
karen story

Retail worker shares how she shut down 2 different super Karens in 1 day, manager has her back: ‘We laugh about it’

Retail worker shares how she shut down 2 different super Karens in 1 day, manager has her back: ‘We laugh about it’

“We laughed about it but it really was the craziest encounter with entitled people…”
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Male Karen won't stop griping at neighbor's wife whenever her husband leaves for work, husband leaves perfectly vengeful parting gift when they move out: 'Best. Gift. Ever.'

Male Karen won't stop griping at neighbor's wife whenever her husband leaves for work, husband leaves perfectly vengeful parting gift when they move out: 'Best. Gift. Ever.'

If you're going to be a Karen, you better be able to face the consequences of your actions.
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karen story karens public freak out freakout karens in the wild dog dogs service animal airplane travel seat traveling payback petty revenge entitled reddit

'You're prioritizing a dog?': Entitled airplane Karen gets shut down after trying to steal a service dog's designated seat

We love our dogs. For some people, their dog is more important than any friendship and the dog's position in the household has been firmly secured as a bone-a-fide family member. Contrarily, the Karen in our next story never imagined that a dog would ever surpass her own self-imposed importance...
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'It was the sweetest revenge I had ever seen': Sandwich shop employee quits on the spot, delivers uniform back to manager with "no excuses"

'It was the sweetest revenge I had ever seen': Sandwich shop employee quits on the spot, delivers uniform back to manager with "no excuses"

At some jobs, there is no winning solution to the boss's problems . It's often an issue that management has, then insists on passing down to their workers. This malicious compliance story is a great example of that dynamic. This person shared that as a college student, they needed a new gig, and found one with a manager who was “ one of the biggest Karens you have ever met .” Off to a great start! As a new employee, this person was swamped. While Karen was changing the procedures, it meant that…
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Employee snubbed of promotion by salty department head calls him out in front of all the division bigwigs, gets justice: ‘[I wish] I could be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation'

Employee snubbed of promotion by salty department head calls him out in front of all the division bigwigs, gets justice: ‘[I wish] I could be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation'

Sometimes you need to seek out karma, sometimes karma is thurst upon you.
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‘I was their “Cinderella"’: 19-year-old spa receptionist finally quits on the spot and walks out after finding a preemptive ‘write-up’ slip about herself

‘I was their “Cinderella"’: 19-year-old spa receptionist finally quits on the spot and walks out after finding a preemptive ‘write-up’ slip about herself

You're never too young to stand up for yourself.
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'I plunked down my credit card and bought the last seat': Entitled airline flyer berates customer, not knowing he's actually a pilot

'I plunked down my credit card and bought the last seat': Entitled airline flyer berates customer, not knowing he's actually a pilot

This is your captain speaking… get out of that seat! Working as an airline pilot does have that fun perk: the pilot gets to say, “This is your captain speaking,” and then they tell you about the weather and how long it'll take to get to your destination.
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'She took it way past a 10': Co-worker shows her true colors during a work trip when she throws a tantrum at the hotel staff, is now known as the office 'Super Karen'

'She took it way past a 10': Co-worker shows her true colors during a work trip when she throws a tantrum at the hotel staff, is now known as the office 'Super Karen'

Why can't “because they're a Karen” be enough to get someone fired?…
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'I went back and got every leaf off of her property': "Lawn Karen" complains about her yards' appearance

'I went back and got every leaf off of her property': "Lawn Karen" complains about her yards' appearance

“Wealthy homeowners tend to be the most difficult customers,” one landscaper revealed.
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'Entitled business class ticket holder Karen spotted my service dog': Woman fakes dog allergy, insists airline move her seat

'Entitled business class ticket holder Karen spotted my service dog': Woman fakes dog allergy, insists airline move her seat

This woman claimed she had allergies , but only when it was seemingly convenient to her travel plans. If you have allergies yourself or know someone who suffers from bad reactions, you know how serious these things can be. That's why in some schools, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are banned. If even one kid is seriously allergic to peanut butter, it's not worth the risk for any other kid to bring any peanut products. That's why it's so wild that this “ entitled business class ticket holder…
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'Last warning...': Aisle passenger disrespects man's personal space the entire flight and keeps closing the window to bother him, man settles the score once they land

'Last warning...': Aisle passenger disrespects man's personal space the entire flight and keeps closing the window to bother him, man settles the score once they land

It's crucial to learn flight etiquette before boarding an airplane. Proper flight etiquette comprises three distinct components, namely aisle and window manners, light on/off timing, and toilet passage. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated passenger. In order to enjoy the short cross-country flight, the Original Poster (OP) specifically reserved a window seat. But the aisle passenger continued to close the window shades, going against the wishes of OP and, in a way, depriving hi…
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karens parking lot shopping demanding karens in the wild entitled pregnant karen story karen parking entitled people - 25345029

'You’re obviously not that sorry': Entitled woman confronts pregnant shopper over parking space

This pregnant woman wasn't afraid to confront another driver . And luckily for her, a bunch of bystanders also had her back. Going through a pregancy changes everything, and the last trimester can be the trickiest for a lot of new parents. That's the stage where a pregnant woman's belly is too big for her to tie her shoes or get up from the floor when bending down. She might need to sit down frequently—carrying a whole baby around in your body gets tiring. And in general, pregnant women are sup…
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'He's THE Kyle Smith!': TikTok Turns Parking Lot Karen Into Laughing Stock When She Uses Her Nobody Boyfriend's Name to Get Her Way and Guy Can't Stop Laughing At Her

'He's THE Kyle Smith!': TikTok Turns Parking Lot Karen Into Laughing Stock When She Uses Her Nobody Boyfriend's Name to Get Her Way and Guy Can't Stop Laughing At Her

It's one thing when a Karen throws their usual tantrum trying to play the victim, it's another thing when they come up with the most generic name in the world to use as a threat—THAT'S when it goes from annoying to comical.
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'[She] demanded I fix her keycard. So I did...': Facility manager overhauls the keycard of the building's most vocal Karen

'[She] demanded I fix her keycard. So I did...': Facility manager overhauls the keycard of the building's most vocal Karen

The facility manager here knows that their job is to keep things running smoothly—not to bow to the wishes of every single tenant and employee. As a facility manager, u/ImTheWh0 knows that they're responsible for the entire building , and they take that role seriously. It's the kind of job that means that everything happening in that building is the manager's responsibility, including maintaining the key cards for their tenants. In my experience, building managers also tend to build relationshi…
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'For the first time... he had nothing to say': Entitled passenger whines for an entire flight, gets confronted by fed-up passenger

'For the first time... he had nothing to say': Entitled passenger whines for an entire flight, gets confronted by fed-up passenger

Look, none of us wants to be at the airport , but if we have to be there, we may as well try to relax. You already know you might be delayed for four hours, so bring a book. If you don't want to be bored in the long TSA line snaking around the building, best to bring a podcast or some good music. U/traveler-veil did just that when they were traveling , and it helped them a little bit. It would've been a more effective distraction if someone could manage to shut their yapper for more than five s…
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Small Business Owner Captures the Moment She Puts an Entitled Karen Customer in Her Place Over the Phone at 9 PM at Night: '[This is] NOT a skit... Unfortunately'

Small Business Owner Captures the Moment She Puts an Entitled Karen Customer in Her Place Over the Phone at 9 PM at Night: '[This is] NOT a skit... Unfortunately'

“I blacked out,” she wrote. “As a business owner, you do all you can to not let them get you emotional. However, I do match the vibe, and being an entrepreneur doesn’t make any of us a doormat.”
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