
'If I’m not her supervisor, then I don’t need to check any of [her] work': Administrative assistant claims she's on par with the CFO, CFO maliciously complies, she gets fired

'If I’m not her supervisor, then I don’t need to check any of [her] work': Administrative assistant claims she's on par with the CFO, CFO maliciously complies, she gets fired

'"My team's not a bunch of maintenance men': Trade worker defies contractors orders to shovel snow and packs up 'everything on the site'

'My team's not a bunch of maintenance men': Trade worker defies contractors orders to shovel snow and packs up 'everything on the site'

'Her system absolutely backfired': Student finds loophole in summer job's payment policy, gets paid full day's work for 30 minutes of labor, collects all the money

'Her system absolutely backfired': Student finds loophole in summer job's payment policy, gets paid full day's work for 30 minutes of labor, collects all the money

Update: 'I can't even handle this level of pettiness': High school principal won't let teacher leave early for doctor appointment, teacher decides to take even more time off

Update: 'I can't even handle this level of pettiness': High school principal refuses to let teacher leave early for doctor appointment, teacher decides to take even more time off

'[I told] her that I wasn't being suspended': Student stands up to Karen principal, proves her strict rules aren't in the handbook, gets suspension revoked

'[I told] her that I wasn't being suspended': Student stands up to Karen principal, proves her strict rules aren't in the handbook, gets suspension revoked

'You said I needed to submit my essay, here it is': Professor denies college student's request for an extension, student discovers professor's grading secret

'You said I needed to submit my essay, here it is': Professor denies college student's request for an extension, student discovers professor's grading secret

'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

'Remember, I don't work for free': Farm driver refuses to work unpaid overtime, informs boss he will leave his truck on the side of the highway

'Remember, I don't work for free': Farm driver refuses to work unpaid overtime, informs boss he will leave his truck on the side of the highway

'The auditor shows up for their surprise inspection, right in the middle of the lunch rush': Food service employee labels restaurant food to pass an audit

'The auditor shows up for their surprise inspection, right in the middle of the lunch rush': Food service employee maliciously complies with labelling restaurant food to pass an audit

'Turns out the admission was really important': Insurance lawyer refuses to download video software to help his client, realizes his mistake in the courtroom

'Turns out the admission was really important': Insurance lawyer refuses to download video software to help his client, realizes his mistake in the courtroom

'He's contradicted himself... his face went bright red': Retail employee begins clocking in four minutes late every day to protest boss's time-clock policy

'He's contradicted himself... his face went bright red': Retail employee begins clocking in four minutes late every day to protest boss's time-clock policy

'Grandma is a hoarder': Grandkid told to clean something of his from grandmother's fridge, maliciously complies and cleans the whole thing

'Grandma is a hoarder': Grandkid told to clean something of his from grandmother's fridge, maliciously complies and cleans the whole thing

'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

'Their faces were priceless': Boss makes sick employee come in, employee maliciously complies, gets company sick policy revised

'Their faces were priceless': Boss makes sick employee come in, employee maliciously complies, gets company sick policy revised

'My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law': HOA tells car collector not to park cars in their own driveway, car collector slows traffic with parking solution

'My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law': HOA tells car collector not to park cars in their own driveway, car collector snarls traffic with parking solution

'He's complaining to me he's overdrawn...not my problem dude': Repair shop refuses customer's credit card payment, then realizes his mistake

'He's complaining to me he's overdrawn...not my problem dude': Repair shop refuses customer's credit card payment, then realizes his mistake