
justin bieber

Gotta Learn 'em Young!

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Via Acid Cow

Whoever Was Packaging DVDs Had the Right Idea

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Via amy12165

Don't Give the Haters Any Ideas

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Created by Paul S.

Justin Bieber Just One-Upped All Other Unintelligible Instagram Users

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Via Bieber's Instagram

Cue the Cries of "Born in the Wrong Generation"

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Via ProfessorShanks

The Canadian Press Gets it Right

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Via obeluss

Students at a Washington State High School Are Creating an Outbreak of Bieber Fever, but for a Good Cause

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Everybody Gets Caught in the Celeb Vortex

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Created by Efilnikufesin
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Justin Bieber in Court...In a Nutshell

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Cold-Blooded Killer, Warm-Blooded Morons

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Via Reddit

It's More Like Kindling, Really

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Created by MsSkitz82

In Honor of the Biebs's recent Birthday, Justin Fans Are Getting Extra Weird

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Via Uproxx
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How the Winter Storms in the US Are Exactly Like Justin Bieber

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You Earned It

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Tomorrow is Canada vs. USA in the Men's Hockey Semifinal. This is a Billboard in Chicago.

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Evil Twin Makes Some Odd Beers

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