
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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Twitter Generously Offered Up Some Realistic Plot Lines For a Jurassic World Sequel #RealJurassicParkProblems

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6 Last Minute Costumes You Still Have Time to Pull Off!

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William Shatner Thinks Star Wars is Garbage and He Doesn't Care Who Knows It

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Cockney James Bond is a Thing of Beauty

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Facebook Fight of The Day: Irish Cafe Declares War on Vegans, Hilarity Ensues

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Game 1 of the World Series Happened Last Night and Naturally Everyone Took to the Internet

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If You're Full of All the #EatClean Posts on Instagram, This is the Break Your Feed Needs

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Andy's Room, and Other Painstakingly Recreated Toy Story 3 Sets Will Tug at Your Heartstrings

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Drunkenly This Guy Booked a "Come to Brazil!!!!" Trip and Then Had the Time of His Life

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Cat Halloween Costumes That Make the Pumpkin Spice Season Complete

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Adele Releases a New Video, 'Hello' and the Twitter Fired Up the Meme-Reply Machine in Record Time

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Reddit of The Day: People Share The Best Unwritten Rules of Life

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Scientists Create Art With Bacteria

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This Man Took a Selfie With a Goat and The World Fell in Love With His Eyebrows

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After Tweeting a Picture of Jenny McCarthy Reppin' the Cubs, @MLB Wasn't Prepared for the Anti-Vaxxing Joke Replies

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Happy Back to the Future Day!