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‘You can’t stay here': Karen demands refund for hotel room she never booked, front desk clerk refuses, Karen changes her game plan

customer service karens entitled parents barista karen-customer customers customer Karen-in-the-wild entitled people - 20748805

'[I] hope you have the days you deserve': Barista shuts down angry customer online

customer support customer service public-servant karens workplace-stories revenge karen-customer customers petty revenge customer workplace public service karen - 20676613

'[Now] she can't check out anything until the fine is paid': Karen messes with the wrong librarian, who rediscovers $450 in old unpaid fines

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'Ok, Karen, she's fired. Happy now?': Karen demands girl gets fired from a place she doesn't work

'You can't do that': Customer loses thousands of dollars after filing a chargeback despite being offered full refund for purchase

'You can't do that': Customer loses thousands of dollars after filing a chargeback despite being offered full refund for purchase

'I ran into him at his own retail job': Worker gets even with customer who works in retail, demands 'good service'

'I ran into him at his own retail job': Worker gets even with customer who works in retail, demands 'good service'

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'Does not even turn on': Confused buyer leaves 1-star review for a fake phone because it doesn't work

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'Ten thousand pennies, plus the extra twenty-five dollars, weighs a lot': Owner plays a reverse uno to Karen customer's malicious compliance

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'[One] crushes the front of his hood...': BMW driver refuses to stop blocking emergency parking, firefighters crush his car

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Guy leaves bike shop 1-star review for helping him for free

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'You should fire them!' Karen demands fellow customer is fired from a place she doesn't work

'She messed with the wrong student; she never complained again': Barista student schools Karen customer after one too many coffee ‘remakes’

'She messed with the wrong student; she never complained again': Barista student schools Karen customer after one too many coffee ‘remakes’

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'I SAW YOU HELP THAT GIRL': Manager accosted by local Karen at a restaurant where they don't even work

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'Maybe not too much for you.' Hibachi chef and family team up to defeat an unruly Karen

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'Did I stutter': Biker dude wants a coffee with no coffee, gets his wish

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'I want my pizza for free': Karen answers door naked, demands free pizza, pizza guy calls police