

'I hung up and ignored all calls from my boss': Restaurant boss asks employee to walk five miles in below zero temperatures, critiques their 'work ethic'

'I hung up and ignored all calls from my boss': Restaurant boss asks employee to walk five miles in below zero temperatures, critiques their 'work ethic'

Some bosses don't believe in excuses. They have a zero tolerance policy for latenesses or absences, as if they're managing robots, and not human beings. If you've never worked in the food service industry, let me tell you a secret: snow days are often incredibly busy times at restaurants of all kinds. It seems counterintuitive---after all, if the roads are closed and temperatures are in the negatives, who's going to want to go out for a burger? What happens, though, is that people lose power an…
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'[I] picked a day they would be at work so not to ruin the "surprise"': Couple with ten dogs insists neighbors need to replace their fence, neighbors give them a fence that 'resembles the Berlin Wall'

'[I] picked a day they would be at work so not to ruin the "surprise"': Couple with ten dogs insists neighbors need to replace their fence, neighbors give them a fence that 'resembles the Berlin Wall'

Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean your neighbor has ten dogs ? This person shared a malicious compliance tale, and buried that rather surprising fact in the story. Owning one or two dogs is pretty usual. Lots of people adopt one dog, decide the pup has been getting lonely during the day while they're alone, and then they'll get a second dog to keep that one company. Owning ten dogs is certainly out of the ordinary! That must be a full time job to feed, groom, walk, and play with an whole squad…
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'I didn't cook anything': Husband complains about wife's cooking smell, she maliciously complies and refuses to cook him dinner anymore

'I didn't cook anything': Husband complains about wife's cooking smell, she maliciously complies and refuses to cook him dinner anymore

Be careful what you complain about in your household! Otherwise, you might end up having to cook your own food. When you're sharing space with someone, whether it's a family member, a partner, or a roommate you found on Craigslist, you have to divide the household tasks appropriately. Those decisions will look different for every living space, but as long as there's a well-understood compromise among all those residing in said living space, there shouldn't be very many problems. Now, if you're…
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'I show the company the same level of compassion they showed me': Clock-watching manager refuses to make exception for employee's ailing father, employee gets five years worth of pay back

'I show the company the same level of compassion they showed me': Clock-watching manager refuses to make exception for employee's ailing father, employee gets five years worth of pay back

This worker found out at the worst possible time that their company only saw her as a number. Instead of treating this employee as a person, and giving her some basic human decency, u/ennovyelechim's boss made it clear that she cared more about a few minutes of work . This seems to be an oddly common occurrence. Someone will be going through a tough life event, whether it's someone close passing away, or an illness, or another big life challenge. You can try to hide your feelings about it, but…
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'I'm not taking an hour off. I'm leaving. For good': Boss tells employee she could be 'fired for no cause,' employee plans their escape plan

'I'm not taking an hour off. I'm leaving. For good': Boss constantly tells employee she could be 'fired for no cause,' employee plans their escape plan

This boss kept reminding their employee over and over just how disposable they were. It's no wonder the employee got really tired of hearing that! This boss must not care about workplace morale at all. If she did, she wouldn't speak to her employees in such a degrading tone. The OP, u/Public_Pressure_4516, shared they were working at a bank, but just as a part time gig. The OP is also a part-time teacher, but we all know how America treats its teachers---low pay and no benefits. So they needed…
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'Get me the manager... I want to watch as they fire you': Cafe customer asks to speak to the manager after attempting to steal from their establishment

'Get me the manager... I want to watch as they fire you': Incensed cafe customer demands to speak to the manager after attempting to steal from their establishment

This customer woke up and decided everyone else should revolve their lives around his happiness. Some people wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and decide to ruin everyone else's day too. In customer service, this kind of entitlement is all too common. Some folks never seem to realize that they are one of 7.8 billion people on the planet. Instead, they think that everyone should wait on them like they're royalty. They lack the ability to put themselves in other people's shoes . The person in…
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'[The housing developer] paid me ten grand to not sue them': Housing developer continually tries to push couple off their land, couple gathers evidence and consults a lawyer

'[The housing developer] paid me ten grand to not sue them': Housing developer continually tries to push couple off their land, couple gathers evidence and consults a lawyer

There was a big shift in the housing market a few years ago, and this couple was right there to witness it happening in their own neighborhood. This couple did everything right while buying a home : they purchased a plot of land, built a home on it, and made sure there was no HOA to control them. But then a certain illness made sure to ruin the early 2020s for all of us, and it had people moving around like crazy. Suddenly, the couple found themselves surrounded by new neighbors. And, as happen…
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'Someone... was still on her account': Call center rep helps woman find her cheating husband and cancel his TV plan

'Someone... was still on her account': Call center rep helps woman find her cheating husband and cancel his TV plan

This woman was confused why she got charged $49, so she phoned up a call center for help. The person on the other end of the line, u/boyinblack13x, ended up going above and beyond at their job that day: they helped their customer find this missing ex. In my own personal “sure grandma, let's get you to bed” moment, I remember a time when you could share passwords between streaming services. It was a sneaky way to stay on mom and dad's Netflix plan while you went off to college. Then, these turne…
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'My neighbors wanted to call a professional... my parents agreed': Man chops neighbor's plants down, then decides to get their property line assessed

'My neighbors wanted to call a professional... my parents agreed': Man chops neighbor's plants down, then decides to get their property line assessed

This is not the neighbor you want living right next door to you. When you're young, you never understand why people care so much about their plants. Who cares about a bunch of dumb flowers if they're blocking the path you want to bike through? But as an adult, I totally get why people are so precious about their plants . It's because they're fragile in a bunch of different ways. If you pull a flowers' petals, it's done for. If you forget to water it for a few days, it'll do a dramatic wilt. If…
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'Well my boss said they are transferable': Employee finds loophole in bogus parking policy, maliciously complies until he gets what he wants

'Well my boss said they are transferable': Employee finds loophole in bogus parking policy, maliciously complies until he gets what he wants

If you have to fight for a parking space at work, your employers are not taking care of you. That was certainly the case for this Redditor , who worked in security at a luxury hotel that had one parking lot for all employees and guests. When his employers updated the policy to ensure that at least one-fourth of the spaces were reserved for employees, OP and his coworkers were told to apply for parking permits. Now, if you don't necessarily drive the same car to work every day, you would run int…
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'This went on for months, with no explanation': Team leader wants morning meetings to begin on time, employees start meeting without him

'This went on for months, with no explanation': Team leader demands morning meetings begin on time, employees start meeting without him

These employees are shaking their heads at their boss. He kept insisting everyone else should be on time and ready for morning meetings, while dropping the ball himself. At lots of workplaces, employees have a morning meeting to start the day. Everyone rolls in with their coffees and laptops and settle in to listen to the boss drone on for a while. Some employees will pitch ideas or talk about the clients they're working with that day. While it can be a little annoying to do every day, it's imp…
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'I was like okay': Tech employee asked not to push meeting against his advice, costs the company thousands of dollars

'I was like okay': Tech employee asked not to push meeting against his advice, costs the company thousands of dollars

Managers often never listen to who actually knows best. Instead, they tend to make executive decisions not based on facts or awareness, but rather based on what's ultimately convenient for them and their sense of authority. This applies to all toxic work environments from restaurants to law offices, but in this case, we are dealing with a tech company. This Redditor often had to push long Friday meetings to the following Monday because they always ended up having to fix bugs in the system on Fr…
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'You didn't want to reimburse my ticket': Travelling employee spends hundreds of euros on taxi rides after company won't pay him back for one train ticket

'You didn't want to reimburse my ticket': Travelling employee spends hundreds of euros on taxi rides after company refuses to pay him back for one train ticket

This company was so confused about why their employee started racking up big bills . They should've known… it was their own policies that made him do it. Travelling in taxis has become a tad outdated in these times of ride-hail services that utilize apps. There's a reason, though, that we've switched over. If you use an app to call a car, you pay before the ride starts, and then tip your driver at the end. Even if the driver takes a different route or sits in traffic, your cost still stays the…
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'Orders were backed up. Trucks were waiting… New Manager is almost in tears': New hire tells long-term employee that he should come in "on time," employee watches as warehouse melts down

'Orders were backed up. Trucks were waiting… New Manager is almost in tears': New hire tells long-term employee that he should come in "on time," employee watches as warehouse melts down

This long-time employee was wise beyond his years as he let a new hire try to make changes in their company's warehouse . He knew that you can't always make people listen to common sense. Some people just want to be correct 100% of the time so that they feel powerful. Instead of wasting his breath on arguing, this long-term employee just shrugged his shoulders and let the manager handle it his way. New hires often feel like they have something to prove. Especially managers---they think that sin…
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'I... start calling in absent "just in case"': Bosses tell employee they're 22 seconds late, employee calls in absent for work every single day for 11 years

'I... start calling in absent "just in case"': Employee calls in absent for work every single day for 11 years after bosses scold them for being 22 seconds late

Every lateness at this company equals one point… and if you gain enough points, you'll be fired. This employee took their system to heart, and decided they couldn't risk gaining any more points. Anxious people will completely understand this story. The employee explains how they were under a minute late, yet still received a point for being “late.” The computer systems don't care if you're one second late or five minutes late, it's all the same to the employer. So then the employee decides to b…
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'His old workplace suddenly had a lot of vacancies': Construction CEO replaces company leader for his work performance, leader poaches CEO's employees for his own new business

'His old workplace suddenly had a lot of vacancies': Construction CEO replaces company leader for his work performance, leader poaches CEO's employees for his own new business

Never assume, always make certain. Otherwise you might find yourself in the same situation that this boss did. There's a pernicious assumption that people who speak English as a second language aren't as smart as everyone else. There have been studies showing that people think this way about ESL folks. But in reality, speaking multiple languages shows that you're really bright. After all, if you aren't speaking in your first language, you kind of have to translate everything people are saying t…
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