

'You probably don't remember me, but I waited on you about a year ago...': Server runs into Karen customer a year after her outburst, gives her a taste of her own medicine

'You probably don't remember me, but I waited on you about a year ago...': Server runs into Karen customer a year after her outburst, gives her a taste of her own medicine

It's not easy to forget the people who yell at you for no reason. Those moments become embedded in our memories forever and often inform how we respond or react in future confrontations. No one has to endure more of these confrontations than our servers, so be sure to give them tips and a break if something goes wrong. Here, we have a server who worked the opening night of a brand new restaurant when a Karen customer memorably screamed at her in front of the entire restaurant because orders wer…
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'People want those crates!': Karen sewing circle starts drama demanding empty wine crates without having to buy any bottles, store clerk faces their wrath

'People want those crates!': Karen sewing circle starts drama demanding empty wine crates without having to buy any bottles, store clerk faces their wrath

What was this sewing circle of Karens up to? That's what this wine store clerk was asking when three Karens in a row started incessantly calling the store demanding empty crates of wine without having to make an actual purchase. As one might expect, the best way to get a wine crate is by purchasing the wine that comes with it. It turns out that these Karens wanted a bunch of empty crates so they could use them to build a bookcase. However, as we know all too well on FAIL Blog, beggars cannot be…
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'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

Nicole Kidman may come to the movie theater for magic, but sometimes all you get is cranky Karen customers. As someone who still frequents the movie theater and loves doing so, I still cannot deny that filmgoers have become borderline barbaric over the last several years. From bringing in pungent food into the theater to fully answering cell phones during climactic moments, one has to wonder why some of these customers even got off their couches in the first place, especially if they were plann…
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New Karen neighbor tries to make the HOA more strict, gets kicked out of the neighborhood: 'Good riddance'

New Karen neighbor tries to make the HOA more strict, gets kicked out of the neighborhood: 'Good riddance'

Imagine being the kind of personality who genuinely wants to live in a strict HOA neighborhood. We come across a ton of HOA stories on the internet, and rarely do we hear about one that current residents of the neighborhood actually like. The Redditor who shared this story even referred to it a “non-HOA HOA" in the sense that they only really enforced rules that applied to common areas. Other than that, people could do whatever they wanted with their homes (and it sounds like they really did).…
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'She chooses to double down on the craziness': Nurse helps 90-year-olds load a box onto their car, gets confronted by customer

'She chooses to double down on the craziness': Nurse helps 90-year-olds load a box onto their car, gets confronted by angry customer

This nurse tried to do a good deed , only to get scolded. What would society ever do without doctors and nurses? They have one of the hardest professions. Shifts are long, like u/BookwyrmsRN's 14-hour day. The work can be thankless at times, and all those long shifts can impact a medical professional's daily life. This nurse had just gotten done a 14-hour shift and was understandably exhausted, and they had yet another shift in just 9 hours. Even with all of that exhaustion weighing on them, th…
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'She's going to owe us about $18,000': Karen employee causes workflow interruption by changing doorknob to storage room, quits and gets fined

'She's going to owe us about $18,000': Karen employee causes workflow interruption by changing doorknob to storage room, quits and gets fined

Getting frustrated at a coworker's promotion is not unusual in the workplace. We're only human, and if we feel ever so slightly envious, that's understandable. However, allowing those jealous feelings to take over and cause a major interruption to everyone else's workflow is nothing more than an act of supreme selfishness, even if you were qualified for said promotion. This Karen took it too far when she didn't like the fact that her coworker, who managed the volunteer department at a small mun…
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Man reports truck driver for blinding headlights, igniting fierce debate about road etiquette

Man reports truck driver for blinding headlights, igniting fierce debate about road etiquette

Before getting behind the wheel, a driver should exercise additional caution for the safety of other drivers as well as themselves. Therefore, observing the rules and regulations is crucial. Having said that, how would you react if your co-worker blatantly broke one of the most fundamental traffic laws—bright headlights visible from space? In the story below, the driver is agitated and trying to make it to work in one piece. The original poster (OP) describes how he was compelled to report a ca…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents retail karen-customer customers karen-customers entitled customers entitled people karma karens in the wild entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 26161669

Frustrated customer reveals entitled family's plan to exploit home improvement store and steal product: 'I made sure a pricing error did not occur'

Navigating your way through a crowded store is one of those experiences you won't soon forget, squeezing through cramped aisles between situationally unaware strangers who have made it their prerogative to move as erratically as possible. To make matters worse, you always seem to be in a hurry when this happens, and you need to get in and out as fast as possible while everyone else is moving like the walking dead. As whenever queueing—or any basic social order and decorum—is expected there's al…
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'Just when I thought the saga was over…': Professional cleaner records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being the mistress, husband ends up apologizing later

'Just when I thought the saga was over…': Professional cleaner records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being the mistress, husband ends up apologizing later

‘And I have to go back today…’: Professional cleaning lady records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being his mistress, husband ends up apologizing later
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'The look on her red face was priceless': Suburban Karen neighbor tries pushing trash on new millennial homeowners, drive-by junk collector puts her in her place

'The look on her red face was priceless': Suburban Karen neighbor tries pushing trash on new millennial homeowners, drive-by junk collector puts her in her place

“My husband told her if she wants to play Nancy Drew she’s welcome to but he has better things to do…”
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'Having a graduation party. Please supply me!': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 31, 2024)

'Having a graduation party. Please supply me!': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 31, 2024)

Whether it's replacing furniture and appliances or planning graduation parties and gender reveals, the choosing beggars of the world have been out to play this week. For many folks, summer is the time for rest and relaxation. For others, it's a time of desperation. A family friend of mine organizes a yard sale every summer, and it always seems like the people who ruin the whole experience year after year are the choosing beggars that pop up out of nowhere demanding the quality of luxury brands…
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Karen tries to rip off local landscaping business, requests itemized invoices for three years of work: 'It would take me over 10+ hours to get all that'

Update: Karen tries to rip off local landscaping business, requests itemized invoices for three years of work: 'It would take me over 10+ hours to get all that'

There is nothing like an entitled Karen who very much can pay for something but chooses to cause a scene instead. This lady refused to pay the local landscaping business that had been doing work for her for over three years. She falsely accused them of not completing jobs and eventually requested an itemized list of jobs they had done for her during this time to stall even further. The worst part of the whole debacle is that this is the same lady who brags to anyone who will listen about how we…
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'She got what she wanted': Movie theater employees get back at thieving customers

'She got what she wanted': Movie theater employees get back at thieving customers' gross habit

One customer has a trick for getting free movie theater treats, and you're not going to like it one bit. I wish I'd never heard of such a foul life hack. But here we are. There are plenty of ways to sneak food into movie theaters . In fact, as some older generations have pointed out in discussions of the topic, theaters used to actually police what you brought in. They used to make you throw out the candy stuffed into your mom's purse. These days, the employees mainly check bags for safety purp…
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‘This isn’t petty revenge, this is just petty ignorance': Take-out manager gets chewed out by other service industry workers for withholding food orders to punish delivery drivers

‘This isn’t petty revenge, this is just petty ignorance': Take-out manager gets chewed out by other service industry workers for withholding food orders to punish delivery drivers

“It’s very fun and I’m not gonna stop lol.”
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Newly-promoted office worker treats new hire like her employee, new hire fills her voicemail with dozens of messages: 'She wanted me to do something that wasn’t my job'

Newly-promoted office worker treats new hire like her employee, new hire fills her voicemail with dozens of messages: 'She wanted me to do something that wasn’t my job'

This worker got a little taste of power and went completely overboard. While some workplaces have clearly defined roles for every employee , a lot of places ask employees to wear many different hats. So, much like u/Jenny8765309, there's no way to politely say, “That's not my job,” when someone asks you to do something that's most definitely not your responsibility. It's even harder when the person who's constantly asking for favors is in a position of power over you. This worker shared the sto…
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Difficult Male Karen throws tantrum at hotel front desk over providing proof of identification: 'Nobody else ever IDs me!'

Difficult Male Karen throws tantrum at hotel front desk over providing proof of identification: 'Nobody else ever IDs me!'

It seems like Gary really needed to make a scene at his corporate retreat! This guy approached the front desk of a hotel, which was almost entirely rented out by his company for the week, when he found himself confronted with a bit of a problem: he was asked to show his ID before he could receive his room key. Normally, any sane person would understand that this is a customary part of the hotel check-in process, yet somehow Gary took issue with this ask. To make matters worse, he had a copy of…
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