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Exorbitant 'move out fee' totaling $1,484 prompts a renter to devise a plan to get back at her greedy ex-landlord: 'Nah, go to court'

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Tenant and Landlord team up to take down odious Property Management company, claiming almost $10k in penalties: 'My landlord was on my side during the court hearing'

'We moved out without telling them': Intrusive landlord enforces monthly inspections, tenants move out, forcing him to scramble

'We moved out without telling them': Intrusive landlord enforces monthly inspections, tenants move out, forcing him to scramble

21 Landlord Special Memes for Renters On Their Last Coat of Paint

21 Landlord Special Memes for Renters On Their Last Coat of Paint

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'The look on her face was PRICELESS': Thieving landlord flabbergasted when an ex-tenant lawfully reclaims his property

'When I moved out they billed me $1500 for breach of contract': Tenants share their landlord horror stories

'When I moved out they billed me $1500 for breach of contract': Tenants share their landlord horror stories

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'The police were also automatically called...': Landlord gets a surprise when they can't disable their tenant's alarm after turning up unannounced and uninvited

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Tenant buys house from landlord, roommate excitedly announces she's not paying rent and gets evicted: 'She flipped out'

‘Free laundry it is…’: Tenant settles the score with entitled landlord after landlord refuses to fix flat and continues to charge a monthly maintenance fee

‘Free laundry it is…’: Tenant settles the score with entitled landlord after landlord refuses to fix flat and continues to charge a monthly maintenance fee

'I countersued': Tenant turns to revenge after failing to wrest his deposit back from a terrible landlord

'I countersued': Tenant turns to revenge after failing to wrest his deposit back from a terrible landlord

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'I stopped paying rent': Tenant gets back at terrible landlord by building a case against them and taking them to court

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'Needless to say, they didn't get their deposits back': 30+ terrible tenants, according to their landlords

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Tenant Makes Their Money-grubbing Landlord Lose $9,000 When They Raise Rent by $150 After Bragging About Their Excessive Wealth

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'I planted them all over': Tenant gets back at bad landlord by planting bamboo around their apartment

'Park anywhere you want': Tenant sues landlord and wins after landlord tries to keep security deposit over parking dispute

'Park anywhere you want': Tenant sues landlord and wins after landlord tries to keep security deposit over parking dispute

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'You'd be losing money!': Real estate agent landlord increases rent $500, tenant costs him $20k years later