
'My registration info was "no longer in the system"': Office cancels worker's appointment, worker reschedules a new appointment '72 hours early'

'My registration info was "no longer in the system"': Office cancels worker's appointment, worker reschedules a new appointment '72 hours early'

'Early is on time, on time is late': Boss accuses employee of being the 'queen of tardiness,' employee stands her ground

'Early is on time, on time is late': Boss accuses employee of being the 'queen of tardiness,' employee stands her ground

'You leave too early': Employee starts coming in late to work after boss 'couldn't comprehend' staggered schedules

'You leave too early': Employee starts coming in late to work after boss 'couldn't comprehend' staggered schedules

'It was very awkward': Couple ditches double date after other couple shows up extra late

'It was very awkward': Couple ditches double date after other couple shows up extra late

'It only takes 8 minutes': Barber considers barring customer who shows up to barber shop late, then repeatedly leaves

'It only takes 8 minutes': Barber considers banning entitled customer who shows up to barber shop late, then repeatedly flips out over hair style

'You make me late going home? Enjoy [cleaning] the kitchen': Overnight hotel desk employee gets revenge on her colleague for being consistently 45 minutes late

'You make me late going home? Enjoy [cleaning] the kitchen': Overnight hotel desk employee gets revenge on her colleague for being consistently 45 minutes late

'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived to freeze the account for good

'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived

I’m a full time, salaried employee. I’m never late. Can my employer force me to make up 8 minutes of time? This seems petty.

'This seems petty': Horrible boss demands their salaried employee make up 8 minutes of lateness

late boss learns to respect applicants time

Boss Won't Respect People's Time, Employee Cleverly Trains Her

Guy with constantly late wife lies to her so she shows up on time | r/AmIthe/ le Posted by u/Chewychew5150 AITA telling my wife she needed be my graduation an hour before she needed because she is always late things 27m) have been with my wife (27f 8 years 5 those years military and developed habit being early everything do is huge pet peeve mine if people are late things they could have been on time. If something happens out control and are late then totally understand

Guy Lies To Constantly Late Wife So She Shows Up On Time

late coworker gets fired and internet judges

Employee Finally Gets Called Out For Constant Lateness, Reports It As Harassment

friend is always late and won't apologize, is given a gift card with no money

Constantly Late Friend Won't Apologize, Tastes Wrath of Decoy Gift Card

Stupidly Basic things adults didn't know | ReddishWedding2018 40.1k points 16 hours ago edited 16 hours ago friend who pushing 40 had never paid bill before. She had gone living with her parents living dorm living with her parents again until she got married, then she got divorced and living on her own first time. Got text her asking if my power out too, then she realized just her. Her excuse she never paid attention bills because she thought they were "receipts" and cost included her rent. Her

Embarrassingly Basic Stuff Adults Didn't Know

Obvious things, facts, and common knowledge that people learned too late in their lives.

Stuff People Learned Embarrassingly Late In Life

crazy excuses students gave teachers

14 Ridiculous Excuses Students Have Told Teachers

scale students tardy late - 73711873

When You're Late And Have To Sneak Past The Principle's Office