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'Needless to say, they didn't get their deposits back': 30+ terrible tenants, according to their landlords

It's customary to blame the landlord in most rental apartment disputes, but every so often, you come across a story where the tenant is so outrageous and so out-of-line that you find yourself shockingly siding with the landlord. This is a rare phenomenon, one that I have rarely come across in my own life. Occasionally, you hear stories of people who impulsively paint their walls against their landlord's wishes, but you rarely hear about the tenants who cause $80K in property damage because they…
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Tenant Makes Their Money-grubbing Landlord Lose $9,000 When They Raise Rent by $150 After Bragging About Their Excessive Wealth

Being a renter feels like you're perpetually stuck under the foot of the 1%. As you watch your paycheck drain from your bank account into your landlord's every month, it's tough not to feel a certain resentment and resistance to their wealth, since it's you who's paying their restaurant bills, buying their cars, and giving them the means to install indoor pools in their second home in Tahoe. But what if there was a way to get back at your greasy, slime-ball of a landlord?
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landlord stories landlord rental petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories tenant landlords petty revenge renting revenge-stories-reddit apartment - 23342085

'I planted them all over': Tenant gets back at bad landlord by planting bamboo around their apartment

If there's one thing that can wreck a homeowner's day, it's bamboo. I had a coworker way back who bought a house where—unbeknownst to him—the previous owner had planted bamboo next to the house alongside their deck. From the day I got to know him until the day I left that job, he was constantly battling that blasted plant, having to crawl in and under their low-lying deck structure to keep it from spreading and out of the foundations of the house. The bamboo was his nemesis, the Joker to his Ba…
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'Park anywhere you want': Tenant sues landlord and wins after landlord tries to keep security deposit over parking dispute

'Park anywhere you want': Tenant sues landlord and wins after landlord tries to keep security deposit over parking dispute

Landlords seem genetically engineered to find all the possible ways to get as much money out of their tenants as possible. The problem for them is they have to be just as careful about what they say because smart tenants can and most definitely will use their words against them when the time is right. Here we have a silly landlord who told their tenant they could park wherever they wanted and then later tried to keep their security deposit because he told them that their parking spot had damage…
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real estate agent landlord landlords programmers rent real estate Tech renting developers apartment - 23294213

'You'd be losing money!': Real estate agent landlord increases rent $500, tenant costs him $20k years later

There are few people you can truly trust in this world… and none of them are real estate agents or landlords. Two groups of people who make a name and a living for themselves by carving the flesh off of the unsuspecting. They'll stop at nothing to ensure they always walk away on top and with some extra coin in their pocket. So, it's unsurprising that a real estate agent who also landlords their own properties might be a little unethical and uncaring when it comes to profit-seeking and the fatte…
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'Read your lease! We were doing you a favor': Renter tries to leave apartment, management insists they pay fees hidden in the lease

'Read your lease! We were doing you a favor': Renter tries to leave the 'worst apartment,' management insists they pay fees hidden in the lease

Signing a lease for an apartment sight unseen is taking quite the risk. But this person, u/aalilyah, was living in Los Angeles, and couldn't get to New York to see the place before moving in. The OP then realized their new home wasn't as great as they'd hoped.
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'That's 14 people in a small kitchen': Landlord brings young children to showings at the home of another couple with youngsters

'That's 14 people in a small kitchen': Landlord brings young children to apartment showings at the home of another couple with youngsters, tenants complain she's being 'very unprofessional'

How would you feel if you knew your landlord was bringing a baby and a toddler to your place while she showed it to prospective tenants? I think most people would protest that, yet one landlord thinks she's actually perfectly fine bringing the kiddos along. As a parent, you love your kid more than anything else, and you think everything they do is cute and sweet and perfect. Even though you're head over heels in love with them, not everyone is as enamored with your little ones' antics. Parents…
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'You won't get inside': Tenant tricks landlord into getting stuck outside their own apartment after they demand viewings

One of the penultimate joys of renting a home is having random strangers traipsing through your house; it will happen on a near monthly basis during your tenancy—or on whatever duration for inspection is dictated in your agreement. Still, whenever this occurs, you'll feel like you've been transported into Shawshank Prison and are awaiting an inspection from a corrupt and hostile warden who may take issue unpredictably at any little thing. Sure, in most cases, the inspection isn't nearly so insi…
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'I opened the door and told her that she needs to wait 29 minutes': Tenant starts holding landlady to the rules, landlady says they're "wasting her time"

'I opened the door and told her that she needs to wait 29 minutes': Fed-up tenant starts holding landlady to strict rules, landlady says they're "wasting her time"

Moving to a new place is stressful enough as it is. There's no need for your landlady to add additional stressors onto you. Almost everyone has a landlord or landlady horror story to share. A lot of them might seem nice, but when it comes to a broken dishwasher or a noise complaint, suddenly they're nowhere to be found. Being ghosted by your own landlord is such a universal experience. It's like the phrase, “Hey, the hot water has been off for two days now” are a magical spell that will cause t…
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pro revenge landlord rental petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories tenant landlords petty revenge rent renting revenge-stories-reddit - 23032069

'[I] emailed them their arrest warrants': Landlord sues terrible tenants who destroyed their home

We talk a lot on here about terrible, predatory landlords, and that's only a small part of the constantly ongoing discourse on the topic around the wider internet. And, to be fair, they're an easy group to hate... There's a lot to be said about a group of wealthy investors who bank land and real estate, which pushes up prices for everyone else, who are then forced to rent and service the mortgages of the very same places they were priced out of in the first place, all the while contending with…
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pro revenge landlord parking space petty-revenge-reddit parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama revenge-stories landlords parking stories petty revenge arrested revenge-stories-reddit - 22936325

'I got my landlord arrested': Tenant gets property managers arrested for auto theft when they errantly tow his vehicle

There's something inherently unbalanced about one person or a for-profit organization having (relatively) unchecked control over whether or not someone has a roof over their head. Even after having direct control over how often the tenant has to move, they can also directly influence the tenant's success in finding a new home when forced to—thanks to the “all-important” tenant referral system that is pivotal in determining whether or not other landlords will rent to them. Should the tenant have…
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'The landlord is very upset': Landlord insists engineer tenant fix their own appliances without realizing how much the tenant is billing him

'The landlord is very upset': Landlord insists engineer tenant fix their own appliances without realizing how much the tenant is billing him

You can't expect the average person to know how to fix large household appliances . If your washer or dryer breaks, it's not exactly recommended that you start taking the thing apart to discover the issue. Most of us don't have the capacity to fix a refrigerator or a stove either---there are some things you just leave to the professionals. That's why it's so odd that u/nopanicprepper's landlord decided that when appliances break , their tenants are the perfect people to fix them. The poor OP ha…
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landlord landlords rent rent-check check paying-rent tenant tenants renting renters apartment building complex fee stubborn win wins reddit petty-revenge malicious-compliance

'[Don't] charge senseless, greedy fees': Landlord charges tenants $10/month to pay rent online; thrifty tenant mails a paper check instead, forcing the landlord to go to the bank every month

Just the knowledge that our landlords probably bought our apartment for 1/10th it's current value and are living fat off of our rent check every month is enough to grind every tenant's gears, but if a landlord has the audacity to wring out a single cent more than our rent amount at the end of the month, we feel the back of our throats prickle with rage.
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reddit reddit-thread landlord tenant landlords rent renter renters living house apartment moving moving-out laundry washer appliances dryer

'Call the police... see what happens': Landlord blows his gasket when ex-tenant moves out and takes the appliances she purchased with her

Landlords are the scum of the Earth. They hike up the rent 10% every month, they paint over your electrical outlets, and they're clearly under the impression that the entire world exists for their profit. They'll scam their tenants out of anything if it means making an extra buck– At the risk of losing our residence, is there any way for us tenants to retaliate?
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'The landlord requested a new paint job': Sailors get back at landlord by painting his rental property from floor to roof

'The landlord requested a new paint job': Sailors get back at landlord by painting his rental property from floor to roof

This sailor is sticking to the honor code to help people in his community. Not everyone agrees with his hands-on methods, though. The people of the internet are divided over this guy's grandfather's story of malicious compliance. It's a classic tale of landlord versus tenant. Unless you live in a rent stabilized building, your landlord can charge you basically whatever they feel is fair for rent. This is a big problem these days, since many of us are priced out of living in even the most modest…
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landlord housing road parking space car legal landlords yard cars driving driver no parking parking apartment malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit grass - 22261509

'Landlord tries to keep [my] security deposit... um, no': Landlord tells tenants to 'park anywhere you want,' then fines them $1500

At one cheap apartment , this couple found themselves faced with massive fines. When you're young, sometimes the only housing you can afford is a cheap and tiny little room. Lots of landlords charge outrageous amounts of money for these little tiny shoeboxes of apartments. They seem to know that if you don't have a lot of money, you may also be low on housing options. Then, you end up signing paperwork that gives the landlord an advantage over you. This person, u/Clintosaurus_Rex, and their gir…
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