

twitter jokes lol funny tweets random tweets funny - 16197893

Funny Tweets To Counteract The Drudgery Of Life

What would we do without Twitter? We'd probably read more books and spend more time with our families. But c'mon, who doesn't want to peer into the collective panic attack of a thousand media-addled minds? Books are way longer than 140 characters and we've destroyed our ability to focus. So here are some funny tweets to grind boredom into the dirt.
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jokes lol joe rogan funny - 107815425

Joe Rogan Gets Roasted By Adam Curry

It's important to always be on your toes. You can never be too sure where the next one is coming from, and this little gem of an interaction drives the point home.
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funny memes about food

Food Memes And Treats That Belong On The Top Shelf

Taste the quality.
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fake adam sandler is dead hoax viral on tiktok

"Adam Sandler Drowned...": A Sick Joke That's Gone Viral on TikTok

Quit toying with Adam Sandler fans' heart!
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age of empires jokes gaming lol silly video games funny - 16168709

Age Of Empires Memes That Bring Us Back To The Dark Ages

We could have spent our childhoods outside or doing things, but when “talking to girls” is competing with “converting an entire army of Persian war elephants to blue” those ladies stood as much of a chance as a men-at-arms has against a Cobra with a machine gun. Here's to all the time we spent trying to get out of the dark ages as quickly as possible. And here are some more video game memes.
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funny mistaken people who missed jokes

Clueless People Who Missed The Joke By Miles

Are you serious?
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jokes cringe Memes funny tweets tweet funny - 16118789

30 Terrible and Truly Tickling Tweets That Take You on a Trip

A collection of funny Tweets and moments from Twitter
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mad lads and they're funny, absurd and bold shenanigans

Mad Lads Who Brought The Banter And Shenanigans

These lads are mad!
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jokes relatable Awkward Memes lol silly introverts funny - 16101125

Introvert Memes That Are As Gratifying As Cancelled Plans

Introversion isn't necessarily a fear of or disdain for people. In fact most introverts like people. Specifically 3 to 4 people. And the rest of everyone? Yeah the rest aren't exactly so great. So here are some memes for the introverts to look at while they're nervously putting off having to respond to a very standard work email. It's good to know there's other introverts out there, so hopefully these give you the strength to order a pizza by phone.
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technically accurate funny literal moments | Tim Hogan @timjhogan 3h Sometimes think about guy at my poker table Vegas who kicked out after pit boss said he too drunk (high bar Security came over, asked him say alphabet starting with "M" and he replied Malphabet He escorted out room.

Dumb and Clever Moments That Are Technically Right

No one said they had to be actually correct.
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twitter tumblr jokes observations lol ridiculous funny tweets funny stupid funny tumblr - 16059653

Funny Tweets And Tumblr Gems To Give The Day Some Pazazz

The internet is a whirlwind of people's thoughts and fears about anything from the nature of reality to their own dwindling health. But sometimes, sometimes they'll get into the real meat of what it means to be human. That's weird errant thoughts about clown death, truly stupid but honest takes about windshield wipers, and discussions of the time Alice Cooper almost shot Elvis. It's those delectable funny tweets and tumblr gems that kick the day up a few notches.
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comeback jokes witty comebacks clever lol clever comebacks funny - 16058373

Sassy Comebacks That Established Internet Dominance

The internet might be a place full of stupidity, hatred, and ignorance, but it's also a place to witness some people excel at snappy and witty comebacks during a debate or an argument. Seriously, on the internet, people aren't good at things like understanding science, basic math, or reading, but get them a dumb thing to respond to and they'll come with a clapback so hard that the recipient needs to sit down for a while and splash some water on their face. Imgur user DadOnTheInternet posted a w…
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funny history memes | Medieval wars movies: Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Have at thee, varlet Charge! Medieval wars reality just gonna sit here two years And sit out here two years. Huzzah! Read room Jerry. | Socrates: Do not write things down written word will turn brain mush! Plato: NOTED

History Memes For The Ages

A lot of things have happened.
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funny millennial memes | Royalty @OhThatsRoyalty this old Windows Media Player visualizations | Marina Ayano K @even_kei Kids these days will never know hardships each week having overcook fresh hardboiled egg yolk computer mouse

Millennial Memes For Those Kids Hovering Around 30

Those were the days.
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jokes relatable work Memes coffee funny - 15997957

Coffee Memes For People Who Barely Know What Day It Is

We don't like the idea of being “don't talk to me before I've had my coffee” people. Office-style coffee humor usually sucks. It's also depressing to admit that we need stimulants to have even a semblance of well-being on any given morning. So rather than a wink and a nod and a 20 dollar mug that has an inverse graph of happiness vs coffee drank or whatever, we'd just like to say: “this is not normal, we're sorry, and please don't talk to me until I've had my coffee." Now here are some work mem…
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funny dungeons and dragons memes

Dungeons And Dragons Memes For Those Of Us On A Roll

It gets dicey.
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