuse of “water privilege.” That's insane… right? It begs the question of why some workplaces insist on…
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Am I being a dick? For context this is my scheduled day off every week and the ‘duty’ I’m on is spending the day with my baby son so the nanny and the grandparents are all busy because it’s my day to be a dad. Work also text my wife to have me check my phone because I didn’t respond fast enough.

'Guess I'll find a sitter': Manager passive aggressively tries to coerce worker into coming into work on their day off

The great part about being a manager of a retail location or restaurant is that you get paid a little bit more than the miserable wages of your subordinates. The not-so-great part about being a manager of a retail location or restaurant is that a little bit more still probably isn't a whole lot, and certainly isn't enough for all the bullshit you have to deal with.
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Attention: Bathroom breaks have been limited

'Attention: Bathroom breaks have been limited': Insane sign written in highlighter prohibits employee bathroom breaks longer than five minutes

It's important that the medium used to convey a message matches the weight of that message.
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New Manager Enforces Ridiculous Uniform Rules On Female Employees, Cue Malicious Compliance

New Manager Enforces Ridiculous Uniform Rules On Female Employees, Cue Malicious Compliance

'Your uniform doesn't comply with the dress code. IF pants have belt loops, a belt must be worn!'
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People don’t quit jobs. They quit managers. |

'People don't quit jobs. They quit managers.': Server considers quitting once happy job when they get a new micromanaging manager

People don't quit jobs: They quit managers. A sentiment that we've echoed across the pages of Fail Blog more times than I dare to count.
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New Job Bait and Switch | I worked for a national home improvement store (the blue one). When I interviewed, I applied for the sales position in plumbing (no longer exists). It was Monday - Friday, 9-5, with a commission program. Since I had years of plumbing experience, I was offered the job. The day I started I was told the sales job went to an internal promotion, only thing they could offer me was 'part time'. Lower hourly rate, n

'New job bait and switch': Home improvement store hires electrician to plumbing department over actual plumber, this goes exactly as expected

There are certain things in life that just make sense: Like hiring a plumber to help in your plumbing department and an electrician for the electrical department. Well, this mysteriously nameless “home improvement store” got their wires crossed when this manager decided to nepotistically appoint an electrician to the full-time plumbing department that they had just hired a plumber to work in. When the plumber came to start their full-time job… they were told by the manager that they actually ha…
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Angry Kevin gets himself banned from Gas Station

'I want to make a complaint:' Aggressive Kevin berates gas station manager until she bans him

In one small town, there is drama going on at the local gas pump — but not for the reason you might think. As one poster on r/IDOWORKHERELADY wrote, his mother has some pretty wacky customers at her job as a petrol station manager. This one stubborn Kevin really tested her patience as he demanded to speak to the manager. But luckily, this manager got a handle on the situation and she really had the final revenge ! Next up, read about this family who declared their Thanksgiving meal was BYOC - b…
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Boss told me at the last minute about "mandatory" overtime that he made up because he was mad two of my co-workers called off that day. I missed one day that week, first day in almost a year

'Clock out and go home then': Boss demands mandatory made-up overtime, fires worker and her boyfriend when she refuses

This vindictive a-hole of a boss saw fit to mandate surprise overtime when they came to the conclusion that their employees had missed too much work. Sure, it's understandable that they were feeling some stress and pressure while looking at the loss of man-hours for the week. There were probably some slumping numbers and unfinished tasks that were contributing to their impulse to pick up the phone. But, as adults and professionals, it's important that we control our impulses; there will always…
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Karen calls the wrong restaurant over 60 times to complain, gets put in her place

'You're calling the wrong place!': Drunk Karen finally admits she's wrong after harassing a restaurant she's never been to with over 60+ prank phone calls

“He had to disconnect the phones during a busy rush because she called 30 times…”
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This is how my husband’s GM speaks to him and the other managers..

'The incompetence MUST STOP!': GM writes insane email to management team

It is simply HARD to believe that people would think THAT COMMUNICATING like this to their staff is in the SLIGHTEST bit effective or acceptable!
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Funniest Customer Service Memes for the Perpetually Tired Souls Who Are Handing In Their Two Week Notice

Funniest Customer Service Memes for the Perpetually Tired Souls Who Are Handing In Their Two Week Notice

The customer is in fact, not always right.
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manager malicious compliance revenge coworkers factory-worker factory workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 18471429

'Under his command the company need[ed] extra 2000 manhours when for over 10 years it never did': New boss sets stupid new rules for factory shut down, the predictable occurs

It's incredible how often new managers and owners fail to learn not to touch things until they understand them. Except, they're usually so wrapped up and embroiled in their own egos that they're blinded to logic or reason. Desperate to prove themselves and their competence — they proceed to make the most incompetent and inconceivable changes to things that should have been left well enough alone. From there, the predictable happens: The workplace and/or budgets spiral out of control, and the bo…
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funniest tweets about how work sucks

Fresh 'Anti' Work Tweets for People Who Are Always on the Edge of Quitting

Society is ready to go back to the bartering system at this point.
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