

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 4, 2023)

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 4, 2023)

Happy Fourth of July to everyone except the choosing beggars of the world!
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'I don’t understand why you can’t just fix it': Employee declines to work in hazardous conditions

'I don’t understand why you can’t just fix it': Employee refuses to work in hazardous conditions, tells boss he'll call her an ambulance instead

Thank goodness this employee had a strong enough backbone to stand up to his boss. Otherwise it truly would have resulted in calamity. On the subreddit r/StoriesAboutKevin, u/alas_vikn has been sharing stories of their hilariously clueless boss, Kevina. Check out part one of the OP's hilarious office stories here , if you haven't read about the time this boss tried to clean a computer. As the OP explained, they've been referring to their workplaces as “The Flintstone Chronicles,” mainly because…
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'It is not possible to do what you actually wanted in three hours': Choosing beggar tries to trash auto shop online, owner reacts

'It is not possible to do what you actually wanted in three hours': Choosing beggar tries to trash auto shop online, owner reacts

Pretty sure the owner's response was not exactly what this student was expecting.
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kevin karen male-karen soccer little-league referee soccer-game game karma revenge petty-revenge reddit justice put-in-his-place gets-what-he-deserved deserved karens-in-the-wild parents kids

'He landed face first in a puddle of mud': Male Karen gets put in his place after bullying an underaged referee at a kid's soccer game; karma comes back with a vengeance

There's nothing worse than unnecessarily rowdy adults at a children's soccer team. Perhaps everyone thinks their child is a star athlete and is under the impression that their little golden goose is going to the big leagues one day. That may be, but for now, chill out Kevin, your boy is 8 and he's picking the grass in the goal. Sit back down and relax.
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karma couple entitled entitled-people plane airline flight flight-attendant instant-karma seat first-class ticket airplane airlines flying karen kevin

'Karma is real': Couple gets what they deserve after harassing their chubby neighbor on a plane; flight attendants enjoy petty revenge in the form of a cold shoulder and TSA bombardment

Nobody likes being in a plane. The food is gross, the air is stale, and for some reason, you're always fighting your neighbors for every spare inch of leg room. But even when you're vying for space between an ex-football player and a woman holding a screaming newborn, it's still far worse to be caught in the cross-hairs of a Karen on a tirade.
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'I’M SICK OF THIS AIRPORT HIRING THESE IDIOTS!': Irate Kevin makes a scene at airport security, staff makes sure he misses his flight

'I’M SICK OF THIS AIRPORT HIRING THESE IDIOTS!': Irate Kevin makes a scene at airport security, staff makes sure he misses his flight

Here's a travel tip for everyone out there: don't upset the airport security staff!
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customer service pro revenge bank manager revenge customers wife petty revenge husband entitled reddit thread Reddit kevin entitled people - 20957957

'He never came back to our branch again': Bank manager calls Kevin out on expenses after being accused of stealing money

It's as if Kevin was begging to be called out!
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Update: 'He’s started a GoFundMe that... would help [with] payroll': Hair salon forced to close after manager ignores legally binding agreement

Update: 'He’s started a GoFundMe that... would help [with] payroll': Hair salon forced to close after manager ignores legally binding agreement

Laws and regulations: how do they work? After realizing you can't just ignore the law without consequences, this clueless Kevin is asking himself that question. Legal agreements are necessary in many aspects of business, even if they are annoying to deal with. But as a business owner, you have a ton of responsibilities both to your employees and to the upkeep of the establishment. You can ignore regulations and legal matters if you want, it's your prerogative, but don't be surprised when the co…
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customer-service customer home-depot freakout public-freakout employee customer kevin karen irl retail customers department-store i-quit quit quitting cashier check0out cart rude video

'The customer is NOT always right': Cashier quits on the spot after a rude, Memorial Day shopper takes a price check way too far (VIDEO)

Employee of the year goes to…
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Kevin believes vegan desserts cancel out non- vegan desserts because "it's made from plants."

'It's made from plants!': Confused Kevin misunderstands diet advice about vegan food

You've got to be cautious about trusting random people online.
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customer-service customers karen karens kevin kevins customer customers grocery store express-lane checkout rewards rewards-cards gas-rewards gas discount coupon

'Sucks to be her': Customer gets revenge on a full-cart Karen who cut him in the grocery store express lane by using all of her reward points to get cheap gas

Customers who whip out a rewards card at every grocery store live every moment thinking about 10 cents of savings and they are very serious about their discounts. Typically those 'rewards members’ tend to also be the Karen or Kevin types and they can be a huge pain, thinking that every grocery store employee and patron is their personal servant.
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'I fired Kevin after one day of amazing stupidity': Manager tells jaw-dropping Kevin story with a horrifying ending

'I fired Kevin after one day of amazing stupidity': Manager tells jaw-dropping Kevin story with a horrifying ending

Prepare to witness to one cafe manager's incredible story of the worst employee ever, a man incapable of working safely and efficiently for even an hour. As the OP told to r/StoriesAboutKevin, they had just hired a 26-year-old man to work at this small cafe. Things already weren't off to the best start – Kevin showed up 90 minutes late to his very first day of work! Somehow, this manager let his brand new employee work his first shift. Slowly but surely, Kevin managed to screw up literally ever…
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House Rules When Your Roommate Is A Kevin

'No hiding coffee in the furniture': Bumbling roommate requires 'unique house rules' due to his silly mistakes

This roommate is one of those people who need to be supervised because they've just never learned basic life skills. You may take for granted that someone taught you how to cook — it seems no one informed this “ Kevin” roommate of the dangers that can bring. This person shared three hilarious stories of rules they implemented due to Kevin's really specific habits. Roommates like this can be lots of fun to hang out with (it seems that Kevin was a nice guy overall) but they just seem to need extr…
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'This makes zero sense': Woman's plane travel plans baffle her family

'This makes zero sense': Woman's plane travel luggage hack baffles her family

I thought I'd heard every travel hack , until I read this one, that is. I can truly say I've never thought about treating my luggage the way this woman plans to. Airports are quite strict with their luggage requirements. If you don't look it up before you go, you'll be stuck with a suitcase that's too big or too heavy, meaning you'll have to cough up some cash to fly your precious belongings along with you. And heaven forbid you have liquids that are more than 3.4 ounces, or have a carry on tha…
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karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit store karen kevin entitled people - 20382469

'I'm going to sue you': Male Karen claims he slipped in the store the night before, story doesn't add up, he vows to sue anyway

Some people just want to make a scene.
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Kevin thinks he can speak every language in the world

'Kevin thinks he can speak every language in the world': Cringy dude believes he's 'impressing' foreign clients, embarrasses coworkers instead

We all have that one colleague who's a total show off. They like to claim that they were heading up a project , when actually they barely did any work on it. Or they try to schmooze with clients and C-suite employees, only to come off as arrogant and irritating. People like this exist everywhere, but not everyone is quite as confident in their abilities as this crazy Kevin ! At least this guy didn't get away unscathed. The OP, u/UnlikelyAlternative, writes that after Kevin's big goof with some…
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