

'All he had to do was be normal… He's not getting a refund now': Entitled hotel guest tries to whine his way into getting 1 free night, was about to get it until he turned into a Karen

'All he had to do was be normal… He's not getting a refund now': Entitled hotel guest tries to whine his way into getting 1 free night, was about to get it until he turned into a Karen

Kindness can go a long way, but so can pettiness.
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Manager refuses to reimburse client for wrongful charge, client cleverly complies with their no refunds ‘rule’

Manager refuses to reimburse client for wrongful charge, client cleverly complies with their no refunds ‘rule’

Exhausted from work and hunting for the perfect meal to satisfy your munchies, you might not bother looking over the bill to ensure you were not billed more than is needed. However, there are times when you do notice, and what do you do then? Do you give up and brush it off as simply another example of something that ‘is not worth your aggravation’ or do you fight for a refund? The story below is an account of a clever consumer. The original poster (OP) relates how he managed to outwit the near…
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'Quit watching HGTV': Professional contractors and tradesmen share the biggest issues they experience with homeowners

'Quit watching HGTV': Professional contractors and tradesmen share the biggest issues they experience with homeowners

Are you planning on hiring a professional for some work around your home? Then you better read up!
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Karens spar at a restaurant after after one overhears the other's loud phone conversation: 'I could hear everything'

Karens spar at a restaurant after after one overhears the other's loud phone conversation: 'I could hear everything'

The only thing that can ruin a restaurant meal more than bad food is the presence of an unruly customer. Sometimes, they are clearly lonely and enjoy eavesdropping and inserting themselves into your dinner conversations. When this happens, you tend to indulge them with a few polite exchanges, only to realize that you are going to have to endure this for the next 45 minutes (at least) because you are simply too simply polite to ask them to leave you alone. Other times, your meal is interrupted b…
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male karen gets owned when he realizes that hotel is not liable for his damaged car, gets banned from the premises because of his treatment of hotel employees

‘The hotel is not liable for any damaged or missing property’: Male Karen threatens to sue front desk employee after his car is damaged in the wrong parking spot, gets banned from the premises as a result

Make sure to read the signs very carefully.
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wild karen yells at front desk employee about outrageous requests, gets served when he revokes her discount

‘Ma'am you have the lowest rate on the property this evening’: Karen customer repeatedly berates hotel employee with outrageous requests, employee claps back hard

“I have dealt with a lot of people and you are downright nasty and disrespectful.”
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hilarious haha employee entitlement satisfying job witty comebacks revenge work askreddit entitled people karma lol karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit funny karen entitled people - 35900933

Top Karen meltdowns that backfired with instant karma: 'Oh go make a Facebook post about it!'

justice = served
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neighbor karen neighborhood dog dogs barking petty revenge vengeance payback deserves karens reddit thread funny

‘Two can play this game, Karen’: Dude stays up until 3 AM to get revenge on the neighbor and her barking dog, then basks in the spoils of successful petty revenge

All bark no bite
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‘Why would she even be mad about FREE LEMONS?’: New homeowner writes unhinged letter accusing neighbor of throwing lemons from his lemon tree into her yard, has a spot-on clap-back

‘Why would she even be mad about FREE LEMONS?’: New homeowner writes unhinged letter accusing neighbor of throwing lemons from his lemon tree into her yard, has a spot-on clap-back

Apparently, this entitled neighbor has never heard of the teachings of Sir Isaac Newton…
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 Micromanager’s criticism backfires as junior employee withdraws support, prompting boss’s desperate plea for help

Micromanager’s criticism backfires as junior employee withdraws support, prompting boss’s desperate plea for help

Every business has a different hierarchical structure that is exclusive to it. The account provided in the story below comes from a former student. The original poster (OP) was a university student majoring in English. During her time as a student, she launched the department newsletter and helped with the editing and publication of the annual literary journal. She significantly improved the newsletter and the magazine, but since she was still viewed as a junior editor, she was expected to perf…
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worker employee entitlement satisfying job airport petty revenge entitled people karma passenger mildly infuriating entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people couple - 35854341

'Every time the line moved and I followed, I would get rammed by their suitcase': Entitled couple invades personal space in airport security line, employees notice and step in for instant karma

Who doesn't love a good instant karma story? Especially when it's a couple of entitled people who have no concern for others around them. A pair of Karen's, if you will. This entitled couple was waiting in line for airport security. According to the Original Poster (OP), the line wasn't too long, but there was only one employee checking every single person, causing the line to go dreadfully slow. Unfortunately for the OP, he was standing in front of the entitled couple. Every time the line mo...
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karens meal customers demanding karens in the wild entitled karen story fast food karen entitled people - 35886853

'I think I now have my favorite Karen story': Fast-food customer mocks the manager when she doesn't get what she wants

Every food worker has that one Karen story that they love to tell. While working in fast food service, employees are bound to encounter crabby customers daily. Customers show up at their hungriest, ready to eat ASAP. They often won't bother being polite to the employees, and if their food takes more than a minute or two, they'll start loudly complaining to everyone in earshot about it. Other people will get their food, but insist it just “isn't quite right.” Maybe they insist their fries are co…
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FAILS humor starter packs starter pack memes dark humor Memes comedy funny karen - 35874053

25 Starter Pack Throwbacks That Are Simply Too Accurate

Who doesn't love a painfully accurate starter pack meme? Sometimes, there is simply no better way to describe a common trope among human beings. You could be describing that kid in high school who asks a question when there are two minutes left of class. You could be describing the entitled parent in your neighborhood who seems to think their kid is the greatest gift to the universe. The key to a quality starter pack meme is a level of perceptiveness regarding the commonalities, the details, an…
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'HOA tried to steal my car': Top HOA Stories of the Week (July 18, 2024)

'HOA tried to steal my car': Top HOA Stories of the Week (July 18, 2024)

Homeowner's associations are where infuriating neighbors go to bang together and be infuriating as a collective. That seems to be their one purpose in life: to make everyone else's lives more difficult and more limited. And on top of it all, they just seem to be collective fines and fees as a result of their so-called “enforcement.”
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'Looking for a nanny to move in [and] pay rent': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 17, 2024)

'Looking for a nanny to move in [and] pay rent': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 17, 2024)

Everyone has at least one person in their lives who demands way too much and offers next to nothing in return. What remains a mystery when it comes to these unicorn individuals is where on earth their audacity lies. Seriously, if there is one thing we can learn from these folks, it's the shocking confidence to ask for (nay, demand) services they simply do not deserve. For instance, one of these folks had no shame posting on Facebook for a live-in nanny who would ostensibly cook, clean, take car…
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Employee deals with male karen who throws dirty towel at him, even though his room was cleaned during his multiple day stay

Male Karen throws his dirty towel at front desk employee because housekeepers had left for the night after a busy weekend: ‘We're short staffed’

All is fair until customers start throwing stuff at you.
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