
karens in the wild

HOA Karen tries to get neighbor to take down "cheap" and "sloppy" lights: 'Please don't take this personally'

HOA Karen tries to get neighbor to take down "cheap" and "sloppy" lights: 'Please don't take this personally'

Having an HOA board member as your next-door neighbor can definitely make you feel like you're constantly being watched. It seems like the kind of thing a homeowner should be made aware of prior to signing anything. Think of it as feeling like your boss is hovering over you all day every day, waiting for you to make a mistake. However, instead of this being in your office, it's in your home. This Reddit thread was posted by a homeowner who received an aggressive email from their HOA Karen neigh…
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'Take your time off [and] look for a new job': Professional caretaker who has never taken a day off requests 5 days off for her wedding, entitled employers give her sass

'Take your time off [and] look for a new job': Professional caretaker who has never taken a day off requests 5 days off for her wedding, entitled employers give her sass

“They're the type of people who took a super long honeymoon and have never had to worry about money so they just don't treat people like me (not rich) like we're even people.”
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'Karen tells me to stop the ride so I did': Amusement park worker spooks Karen on a ride after she makes fun of other kids

'Karen tells me to stop the ride so I did': Amusement park worker spooks Karen on a ride after she makes fun of other kids

Karma and Karens seem to go hand in hand these days. It's especially satisfying when the entitled humans of the world put negative energy out there in a public space and are shocked and appalled when they receive poor treatment in return. Sometimes, it's the universe coming back to bite these folks on the behind, or sometimes it's just an onlooker who refuses to allow further wrongdoing to occur. Here , we have an amusement park worker who witnessed a Karen customer making fun of a young 7-year…
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'This store needs serious help': Entitled shoppers leave bad reviews for stores for petty reasons

'This store needs serious help': Entitled shoppers leave bad reviews for stores for petty reasons

Writing a bad review for a restaurant won't help much unless you just want to vent. If you want the whole world to know that you had a bad experience, you're certainly entitled to do that. In a world where many establishments specifically ask customers to review their business, it's never been easier to lodge a complaint. However, as u/Fatastic_Captain highlighted in their post to an anti-Karen subreddit, a lot of shoppers are foiled by their own mistakes. For example, one person left a one-sta…
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Karen accosts woman at campsite, tries to steal her heater, slashes woman's bike tires as payback

Karen accosts dude at campsite, tries to steal his heater, slashes his bike tires as payback

Apparently, the biggest threat when you're going camping is that you might spot a Karen or two lurking around. This Karen decided it was well within her right to shame another camper for having a nice portable heater to keep him warm on a relatively cold evening. Not only did she overhear him discussing the heater, but she also followed him all the way back to his camper and tried to barge inside and take the heater from him. Eventually, the guy's family saw the commotion and gathered to defend…
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karens neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories petty revenge karens in the wild mildly infuriating Bad Neighbor Reddit karen - 24958981

Karen outraged over neighbor's motorcycle, now entire neighborhood has to deal with motorcyclist's petty revenge: '[He] revs his engine for a few minutes, then speeds away in the most obnoxious way possible'

A Karen neighbor got into a feud with her neighbor who owned a motorcycle. According to the Original Poster (OP), who is a fellow neighbor and an observer of this feud, the whole neighborhood is fed up with Karen's behavior. Karen is well-known in the neighborhood for always complaining, as Karen's do, but this time she went too far. She was so upset over her neighbor's motorcycle, who, according to the OP, is pretty respectful with it, that she tried to run him down in the neighborhood. Now, t…
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HOA Karen forces neighbor to take down his kids' tree house: 'Your act of casual cruelty was successful'

HOA Karen forces neighbor to take down his kids' tree house: 'Your act of casual cruelty was successful'

Living in an HOA neighborhood means you should not be surprised to find a nosy Karen or three. So what can you do when one decides that you are going to be the target of their explosive wrath and rage? If she's got the HOA laws on her side, fighting this would be an expensive mess. If you give in, sure, the Karen is going to win, but it's better to take the target off your back than submit to months of war. In short, it's just not worth it. Now, there are a few ways that you can give in while s…
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‘Nothing I tried worked on this broadzilla’: Lawn irrigation tech gets reprimanded for doing his job, karma ensues when Karen customer leaves her stuff on his tool truck

‘Nothing I tried worked on this broadzilla’: Lawn irrigation tech gets reprimanded for doing his job, karma ensues when Karen customer leaves her stuff on his tool truck

You think you're good at handling high-intensity situations until you encounter a Karen…
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'She's trying to overcharge me!': Fast food employee and manager bewildered by customer who won't pay an extra penny for meal

'She's trying to overcharge me!': Fast food employee and manager bewildered by customer who won't pay an extra penny for meal

Every penny counts , according to this customer. A debate stirs up every few years over the abolishment of the penny. The humble one-cent coin is rather useless in today's day and age. Gone are the days of penny candy---even dollar stores are quickly becoming $3-$5 stores. There's very little you can purchase for a dollar, and with the current rate of inflation, there's little hope that it'll improve any time soon. Back to the penny debate: every so often, people will petition to get rid of the…
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'Is this a prank?': Demanding couple ask business class passenger to switch seats, she agrees, only to find out they were seated in economy

'Is this a prank?': Demanding couple ask business class passenger to switch seats, she agrees, only to find out they were seated in economy

Funny stories about people who have entitlement complexes are common, and they keep us constantly reminded that reality never quite measures up to our expectations. That being said, the story that follows is that of a bewildered traveler. An attempt is made by the Original Poster (OP) to travel from Toronto to Vancouver in business class when a woman approaches OP as she is going about her own business and begs to trade seats with her so that she and her spouse can sit together. OP initially co…
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guests employee hotel absurd karen-customer tales from the front desk hotel room ridiculous karens in the wild karen kevin entitled people - 24882181

Karen hotel guest has outburst over unanswered room service call': 'She then proceeds to take out her MOBILE PHONE, press 0 and show me how that is not dialing to our reception'

There are all kinds of people that go to hotels. And as a front desk manager, you never know the kinds of customers you're gonna have to deal with. From kind and respectful folk to absolute Karen and Kevins , it's really just the luck of the draw. In this story, the hotel employee had to deal with a pair of entitled guests. The middle-aged couple sported sour looks on their faces from the second they walked in, and the employee knew they would be difficult to please. He even went out of his way…
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Karen calls neighbor's boss to try to get him fired, falsely accuses him of theft: 'It was so embarrassing'

Karen calls neighbor's boss to try to get him fired, falsely accuses him of theft: 'It was so embarrassing'

This woman was really grasping at straws here! She refused to be ignored despite the fact that both parties knew she was in the wrong. First, her neighbor asked her to quiet down during a Halloween party when she and her guests were also crossing their property line. This was a decent and fair request. Then, she got defensive and accused the neighbor of trying to get back at her by messing with her packages. She even went so far as to call this guy's boss to try to get him in trouble. Of course…
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'Karen was annoyed that I didn't evenly divide 7 by 2': Karen throws tantrum after her daughters were not picked as volunteers in school assembly

'Karen was annoyed that I didn't evenly divide 7 by 2': Mother throws tantrum after her daughters were not picked as volunteers in school assembly

When will the Karens of the world understand that not every event is about them? It's wishful thinking at this point to imagine that sudden self-awareness is even possible, but we live to hope for another day. Thankfully, this performer/educator had enough confidence to confront Karen with facts and receipts after Karen tried to accuse her of being unfair. The Redditor who shared this story visited schools and gave performative lectures about the importance of saving water, using volunteers fro…
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customer service karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 24881157

'He's lying! Arrest him!': Crazed cookie Karen tries to steal dude's cookies right outside of the store

Now, it's fair to say that Oreos TM are a fantastic snack. I really think that Oreos TM are one of the most essential pillars of Americana. Without Oreos TM where would we be? It's hard to say. Oreos TM are great, but, as satisfying as licking the middle out of each Oreo TM before putting the cookie part back in the Oreo TM packaging for your significant other to discover later, I can't go as far as saying that I'd accost a random stranger outside a grocery store in order to claim their Oreos T…
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'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

It seems like Karens only comprehend service animals when it's them buying a vest online and using it for their untrained dog.
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'We have rules': Moped driver gets deported from Bali after refusing to pay small traffic fee

'We have rules': Moped driver gets deported from Bali after refusing to pay small traffic fee

Of all the reasons to get kicked out of a country , this might be the most embarrassing. No vacation goes 100% perfectly—there are always a few hiccups. There are the tiny things, like planning to visit a popular spot, only to find out when you arrive that it's closed for the day. Then there are bigger issues, like that one family member who forgets their passport at home, and remembers once they're at the airport. It's not every day you encounter problems like this, though. A traveler got depo…
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