karens in the wild

'[They] were just abhorrent': Raucous family of Karens makes server cry at restaurant, kind customers come to her defense

'[They] were just abhorrent': Raucous family of Karens makes server cry at restaurant, kind customers come to her defense

entitled airplane Karen causes seating fiasco when woman's assigned seat is between Karen and her husband, gets accusatory and downright nasty as a result

Airplane Karen complains through entire 5-hour flight because woman was sat between her and her husband, accuses woman of 'cheap[ing] out’ on flight tickets

'I know I paid already': Entitled Karen gets proven wrong after insisting that she paid for her hotel room in advance

'I know I paid already': Entitled Karen gets proven wrong after insisting that she paid for her hotel room in advance

'[Microwaving] fish in the communal area should be a fireable offense.’: Coworker gets called out for stinking up the entire office with her lunch, threatens to go to HR for ‘food shaming’

'[Microwaving] fish in the communal area should be a fireable offense.’: Coworker gets called out for stinking up the entire office with her lunch, threatens to go to HR for ‘food shaming’

'This isn't actually what happened...': Worker discovers Karen customer's social media rant about him, embarrasses her online

'This isn't actually what happened...': Worker discovers Karen customer's social media rant about him, embarrasses her online

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'I'm not giving up more expensive seats for ones I don’t want': 20+ times people have put entitled reserved-seat-stealing Karens in their place

'I just shrug and go back to my work': A Karen and a nice lady ask the same question, employee helps the nice lady, but sends the Karen on a wild goose chase

'I just shrug and go back to my work': A Karen and a nice lady ask the same question, employee helps the nice lady, but sends the Karen on a wild goose chase

Ice Cream Karen throws tantrum over not getting exact change: 'Yes, I want my penny back!'

Ice Cream Karen throws tantrum over not getting exact change: 'Yes, I want my penny back!'

‘I was basically tricked into buying it’: Manager promises free item from store for employee's birthday, goes back and says the price will be deducted from their pay

‘I was basically tricked into buying it’: Manager promises free item from store for employee's birthday, goes back and says the price will be deducted from their pay

Karen refuses to pay for breaking neighbor's fence, neighbor retaliates by cleaning her trash without permission: 'She threatened me with small claims court'

Karen refuses to clean backyard and pay for breaking neighbor's fence, neighbor retaliates and pays the price: 'She threatened me with small claims court'

entitled karen co-worker quits after breakdown regarding tips that she didn't earn, attempts to force some money from her co-worker but he doesn't budge

‘Good riddance’: Entitled Karen waitress expects a tip share from her co-worker after they cash out $300 in tips, quits after zero compensation for work she didn't do

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House sitters declare themselves roommates and refuse to leave when homeowners return from their trip: 'Is there a way to get them out of our house[?]'

'All he had to do was be normal… He's not getting a refund now': Entitled hotel guest tries to whine his way into getting 1 free night, was about to get it until he turned into a Karen

'All he had to do was be normal… He's not getting a refund now': Entitled hotel guest tries to whine his way into getting 1 free night, was about to get it until he turned into a Karen

'Quit watching HGTV': Professional contractors and tradesmen share the biggest issues they experience with homeowners

'Quit watching HGTV': Professional contractors and tradesmen share the biggest issues they experience with homeowners

Karens spar at a restaurant after after one overhears the other's loud phone conversation: 'I could hear everything'

Karens spar at a restaurant after after one overhears the other's loud phone conversation: 'I could hear everything'

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Top Karen meltdowns that backfired with instant karma: 'Oh go make a Facebook post about it!'