

Tumblr thread recreates very small funny animation error in Scooby Doo | scoobydoomistakes Follow Probably Happened Bob animator Ok, so, there's gonna be broken piece sign says KL’ on Can draw Frank animator Yeah, sure s this look KL

Tumblr Thread: Recreating a Scooby Doo Inconsistency

Zoinks! An extremely small error!
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Landlord threatens court but tenant goes anyway and wins | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/bripotato 20 hours ago Ex-landlord says he'll "see court take him court instead and win. oC L Tldr; basically title. Brief backstory couple years ago an apartment with my friend and younger sister. My sister violent towards my friend and and ended up having get restraining order against her. She brought dog without permission, which caused some damage unit informed my landlord incidences violence and dam

Landlord Threatens Court so Tenant Takes Him to Court

This was a bad time to bluff.
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Funny car wash edited crash video

The Time a Car Wash Turned A Customer Crash into an Ad

The music really puts it on another level.
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Funny dumb facepalm moments | Russ @russdiemon wish could use laughing emojis real life 12/5/18, 1:22 PM 1,144 Retweets 8,583 Likes randy @randygivehandys Replying russdiemon or could just fucking laugh

Classic Facepalm Moments of Brainlessness

Oh man.
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New landlords try to use contract typo to get tenant to pay more money, it doesn't work | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/toastisuseful 12 hours ago 'Give us more money or evict Go ahead oC L few years ago my best friend and rented tiny 2 bedroom flat together. This place kind terrible; my friend's room had hole cut into wall so last foot bed would fit (this became mantlepiece next room kitchen size child's playhouse kitchen and upstairs neighbours spent all ours day and night screaming at e

New Landlords Try to Exploit Typo to Raise Rent, Doesn't Work

They almost pulled a sneaky.
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Tumblr thread about funny and weird school stories | frickerstein: today american lit kid fell asleep and my teacher got up and told us follow him and so all left room and he changed clock so like 6pm and like 10 minutes later kid ran into hallway with his backpack and were all sitting at end and he just sat down middle hallway and started cry yamatohatake: nosdrinker: my english teacher accused plagiarizing an essay wrote about my own life my friend got accused plagiarizing junior high because

Tumblr Thread: Weird and Stupid School Stories

Students don't have anything better to do.
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Response to client who wanted discount for one cent of water | Hi Just wanted let know loved cleaning last week and wondering if could come back every month Also wondering if could give us discount next time saw refilling water bottle our sink seems not big deal but our water bill is high specially with our new pool looking forward seeing again! Thank

Cleaner Has Classy Response for "Water Discount" Client

Who among us.
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Tumblr thread on roman fast food | extrajordinary Follow Some restaurants were fast food" variety, where customer could eat or purchase meal go Some were even designed such way customers could obtain meals without leaving their wag- ons or entering restaurant at all prototype drive-through" service. GUYS. THERE DRIVE-THROUGH ANCIENT ROME. FINDING OUT THIS ALONE IS WORTH COST MY MASTERS HISTORY Daily Life Ancient Romans by David Matz] thatdangerous Follow *rolls up window* yeah gimme number V com

Tumblr Thread: Ancient Roman Diners Drive-Ins and Dives

There goes Gaius Furius sticking his fingers in your garum.
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ridiculous entitled people and their stupid demands | SunBay Sunbay Cardamon Wooden Pool, 12.18 x 4.27 x 1.46 m Amazon Customer Reviewed United Kingdom on 5 May 2020 Empty Bought this and didn't come with water. Livid cost more fill than cost buy

Entitled Goofs and Their Absurd Demands

Oh, totally, it should say that the pool doesn't ship with thousands of pounds of water.
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Historical events that are so ridiculous they seem fictional | eannasheridan 42.4k points 24 days ago 3 2 During WW1 German navy built ship and painted make look like British ship called RMS Carmania order infiltrate and destroy British convoys. On ships first outing first enemy encountered real RMS Carmania, which promptly sunk .

Historical Events That Sound Too Ridiculous to Be True

History is patently absurd.
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TV and movie villains who people sympathized with | JackwhitesLiteBrite 12.2k points 15 hours ago Doc Ock not saying sooner rob bank than beg grant money, but get where he's coming .

Villains Who People Sympathized With

Imagine landing a sweet new security guard gig just as James Bond strolls into town.
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Story of Karen who thought guy mowing his lawn was a kid at a lawn mowing service | r/IDontWorkHereLady Posted by u/Alyksandur 6 days ago not lawn mowing service. XL (First time poster and usually listen these on YouTube don't have clue formatting works. Also, this may not be perfect sub this story, but still has right kind vibe This one actually happened last year, but short enough still remember pretty clearly live very small town where everybody can more or less recognize everybody else by si

Karen asks Grown Man to Mow Her Lawn for $10

She just walked up to a dude mowing his own lawn.
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Qualified Hospital employee gives patient care, she thinks he's the garbage man | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/Truthislife13 22 hours ago Medical care provided by garage man oc M finished my PhD middle terrible recession, and having hard time finding permanent job stayed afloat financially by adjunct teaching (low pay, no benefits) and by doing whatever odd jobs could find volunteer EMT at time, and friend able get night shift job local hospital as an IV technician. Strictly speaking should

IV Tech Lets Absurd Patient Think He's the Janitor

Ah, hospital shenanigans.
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Stuff that looks like faces and other things | slice of banana with a shape resembling the face of a dog | woman wearing a headband and sunglasses over her head looking down so that her head looks like a muppet's face

Things that Happen to Look like Other Things

Good work, brain.
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Tumblr thread about judging historical figures in modern fashion | unpretty ROYALTY_NOW_ julius caesar as just Some Dude is tripping out facial reconstruction from a bust

Tumblr Thread: Reconstructed Historical Figures and How They'd Be

Caligula still looks like he'd do a Caligula.
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Tumblr thread about the funny things a person's dentist has said | filledwiththislight Things my dentist has actually said Well, either x-rays lied or are spontaneously creating teeth going with second one because 's way cooler."

Tumblr Thread: Cool Dentist Who Doesn't Give A Heck

If only all dentists could be this honest.
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