
stand standing seat sit my-seat first-class ticket conductor seizures disabled first-class overbooked karen karens travel polite

'You're younger than us, so you should stand': Two Karens intimidate a disabled girl on an overbooked bus; compassionate conductor moves her up to First Class

'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman questions neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman confronts neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

'No ifs, ands, or buts:' Lady throws Karen-level tantrum to get a dad and his teen kids to leave a public lake, dad turns the tables and gets her banned

'No ifs, ands, or buts:' Lady throws Karen-level tantrum to get a dad and his teen kids to leave a public lake, dad turns the tables and gets her banned

'I want you to give it to me': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 23, 2023)

'I want you to give it to me': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 23, 2023)

'If it's not piping hot, I'm going to send it back': Karen asks for piping hot soup, server maliciously complies

'If it's not piping hot, I'm going to send it back': Karen asks for her soup to be piping hot, server maliciously complies

landowner hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories home improvement hoa-karen Bad Neighbor karen - 21849093

'It is against HOA rules': Elitest HOA demands removal of family's garden after forgetting they refused their application

'She followed us when we went on vacation': Top 20+ Cringe Neighbor Stories

'She followed us when we went on vacation': Top 20+ Cringe Neighbor Stories

customer service getting fired karens idontworkherelady fired karen-customer work customer karen - 21884677

'You're fired!': Karen insists customer be fired from a store where he doesn't even work

'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime

'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime

youtube video karens youtube wild-karen karens in the wild Video karen - 4110854

'She wouldn't stop spraying us!': Karen neighbor wages water war with family BBQ

'I do not have to have a driver's license to drive a vehicle': Karen gets stopped by officer in Florida, refuses to show her license

'I do not have to have a driver's license to drive a vehicle': Karen gets stopped by officer in Florida, refuses to show her license

'[My] friend wraps what’s left of Karen’s hair in a towel': Customer wants hairdresser to style her hair, discovers she won't get the hairstyle she wants

'[My] friend wraps what’s left of Karen’s hair in a towel': Customer insists hairdresser style her hair, is infuriated when her hairdressers' warnings come true

'There was one line [guests] should never cross': Hotel guests discover they won't be served

'There was one line [guests] should never cross': Hotel guests discover they won't be served after acting entitled toward customer service reps

'You need to move your car': Couple parks on neighbor's driveway, retort ‘we're not parking here' when asked to move

'You need to move your car': Couple parks on neighbor's driveway, retort ‘we're not parking here' when asked to move

Cops stop driver for traffic violation, he tears up his own cash

'You're gonna...make this even worse for yourself?': Cops stop driver for traffic violation, driver tears up his own cash