
'Judith cost the company almost $50k': Assistant manager writes up 80% of her employees, employees unite and refuse to go into work

'Judith cost the company almost $50k': Assistant manager writes up 80% of her employees, employees unite and refuse to go into work

workplace discussion corporate workplace-stories jobs hr job malicious compliance work human resources workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35575045

HR demands central corporate process is followed, trainer takes control of their workshop to train them on those processes beating them at their own game: 'We mapped out every single step'

'As I walked in, his jaw dropped': Forklift driver buys massive speaker to spite bosses

'As I walked in, his jaw dropped': Forklift driver buys massive speaker to spite bosses

‘Just because you’re on hold doesn’t mean we can’t hear you’: Employees share insightful industry hacks that customers aren't supposed to know

‘Just because you’re on hold doesn’t mean we can’t hear you’: Employees share insightful industry hacks that customers aren't supposed to know

'[We] had to evacuate the restaurant': 20+ Biggest workplace mistakes people ever made at their jobs

'[We] had to evacuate the restaurant': 20+ Biggest workplace mistakes people ever made at their jobs

workplace discussion bank workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment banking in the workplace - 35575557

'Ok, I'll do it your way': Bank teller gets told off by their bosses for trying to improve cash ordering system, everything goes wrong

20+ Funny PTO Memes for Employees Ready to Use Their Vacation Days

20+ Funny PTO Memes for Employees Ready to Use Their Vacation Days

customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance karen-customer work customers client workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35575301

Client demands their contract be serviced by worker's in an office, get footed with a hefty bill for remote workers' increased compensation and time: 'Turns out the contract was very clearly written and the client had to pay'

'Open can of sardines [was] left in the office fridge overnight': 25 Workplaces that are mildly infuriating

'Open can of sardines [was] left in the office fridge overnight': 25 Workplaces that are mildly infuriating

'I've been waiting all day for coffee and you dropped the ball again': Office owners repeatedly ask female employee to make coffee for the entire office

'I've been waiting all day for coffee and you dropped the ball again': Office owners repeatedly ask female employee to make coffee for the entire office

'I can’t help but feel a little bit guilty': Rare plant aficionado confiscates office plants from coworkers

'I can’t help but feel a little bit guilty': Rare plant aficionado confiscates office plants from coworkers

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance teaching work teachers teacher workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35512837

Principal tells teacher to teach extra classes or look for another job, teacher follows his advice sparking a mass resignation: 'Teach this course next year or look for another job'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35535877

Employees get unpaid overtime backpaid totaling in over $300,000 by using employer's own logic against them: 'These are the rules we're just following them'

'[Boss] gave me the power to cancel his vacation plans': 10+ Dramatic instant karma stories

'[Boss] gave me the power to cancel his vacation plans': 10+ Dramatic instant karma stories

'Feeling a spirit of pettiness overtake me, I fill the cart with M&Ms': 4 Tales of petty revenge that one retail worker got on customers

'Feeling a spirit of pettiness overtake me, I fill the cart with M&Ms': 4 Tales of petty revenge that one retail worker got on customers

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35534853

Employer fires 17-year-old employee after they miss a shift due to hospitalization, despite family phoning boss: 'At this point we are terminating your employment'