
'She doesn't work here': Karen shames woman's outfit at the grocery store, thinks she's an employee, demands to speak with manager

'She doesn't work here': Karen shames woman's outfit at the grocery store, thinks she's an employee, demands to speak with the manager

'Neighbors want us to alter our property': Karen builds gaudy 3+ story house, complains that she can see into neighbor's cottage

'Neighbors want us to alter our property': Karen builds gaudy 3+ story house, complains that she can see into neighbor's cottage

‘You can't have breakfast until I say so’: Overworked hotel worker singles out guest who demands breakfast ‘on time’, allowing everyone else to eat breakfast early

‘You can't have breakfast until I say so’: Overworked hotel worker singles out guest who demands breakfast ‘on time’, allowing everyone else to eat breakfast early

'I said I’ll be with you in a moment, ma’am': Honking Karen at the local drive thru refuses to wait in line

'I said I’ll be with you in a moment, ma’am': Honking Karen at the local drive thru refuses to wait in line, barista loses it

'If I were a nicer person, I could've let it go [...] Too bad I'm petty.': Woman files restraining order against neighbor Karen, wins and gets her fired

'If I were a nicer person, I could've let it go [...] Too bad I'm petty.': Woman files restraining order against neighbor Karen, wins and gets her fired

'Why are you always dressing your girl in pink?': Karen neighbor gets mad at father for dressing his 2-year-old daughter in pink clothes

'Why are you always dressing your girl in pink?': Karen neighbor gets mad at father for dressing his 2-year-old daughter in pink clothes

stand standing seat sit my-seat first-class ticket conductor seizures disabled first-class overbooked karen karens travel polite

'You're younger than us, so you should stand': Two Karens intimidate a disabled girl on an overbooked bus; compassionate conductor moves her up to First Class

'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman questions neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman confronts neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

'No ifs, ands, or buts:' Lady throws Karen-level tantrum to get a dad and his teen kids to leave a public lake, dad turns the tables and gets her banned

'No ifs, ands, or buts:' Lady throws Karen-level tantrum to get a dad and his teen kids to leave a public lake, dad turns the tables and gets her banned

'I want you to give it to me': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 23, 2023)

'I want you to give it to me': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 23, 2023)

'If it's not piping hot, I'm going to send it back': Karen asks for piping hot soup, server maliciously complies

'If it's not piping hot, I'm going to send it back': Karen asks for her soup to be piping hot, server maliciously complies

landowner hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories home improvement hoa-karen Bad Neighbor karen - 21849093

'It is against HOA rules': Elitest HOA demands removal of family's garden after forgetting they refused their application

'She followed us when we went on vacation': Top 20+ Cringe Neighbor Stories

'She followed us when we went on vacation': Top 20+ Cringe Neighbor Stories

customer service getting fired karens idontworkherelady fired karen-customer work customer karen - 21884677

'You're fired!': Karen insists customer be fired from a store where he doesn't even work

'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime

'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime