
karen story

Tenant increased apartment value by tending to neglected garden, landlord attempts to ‘kick’ tenant out to profit from the fruits of his labor

Tenant increased apartment value by tending to neglected garden, landlord attempts to ‘kick’ tenant out to profit from the fruits of his labor

Landlords could end up being your best friend or, in contrast, your biggest enemy. However, how would you respond if your landlord attempted to profit from the fruits of your labor? Would you silently submit or fight for what's right? The story that follows is the story of a clever tenant. After residing in his apartment for some time, the Original Poster (OP) decided to remodel his yard in an effort to make his house feel more like a home. The garden was finally finished, with stunning foliage…
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'Do it or you're fired': School technician refuses to do science teacher's bidding after she demands he install 'wireless electricity', leaving her high and dry right before class

'Do it or you're fired': School technician refuses to do science teacher's bidding after she demands he install 'wireless electricity', leaving her high and dry right before class

The twenty-first century is notorious for its unstoppable and quickening pace of technological progress. That being said, some people may find it challenging to keep up with the rapid pace of development. What follows is a story about a tech support guy who is completely astonished. The Original Poster (OP) is employed at the primary school in his community. Therefore, part of his daily responsibilities is to assist teachers and ensure that their classes go off without a hitch. But OP wasn't re…
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‘Dude, I know it's you…’: Man confronts neighbor who attempted to steal his TV, neighborly dispute ensues

‘Dude, I know it's you…’: Man confronts neighbor who attempted to steal his TV, neighborly dispute ensues

When buying a house, one of the most crucial things to think about is the neighbors. Depending on the quality of your neighbors, your tenor may be enjoyable at best or excruciating at worst. The story that follows describes an account of a disgruntled individual who found out that his elderly neighbor had stolen his television. The Original Poster (OP) was looking forward to receiving an extravagant, brand-new television that he had ordered. But when OP received a response from the seller confi…
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‘It's your duty as a brother’: Privileged parents attempt to take advantage of their son to give their preferred child financial independence

‘It's your duty as a brother’: Privileged parents attempt to take advantage of their son to give their preferred child financial independence

Families are supposed to be your pillar of support, your safe haven, your anchor. But in actuality, not every family is the idealized, Hallmark-movie type of family. How would you react if your family simply wanted you to be there to maintain their opulent way of life? The story that follows is an account of a frustrated son. There has always been tension between the Original Poster (OP) and his parents. But as OP grew older and more mature, the relationship grew increasingly strained and the r…
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'I said no...': Demanding dude approaches passenger on flight to switch seats so he can sit with his wife, dispute follows after passenger refuses

'I said no...': Demanding dude approaches passenger on flight to switch seats so he can sit with his wife, dispute follows after passenger refuses

When organizing a trip, there are many factors to take into account. The list is endless and includes the hotel, the vehicle to collect you from the airport, the various activities, and the restaurants. But despite their evident importance, the flights are an important component that is occasionally overlooked. The flights and seats you book should be carefully considered when making travel plans, as they have the power to make or break the remainder of your trip. The story that follows is an a…
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'Take your time off [and] look for a new job': Professional caretaker who has never taken a day off requests 5 days off for her wedding, entitled employers give her sass

'Take your time off [and] look for a new job': Professional caretaker who has never taken a day off requests 5 days off for her wedding, entitled employers give her sass

“They're the type of people who took a super long honeymoon and have never had to worry about money so they just don't treat people like me (not rich) like we're even people.”
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'This store needs serious help': Entitled shoppers leave bad reviews for stores for petty reasons

'This store needs serious help': Entitled shoppers leave bad reviews for stores for petty reasons

Writing a bad review for a restaurant won't help much unless you just want to vent. If you want the whole world to know that you had a bad experience, you're certainly entitled to do that. In a world where many establishments specifically ask customers to review their business, it's never been easier to lodge a complaint. However, as u/Fatastic_Captain highlighted in their post to an anti-Karen subreddit, a lot of shoppers are foiled by their own mistakes. For example, one person left a one-sta…
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‘Nothing I tried worked on this broadzilla’: Lawn irrigation tech gets reprimanded for doing his job, karma ensues when Karen customer leaves her stuff on his tool truck

‘Nothing I tried worked on this broadzilla’: Lawn irrigation tech gets reprimanded for doing his job, karma ensues when Karen customer leaves her stuff on his tool truck

You think you're good at handling high-intensity situations until you encounter a Karen…
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'She's trying to overcharge me!': Fast food employee and manager bewildered by customer who won't pay an extra penny for meal

'She's trying to overcharge me!': Fast food employee and manager bewildered by customer who won't pay an extra penny for meal

Every penny counts , according to this customer. A debate stirs up every few years over the abolishment of the penny. The humble one-cent coin is rather useless in today's day and age. Gone are the days of penny candy---even dollar stores are quickly becoming $3-$5 stores. There's very little you can purchase for a dollar, and with the current rate of inflation, there's little hope that it'll improve any time soon. Back to the penny debate: every so often, people will petition to get rid of the…
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'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

It seems like Karens only comprehend service animals when it's them buying a vest online and using it for their untrained dog.
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'We have rules': Moped driver gets deported from Bali after refusing to pay small traffic fee

'We have rules': Moped driver gets deported from Bali after refusing to pay small traffic fee

Of all the reasons to get kicked out of a country , this might be the most embarrassing. No vacation goes 100% perfectly—there are always a few hiccups. There are the tiny things, like planning to visit a popular spot, only to find out when you arrive that it's closed for the day. Then there are bigger issues, like that one family member who forgets their passport at home, and remembers once they're at the airport. It's not every day you encounter problems like this, though. A traveler got depo…
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'You need to watch your tone, because it's not her fault': Wife stands up for employee when husband tries to pull a Karen

'You need to watch your tone, because it's not her fault': Wife stands up for employee when husband tries to pull a Karen

It's our duty to keep the Karen inside of us all in check, though, sometimes you might need a little help from your partner to do so.
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers customer workplace karen story karen - 24127237

'I hung up': Caller learns an important lesson after impolite words to service rep

We should have the expectation as a society that it's ok to deny someone service for being impolite to staff. This might actually teach people to be respectful and treat other people with common decency rather than with abject entitlement. Of course, as with anything else, there are grey areas and blurred lines and you might just end up talking to some egotistical service manager who is having a bad day. Still, professional courtesy should prevail even if they're not giving you the same. This c…
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karens gardening stealing garden demanding karens in the wild entitled karen story theft karen entitled people petty revenge petty - 24611077

'Karens keep stealing from my garden': Sneaky neighbors bring bags to 'grab and run' with their stolen veggies

This person already didn't love gardening, but then their neighbors started stealing from them … That just made the situation even worse. A lot of folks find gardening to be a peaceful way to connect with nature. The pros are that you get to watch living things grow, and if you're lucky, you'll get to eat the literal fruits of your labor. Even if all you grow is a handful of string beans or a few teensy tiny tomatoes, they taste better because you're the veggies' parent. You raised it from seed…
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'Cue waterworks': State clerical worker used to getting bombarded by Karen clients finally reaches her wit's end first thing in the morning

'Cue waterworks': State clerical worker used to getting bombarded by Karen clients finally reaches her wit's end first thing in the morning

Working in customer service already puts a beacon on you to attract all kinds of Karen and Kyle customers ready to through a tantrum. If you think working in hotels and restaurants provides the most Karen encounters, then you don't know about people who work in customer service for government programs…
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'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict

'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict

If the airline industry needed a poster child for what “bad airplane edict” looked like, they found one. Sometimes it is simply mindblowing how impolite and utterly repulsive someone can be. Like, can you not see what you are doing? You are very obviously acting like a child, but you are a grown adult. Do you not know that you are a grown adult and are expected to act as thus? What a world…
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