
'Karen has left her car overnight on... 585 separate occasions': College dorm employee who thinks they're 'above the rules' made to issue themself a $70 fine

'Karen has left her car overnight on... 585 separate occasions': College dorm employee who thinks they're 'above the rules' forced to issue themself a $70 fine, gets expensive pay back on colleague

'Stepdad ate my only food I had for lunch': Top 20+ Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week

'Stepdad ate my only food I had for lunch': Top 20+ Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week

‘She looked absolutely apoplectic’: Karen receives fines amounting to $1,000 for taking up two disabled parking spaces with her car

‘She looked absolutely apoplectic’: Karen driver receives fines amounting to $1,000 for taking up two disabled parking spaces with her car

'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

'This is free, right?': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (September 10, 2023)

'I cut it off and moved it back to her yard': Guy engaged in petty back-and-forth with Karen neighbor, removes her snow fence

'I cut it off and moved it back to her yard': Guy engaged in petty back-and-forth with Karen neighbor, removes her snow fence

'Garbage manager, garbage store': Rich Karen breaks store rules, pushes employee, manager steps in and sides with Karen

'Garbage manager, garbage store': Rich Karen breaks store rules, pushes employee, manager steps in and sides with Karen

'Ma'am, we have it on camera': Guy seeks justice for hit and run accident using security camera footage and social media

'Ma'am, we have it on camera': Guy seeks justice for hit and run accident using security camera footage and social media

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'Guerilla warflowers': Guy gets payback by scattering thousands of wildflower seeds on their neighbor's lawn after she reports them to the HOA for having an ugly yard

karens neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 22079749

'[They] decided to [...] remove the fence': Karen goes on the offensive over damaged fence, guy removes it entirely

'He was a server once too, so he knows how it is': Top Wholesome 'Tales From Your Server' of the Week (September 4, 2023)

'He was a server once too, so he knows how it is': Top Wholesome 'Tales From Your Server' This Week (September 4, 2023)

'He tried to steal my dog': Top 10+ Worst Neighbor Stories

'He tried to steal my dog': Top 10+ Worst Neighbor Stories

'She says that I should just be a silent owner': Coffee shop manager put in awkward customer conversations by company's owner

'She says that I should just be a silent owner': Coffee shop manager put in awkward customer disputes by company's owner

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

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Self-Important Karen Makes a Pregnant Lady Cry After Stealing an ‘Expectant Mother’ Parking Spot at the Supermarket; Heroic Civilians Teach the Karen a Lesson in Decency

People of Walmart karens karens in the wild Walmart karen parking-drama parking space parking lot parking - 22065413

'That's my car!': Dude watches enraged male-Karen mistakenly destroy his own car

'They can't hear me because they're listening to Kidz Bop': Mother sticks her head in another driver's car to talk to passenger

'They can't hear me because they're listening to Kidz Bop': Mother sticks her head in another driver's car to confront passenger