

'Say goodbye to your parking spot': Guy gets even with grumpy neighbor after he yells at guy's mother for violating his made up parking rule

'Say goodbye to your parking spot': Guy gets even with grumpy neighbor after he yells at guy's mother for violating his made up parking rule

It doesn't matter how old and grumpy your entitled male Karen neighbor may be. Make no mistake: he does not write the rules. As someone who cannot afford to live in a residential neighborhood, I can merely compare this incident to one that happened to me in a communal laundry room in my apartment building. When I first moved into what is now my current place, there was this older lady who claimed that I could not use one of the washing machines because “everyone knows that it's her machine.” Ev…
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'I threw it back': Karen customer throws card in cashier's face repeatedly, cashier gets wholesome payback

'I threw it back': Karen customer throws card in cashier's face repeatedly, cashier gets wholesome payback

Sometimes, the only way to deal with a Karen customer is to give them a taste of their own medicine. Here, we have a rare instance of a revenge tale that ends up having more of a wholesome ending. Who knew that getting payback could actually lead to positive change in your adversary's behavior? That's what this Redditor learned after they refused to let this regular customer get away with nonsense at the fast food restaurant where OP worked.
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'Was I in the wrong?': Tall angry dude insists that he deserves woman's airline seat that she paid for

Air travel creates opportunities for some interesting social interactions that you wouldn't find elsewhere in life. Part of that is people tend to be pretty stressed out, even long before they actually manage to get seated on the flight. What with waking up early to get to the airport with ample time with ample anxiety owing to the uncertainty of queue times that can range from mere minutes to hours depending on the day… Following, you have to get undressed for security, parting your belongings…
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'He didn't touch my seat for the remainder of the flight': Kevin keeps grabbing passenger's seat on flight, passenger gets petty by grabbing his hand with wet fingers

'He didn't touch my seat for the remainder of the flight': Kevin keeps grabbing passenger's seat, passenger gets petty by grabbing his hand with wet fingers

It takes a special kind of person to disturb others on a flight. If it happens just once, of course, we let it slide. If it happens twice, we exchange glares to let that person know they need to get their act together. If it happens thrice or even more times, it's time to confront them or, at the very least, give them a taste of their own medicine. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/IndependentClub1117 , who was unfortunately seated directly in front of a Kevin. Th…
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'Who hasn't checked in yet?': Kevin tries to steal another hotel room for his kids, front desk agent holds her own

'Who hasn't checked in yet?': Kevin tries to steal another hotel room for his kids, front desk agent holds her own

Apparently, one hotel suite complete with one king-sized bed and one pull-out couch would not be enough for this entitled Kevin. He threw a fit when the front desk agent informed him that the hotel was entirely booked and that she would not be able to offer him a second room for his two children. Mind you, the suite he did reserve was more than enough space for his family of four, and he must have known this when he made the reservation in the first place. Even a bystander waiting in line tried…
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'He announced to the office that unhealthy snacks were banned': Office employee tells of their always-late coworker who 'failed upward' into management

'He announced to the office that unhealthy snacks were banned': Office employee shares tales of their always-late coworker who 'failed upward' into management

Imagine being late for work every single day , and still keeping your position. This guy, Kevin, did exactly that — and as one of his coworkers shared, he had a lot of really strange and irritating habits around the office. “I had the deep misfortune of working with a Kevin for almost 2.5 years,” writes u/aspiriningpugowner. They write that Kevin (a shorthand for extra-goofy people with no common sense) had numerous bad habits that ended up making his coworkers laugh at him. For example, he was…
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'I ripped off a terrible client': Guy overcharges to help clear out entitled Kevin's furniture, collects $25,000+

'I ripped off a terrible client': Guy overcharges to help clear out Kevin's furniture, collects $25,000+

Here is a cautionary tale for the demanding entitled Kevins out there who don't even realize that they're actively making enemies out of the people who are working for them. You know that there are more of these guys out there than just Pat. Pat was a friend of a friend to this Redditor , who therefore felt obligated to continue working for him. The Redditor would perform household duties as a side hustle outside of his full-time job. Pat is the kind of guy who would make demands out of nowhere…
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'[He] left a 1 star review': Movie-goer insists on buying tickets to action movie at a closed down theater

'[He] left a 1 star review': Movie-goer insists on buying tickets to action movie at a closed down theater

Since the invention of the online star rating system, people have been leaving one star reviews for companies they had poor experiences at. But as you certainly know if you ever peruse these reviews, a lot of people have a bad time due to self-inflicted mishaps. Some actually have the gall to get upset that a store is closed at a time the customer wants to shop. Others rant about being treated badly by staff members, or receiving cold food at a restaurant. There are plenty of reasons you might…
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'That child has been screaming for 40 minutes!': Kevin has screaming match with baby on flight, causes everyone to get deplaned

'That child has been screaming for 40 minutes!': Kevin has screaming match with baby on flight, causes everyone to get deplaned

Being stuck on a plane with a screaming baby is certainly headache-inducing, but it is never reason enough to throw your own tantrum. Babies get a free pass when it comes to sobbing uncontrollably because most of the time, they have no idea what's even happening. Grown men, on the other hand, do not get to make everyone's flight experience a complex mess and a half. But that's exactly what this Kevin did in this viral video . You can even see the passenger seated next to him, who appears to be…
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'[He] routinely attempts to fax me when I have no fax machine': Employee details their nepo-boss's workplace requests

'[He] routinely attempts to fax me when I have no fax machine': Employee baffled by their nepo-boss's odd workplace requests

This employee was surprised every day by the odd way their nepo-boss chose to run a business.
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'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

For this week's edition of the top five Karen stories, we're bringing you lots of neighborhood drama and cruel customers. Thankfully, for many of these Reddit stories, the folks who were at the receiving end of all this nonsense were not afraid to clap back. Here's a little preview of what we're dealing with here: (1) we've got an entitled neighbor who doesn't like the noise from people locking their cars at night, (2) there's the Karen with a meat allergy who surprisingly took issue with a BBQ…
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'We eventually found out what Grandpa Kevin had done': Grandfather tries to bond with grandchild, accidentally ruins car's entire brake system

'We eventually found out what Grandpa Kevin had done': Grandfather tries to bond with grandchild, accidentally ruins car's entire brake system

In the same way you can't eat at just anyone's home, you can't let just anyone fix up your car . That's the lesson u/Muchacho1994 learned after letting their grandfather check out their 2005 Chevy Malibu. Spending time with devoted grandparents is the best. They just want to spoil their grandkiddies with presents and food and hugs. It's easy when your grandkids are very young and eager to play with their grandparents. As the kids get older, you have to find new things to bond over, such as a ne…
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Restaurant Goer Enraged When He Finds a Human Tooth in His Food; Blames Waitstaff, Threatens a Lawsuit, Then Realizes It Was His Tooth All Along

The story of a man who cried ‘tooth’.
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'If you want to be strict with the rules, then let's be strict with the rules': Kevin complains about neighboring family's camping setup, family maliciously complies

'If you want to be strict with the rules, then let's be strict with the rules': Kevin complains about neighboring family's camping setup, family maliciously complies

It always feels like the people who are the most annoying about following the rules are actually the worst rule followers.
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Wing shop worker baffles coworkers

'He messed up pretty much every order he got': Wing shop worker baffles coworkers with inability to learn simple tasks

Everyone has that one coworker who can't do anything right. Messing things up because they're new is one thing. But then there are people like this guy Andy, whose coworkers are sick and tired of him messing up food orders over and over again. This dude doesn't seem to grasp even the most basic of restaurant rules, such as “don't eat raw chicken, even if it's only a little bit raw," and “always wash your hands before preparing food.” These are things one should know even if they're not working…
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Top Karens of the Week (July 7, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (July 7, 2023)

It's summer and Karens are in heat.
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